Russia runs circles around the Rube Patrol of Obama n' Hillary

Treaty to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks

By ROBERT BURNS and LYNN BERRY, Associated Press Writers Robert Burns And Lynn Berry, Associated Press Writers – 2 hrs 37 mins ago

"WASHINGTON – The U.S. and Russia reached a breakthrough agreement Wednesday for a historic treaty to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the former Cold War rivals, the most significant pact in a generation and an important milestone in the decades-long quest to lower the risk of global nuclear war....The accord is expected to cut the number of long-range nuclear weapons held by each side to about 1,500, and it raises hopes for further disarmament in the years ahead."

Treaty to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks - Yahoo! News

I read this and I had to laugh out loud. What make you think Russia even has 1,500 working warheads and missiles? But we're going to take down our working hardware. LOL
What makes you think the USA has 1500 working nukes?
We don't need that many anymore, as the big threat is not the russians.

700 nukes would be ample for Iran

No kidding. And where does Iran expect to get them? Russia.

In case you didn't notice, they have built their own.

Iran is a small place, and most of its population is concentrated in 5 cities. The other 695 are just to make the rubble bounce

We can take the place out with one MX Missile
Treaty to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks

By ROBERT BURNS and LYNN BERRY, Associated Press Writers Robert Burns And Lynn Berry, Associated Press Writers – 2 hrs 37 mins ago

"WASHINGTON – The U.S. and Russia reached a breakthrough agreement Wednesday for a historic treaty to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the former Cold War rivals, the most significant pact in a generation and an important milestone in the decades-long quest to lower the risk of global nuclear war....The accord is expected to cut the number of long-range nuclear weapons held by each side to about 1,500, and it raises hopes for further disarmament in the years ahead."

Treaty to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks - Yahoo! News

I read this and I had to laugh out loud. What make you think Russia even has 1,500 working warheads and missiles? But we're going to take down our working hardware. LOL
What makes you think the USA has 1500 working nukes?

What makes you think we don't? Are you kidding?
We don't need that many anymore, as the big threat is not the russians.

700 nukes would be ample for Iran

No kidding. And where does Iran expect to get them? Russia.

In case you didn't notice, they have built their own.

Iran is a small place, and most of its population is concentrated in 5 cities. The other 695 are just to make the rubble bounce

We can take the place out with one MX Missile

Sorry, but I'll take the information given out by the IAEA as being more credible than yours. Iran has yet to develop a warhead capable of delivering a nuclear bomb.
And of course no one has Neutron bombs. They were invented but of course no one built them ;)
Why would anyone believe Russia would actually destroy whatever number they'd agreed to?
Why would anyone believe Russia would actually destroy whatever number they'd agreed to?

Because for the last 25 years since Reagan signed the first bill there have been inspections from both sides. Thes inspections watch the actual nukes and missiles being destroyed
Russia has one function army division --one. They might have 6 working missile and warheads.

Why are we even talking with them? Why are we disarming? Oh right, Obama wants to destroy us from within.


The ignorance and stupidity you've shown with that post is what is destroying us from within.
Why would anyone believe Russia would actually destroy whatever number they'd agreed to?

Maybe because everytime they've signed a treaty promising to destroy nukes, they've done it? You are aware that past perfomace is a pretty good indicator of future behavior, right. And besides, as your God Ronald Reagan said, 'trust but veirfy'........and that verification system is still in place.
Besides, it's not as if we haven't done this sort of thing with the Russians before.

The Ploughshares Monitor

Summer 2002, volume 23, no. 2

Bush, Putin sign arms reduction treaty
In a summit that was said to "end a long chapter of confrontation," Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and George W. Bush of the United States met in Moscow on May 24, 2002, where they signed the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions. Hailed as the beginning of a new relationship between the former Cold War foes, the Treaty calls for each state to reduce its deployed strategic nuclear weapons to approximately one third of the current level.

Dubya signed a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia.

Clinton signed a nuclear weapons testing ban treaty wtih Russia.

George H. W. Bush, signed a START agreement with Gorbachev in Moscow in 1991, and in 1993, after the breakup of the Soviet Union, he signed a START II treaty with Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Reagan and Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987, which aimed to reduce and eliminate rather than, as in previous arms agreements, limit a class of weapons.

We've been signing nuclear reduction, monitoring, testing treaties with the Russians/Soviets since at least the Carter administration. And the Russians have proven to be at least as trustworthy in their dealings with us as we have been with them.

But now since it's Obama's turn to do his bit to shrink the arsenals, somehow we're getting the 'chit end of the stick'.

You guys are just like the GOP. It doesn't matter what Obama does, you will complain. Even if he does exactly the same thing the previous 5 or 6 presidents did before him. Your problems are not with his policies, it's with him.

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