Russia is talking withdrawing from the Ukraine.

The sanctions are a joke and have backfired on the Western nations.
Russia's economy is doing great and the Ruble is the strongest currency on the financial market.
Putin's selling of oil, LNG, and other natural resources has greatly increased since the special military operation began. With China, India, parts of Africa, and now Turkey buying all they can.
The average Russian is not amoral. They know killing civilians is wrong.
Those Russians are pretty smart, and many of them know English. They're online reading a lot of stuff about their own killing of people who have
historically benefitted them but been first genocided by Stalin, and what Putin started looked pretty genocidal to me. I think the everyday person on the street in Russia is like us--they work hard, play hard, study literature and mathematics with the best, and in the fine arts, they are into as well as anyone else with true devotion to excellence. I'm sure that few of them thinks killing civilians is a good idea, although without as much free speech as we have, they cannot say it out loud. I think they want out. I'm not sure they can make this known to Russia's leadership.

Their best allies are telling them to stop killing Ukrainians. We'll see if Mother Russia is merciful or a Lorena Bobbit about things, won't we. :redface:
I have to disagree with the part of that which is readable and makes a bit of sense. The Russian people are over 89% supportive of Putin and near 100% supportive of their country's cause that is being led by Putin.

I feel so confident of that that I predict Russia's use of nuclear weapons if America strays out of bounds on it's supply of weapons to the Ukraine. I wish it wasn't so but I also understand that this fight against Russia is critical for America. It's the culmination of all of America's wars of aggression since the end of WW2.
I have to disagree with the part of that which is readable and makes a bit of sense. The Russian people are over 89% supportive of Putin and near 100% supportive of their country's cause that is being led by Putin.

I feel so confident of that that I predict Russia's use of nuclear weapons if America strays out of bounds on it's supply of weapons to the Ukraine. I wish it wasn't so but I also understand that this fight against Russia is critical for America. It's the culmination of all of America's wars of aggression since the end of WW2.
The parents of almost 100,000 Russian soldiers killed on the fields of Ukraine have a different take than you, and they have influence in Moscow.
Sunni, can you explain to me why did you decide that siding with Russia is the side you support in this war....??
Why are you against Ukraine, and the USA, and the EU, and Canada etc. on this...??? I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but never got the chance...
The Ukrainian government for the last 8 years has murdered 14,000 ethnic Russian speaking people in a genocidal ethnic cleansing of the Donbas region. It got worse when the CIA backed puppet Zelensky was elected president.
Putin had been telling every EU and US leader for the last few years this situation was intolerable and must stop. They all just ignored him.

But when the U.S. and Zelensky starting dropping hints that Ukraine might soon be allowed to join NATO in the near future.
They were about to cross the Red line that Putin had publicly said he would never allow. Because then NATO could put nuclear missiles right next to Russia's border. (something the US and EU swore they'd never do after the fall of the Berlin wall and breakup of the USSR)

Putin felt backed into a corner and had to act now before Ukraine became a NATO member.

What the U.S and EU media won't tell you is the people in western Ukraine welcomed the Russian soldiers who were there to liberate them and save their lives from being victims of Zelensky's genocidal agenda.
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The parents of almost 100,000 Russian soldiers killed on the fields of Ukraine have a different take than you, and they have influence in Moscow.
That 100,000 is a greatly exaggerated number put out by the Ukranian spin masters.
Objective military analysts with no axe to grind for either side. Put the number of Russian soldiers killed between 13,000 to 15,000
And Ukraine soldiers killed from 60,000 to 80,000
Putincan't afford to withdraw now....
Do you think so? If I were dying of cancer, I might want to put bad stuff behind me. Putin's war on civilians in an adjacent country was a very bad mistake and will result in Mother Russia losing her status in the world as a country of arts and sciences, and who had let go of communistic and totalitarianist government in favor of joining the free world. Putin acted like a veritable Hitler but with less success.
Ukraine has been considered the most corrupt country/government in Europe for a long time.
Zelensky is running a mafia style billionaire narco state fueled by money laundering, drug smuggling, and the human trafficking of women and young girls.
And bozo Biden and his druggie son Hunter are up to their necks in illegal money laundering with Zelensky.

Remember that until the war, Hunter Biden was making huge money working for Ukraine's oil and gas company Burisma even though he had no experience in the oil and gas industry? (yea, nothing fishy about that situation) ... :cuckoo:

Which is why Biden happily funneled $ tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars into Zelensky's pockets to buy Zelensky's silence?
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Which is why Biden happily funneled $ tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars into Zelensky's pockets to buy Zelensky's silence?

IMO that's what the phony impeachment was all about. Trump asked Zelenskyy for a favor, and the only way the Democrats could shut him up is to launch an impeachment against Trump. They knew Zelenskyy wouldn't want to get in the middle of a pissing match between Congress and the President since his money came from both places, and it worked.
The average Russian is not amoral. They know killing civilians is wrong.
Which is why Putin has issued strict orders the Russian army try its best to limit civilian casualties.
Unfortunately, the Ukrainian military uses civilian houses, buildings, schools, and hospitals to store their weapons and shoot at Russian soldiers. And makes the people stay in the building as human shields.
Leaving the Russians no choice but to shoot back and sometimes killing civilians.
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People are already making bets on which month before December that Putin dies of cancer.

I also read a blip that the Russians bombed their own batallion of soldiers the other day.

And the Russian soldiers are said to be frustrated, probably because they consider Ukrainians as their own kin.

People in Moscow got hit by one missile last month from Ukraine, and there is fear of nuclear holocaust that is growing on rumors.

Everything I've read in the international news indicates that Russia needs to cool it in the Ukraine, I just hope it is sooner rather than a few more tens of thousands of deaths. The Russians seem up to here with disgust about Russia's war on civilians, almost as much so as the membership countries of NATO.

The Russians who still go to church are likely opposed to murdering their fellow Russian Orthodox Churches.

The sooner they get out of the Ukraine the better for all concerned.

Wow. You get around.
I wish he would die of cancer or polonium underwear, or a trip from a balcony, but not actually looking to see it. I figure if he was really on death's door, somebody would have alread pushed him through it.
By now, you know I am not quick to believe, even things I like, as fact. I like every rumor you typed, but accept them as rumor.
If properly deployed (which with their history from the beginning of this war, is indeed questionable), it takes a sustained well directed effort to wipe out a battalion by bombs, so I would doubt it could be sustained before the bombed command came up on the fire support net and called cease fire to the Rag or the Dag or air elements. Mind you they have had a history of really shitty commo during this conflict and lack of secured systems, so would be weary of where the emergency stand down was coming from, still, I kind of doubt it happened. A simple friendly fire limited event? OK. Heck I have seen a chicken coop blown up within a hundred meters of a farmer house about 7 mile past the impact area and a mile or two beyond the post boundaries, right here in the the good old USA.
Many of the Ukrainians are their own kin.
I doubt a Ukrainian missile made it to Moscow. It would have been world news, and hard to keep quiet.
I think the Russian people are still under control at this point.
They do need to get the hell out of Ukraine, but it sounds like you have been into Litwin propaganda posts, and truth and accuracy of reporting are the first casualties in any war.
Imo, the huge long term damage to Russia will be in the way the world now sees them. They've proven themselves to be cowardly bullies with no class and no brains. Cowards who won't hesitate to exterminate defenseless women and children to get what they want.

They'll never be able to rid themselves of the stench of cowardice this lopsided "war" will leave on them and their country.

That will be putin's legacy.
Russia has had some rough going lately, and they're talking about withdrawing from Ukraine.
Nope. Russia wants to keep all the captured territory. That is not acceptable to Ukraine.

Russia's surrender needs to be unconditional.
Just because Putin dies does not mean he will go away

I mean, just look at Bernie Sanders.

He died decades ago.
Case in point...


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