Russia Says Obama And Mainstream Media Undermined American Democracy During Election, Not Hacking


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Russia has a better handle on what caused a Trump win than anyone inside the United States. The dishonest media coverage and the criminal and immoral acts by the Obama Administration had more to do with his win than anything that Russia may or may not have done.

What is really sad is the simple fact that a foreign government is able to be more honest with the American people than it's own government and media.


Russian official: Obama undermined US democracy, not Moscow
A Russian official on Friday argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by President Obama's administration and the media, not by Moscow's alleged hacking campaign.

Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov offered his criticism following the public release of a U.S. intelligence report that accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of orchestrating an effort to "undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process."

"The U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported [Hillary] Clinton over [President-elect Donald] Trump," Pushkov tweeted.

"The danger to democracy is within U.S. itself," he added, arguing that Obama is responsible for Republicans' growing trust of Putin.

Pushkov also criticized the notion that Putin caused a decline in Russo-American relations, calling such a position "complete nonsense."

"Obama took the course to isolate and undermine Russian positions, and Putin is to blame. Compete nonsense," he tweeted.

The Russian lawmaker also reiterated his view that U.S. intelligence agencies should not be trusted after their reports on Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction in 2003.

"[A]ll accusations against Russia are based on 'confidence' and assumptions. U.S. was just as confident in [Iraqi President Saddam] Hussein's possession of WMDs," he tweeted.​
Russia has a better handle on what caused a Trump win than anyone inside the United States. The dishonest media coverage and the criminal and immoral acts by the Obama Administration had more to do with his win than anything that Russia may or may not have done.

What is really sad is the simple fact that a foreign government is able to be more honest with the American people than it's own government and media.


Russian official: Obama undermined US democracy, not Moscow
A Russian official on Friday argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by President Obama's administration and the media, not by Moscow's alleged hacking campaign.

Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov offered his criticism following the public release of a U.S. intelligence report that accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of orchestrating an effort to "undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process."

"The U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported [Hillary] Clinton over [President-elect Donald] Trump," Pushkov tweeted.

"The danger to democracy is within U.S. itself," he added, arguing that Obama is responsible for Republicans' growing trust of Putin.

Pushkov also criticized the notion that Putin caused a decline in Russo-American relations, calling such a position "complete nonsense."

"Obama took the course to isolate and undermine Russian positions, and Putin is to blame. Compete nonsense," he tweeted.

The Russian lawmaker also reiterated his view that U.S. intelligence agencies should not be trusted after their reports on Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction in 2003.

"[A]ll accusations against Russia are based on 'confidence' and assumptions. U.S. was just as confident in [Iraqi President Saddam] Hussein's possession of WMDs," he tweeted.​
. When Obama said he was now going to fundementally transform America with that evil look on his face, and his wife said it was the first time she was proud of her nation, those two in their minds were planning to overthrow America, and overthrow whitey in their minds. To do this made the administration one of the most secretive (not transparent) in history, and it was showing up in almost everything him and his supporters did. Him not taking the job to represent all Americans was his downfall.
Russia has a better handle on what caused a Trump win than anyone inside the United States. The dishonest media coverage and the criminal and immoral acts by the Obama Administration had more to do with his win than anything that Russia may or may not have done.

What is really sad is the simple fact that a foreign government is able to be more honest with the American people than it's own government and media.


Russian official: Obama undermined US democracy, not Moscow
A Russian official on Friday argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by President Obama's administration and the media, not by Moscow's alleged hacking campaign.

Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov offered his criticism following the public release of a U.S. intelligence report that accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of orchestrating an effort to "undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process."

"The U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported [Hillary] Clinton over [President-elect Donald] Trump," Pushkov tweeted.

"The danger to democracy is within U.S. itself," he added, arguing that Obama is responsible for Republicans' growing trust of Putin.

Pushkov also criticized the notion that Putin caused a decline in Russo-American relations, calling such a position "complete nonsense."

"Obama took the course to isolate and undermine Russian positions, and Putin is to blame. Compete nonsense," he tweeted.

The Russian lawmaker also reiterated his view that U.S. intelligence agencies should not be trusted after their reports on Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction in 2003.

"[A]ll accusations against Russia are based on 'confidence' and assumptions. U.S. was just as confident in [Iraqi President Saddam] Hussein's possession of WMDs," he tweeted.​
. When Obama said he was now going to fundementally transform America with that evil look on his face, and his wife said it was the first time she was proud of her nation, those two in their minds were planning to overthrow America, and overthrow whitey in their minds. To do this made the administration one of the most secretive (not transparent) in history, and it was showing up in almost everything him and his supporters did. Him not taking the job to represent all Americans was his downfall.
The Transformation Obama spoke of was to change American foreign policy in the Middle East and to change the demographics of the electorate.
His administration is pro-Hamas and anti-Israel.
His administration is anti-white and anti-business.....thus anti-American.
What's so damn funny about this whole thing is that the DNC used EVERY possible method they could come up with to rig the election for Hillary. The evidence (proof) is everywhere in the undisputed WikiLeaks dumps. But STILL, even with the help (collusion) of the media, with their fake news stories and willful slandering of her opponent, Hillary was unable to eke out a victory over Donald Trump of all people (who was caught bragging about "grabbing women by the pussy"). LOL
They even made fun of him when he commented on their attempts to rig the election, saying rigging an election was impossible and he should stop whining about it.
NOW, every one of them are whining about the election being rigged. This is GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! :popcorn:
What's so damn funny about this whole thing is that the DNC used EVERY possible method they could come up with to rig the election for Hillary. The evidence (proof) is everywhere in the undisputed WikiLeaks dumps. But STILL, even with the help (collusion) of the media, with their fake news stories and willful slandering of her opponent, Hillary was unable to eke out a victory over Donald Trump of all people (who was caught bragging about "grabbing women by the pussy"). LOL
They even made fun of him when he commented on their attempts to rig the election, saying rigging an election was impossible and he should stop whining about it.
NOW, every one of them are whining about the election being rigged. This is GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! :popcorn:
There are several reasons Hillary lost.
The Democrats first claimed it was because America is racist. They've tried to blame anything they can think of for the reason Hillary lost. But Hillary lost because:

  1. Nobody likes her
  2. She lies about everything
  3. She took naps while Trump was campaigning
  4. Her health problems were irreconcilable and sunk her campaign
  5. Nobody trusts the media anymore
  6. Hollywood backed Hillary and you can't be more out of touch with Americans than Hollywood
Those first six are a good start, but I can list many more...

7. She and the DNC cheated Bernie with "super-delegates"
8. She and the DNC cheated Bernie (bye Debbie)
9. She and Donna colluded during the debates to cheat Trump (bye Donna)
10. She sold U.S. uranium to Russia and banked $145,000,000 plus Bubba's speaking fees.
11. She sold influence via her bogus "foundation" and banked millions
12. She let good men die at BenGazhi
13. She was anti-gun, hello NRA calling...
14. She called us "deplorable", yeah right...
15. She thought the democrat's "urban plantations" were secure, nope...
16. She thought that Hollywood and the MSM had the election in the bag, nope...
17. She thought that her selling out of the US worker to globalization was unstoppable, nope...
18. She thought that Obama's encouraging illegals to vote was a winner, nope...
19. She thought that she got away with her illegal bathroom server since the FBI couldn't prove "intent", nope...
20. She thinks that she isn't going to prison, she thinks wrong...
Russia pumping out propoganda. What's new?
Russia pumping out propoganda. What's new?
The liberal media is changing their tone about Russian they're admitting that it was several "attempts".
The fact is, intelligence reports don't support their claims that the election was hacked. They say now that there are suspicions that Russian attempted to influence our election....not that Russia actually did it.
Regardless, the liberal media still contends that something terrible has taken place and that we need to explore every option, including military options, to punish Russia for "attempting" to influence our election. Never mind the fact that we have been guilty of doing the same thing, but only in a more direct manner.
i never saw a commercial here in florida having Putin speaking of how Hillary is a dumb bitch, therefore please vote for Trump.

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