Russia Has Reached A Dead End

It is funny how pathetic the left wing activists are here. bodecea and Chilli call EMH "MAGA"
90% of the left on this board are useful idiot drones who have the intellectual depth and clarity of a mud puddle.
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In Ukraine, no visible path leads to a Russian victory. Putin keeps inventing stories about how Russia will inevitably prevail: First, it was supposed to win easily by removing the government in Kyiv, then by seizing the Donbas, then by destroying Ukraineā€™s crucial infrastructure, then by freezing Europeans last winter, then by waiting until the West grew tired of supplying Ukraine with weapons. Many in Russia were once willing to believe Putinā€™s fairy tales, but few can now pretend to believe a good end is in sight. Rather, a defeat is looming, and even though the word is virtually prohibited for public use, it comes up more and more often in private conversations. In his public appearance during the mutiny, Putin finally hinted at the real possibility of a defeat, openly invoking the ā€œdagger in the backā€ metaphor that was used to fuel resentment in Germany after it lost in World War I.

Any predictions on how long Putin has left?
Clearly not following current events.

Russia went in very cautiously and carefully, not wanting to inflict large civilian casualties.

They have almost completely eliminated the Ukrainian armed forces. Ukraine canā€™t fly and canā€™t move across the countryside without getting clobbered

Prigozhinā€™s recent folly was to MOTIVATE Putin to move swiftly to crush the little left of Ukrainian forces east of the Dneiper. Take Odessa and Kharkov and make sure whatever remains of Ukraine stays neutral, like they agreed.

Whoever was advising Zelen$ky lost more troops attacking Bhakmut in under a year than the USA lost in the entire Vietnam fiasco

Make peace, you fools!
In Ukraine, no visible path leads to a Russian victory. Putin keeps inventing stories about how Russia will inevitably prevail: First, it was supposed to win easily by removing the government in Kyiv, then by seizing the Donbas, then by destroying Ukraineā€™s crucial infrastructure, then by freezing Europeans last winter, then by waiting until the West grew tired of supplying Ukraine with weapons. Many in Russia were once willing to believe Putinā€™s fairy tales, but few can now pretend to believe a good end is in sight. Rather, a defeat is looming, and even though the word is virtually prohibited for public use, it comes up more and more often in private conversations. In his public appearance during the mutiny, Putin finally hinted at the real possibility of a defeat, openly invoking the ā€œdagger in the backā€ metaphor that was used to fuel resentment in Germany after it lost in World War I.

Any predictions on how long Putin has left?
Wow skrewey, Dewey and could not be more mistaken if you tried to be.
This looks like it's going to be a long stagnant war. Like WWI, defensive capabilities are far more effective than offensive capabilities.

The 2 technologies that ended the stalemate in WWI - tanks & aircraft - have been rendered obsolete. It's an infantry & artillery slugfest.

Eventually Russia will lose, but they may be able to wear the Ukrainians down to the point of compromising some Ukrainian land.

The reasons Russia will lose, in the LONG run are:

1. The Ukrainians have no choice but to continue fighting.
2. The Russian people were dup'd by Putin - they never wanted this war. Russian people DO NOT LIKE WAR.
3. Russia has a tiny economy and can only withstand this war for so long. The Russian people will long for the pre-war economy and standard of living.
4. The U.S. & Western Allies are LOVING this war ($$$) and will sustain it infinitely. Their economies GROW the longer this was continues.

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