Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ‘catastrophic’

Russia should impose an American no fly zone over Syria. Patrol it with Russian fighters.
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ‘catastrophic’
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ?catastrophic? - The Washington Post ^

Actually, I think Russia is correct

Syria is a shithole and always has been. Pulling Assad out of there will not lead to a modern democracy, it will lead to a civil war with extremist muslims/Al Qaeda eventually winning out
And that's probably not going to happen.

But Syria was caught using Chemical Weapons. They need to know that won't be tolerated.

And yet hundreds are killed by drones, but hey we are drawing the line on killing folks with chemicals, other then C4.
The $60 million question is:

What is Russia doing about it?

Syria is a Russian ally. They have not done shit in calming down the situation. Putin is a two bit posturing thug who is incapable of acting on the world stage

Bingo...just like with North Korea and China. Any hope of an improvement in the situation should come from allies first, not the U.S.
Syria, like Libya, is a chaotic society barely held in check by less than ideal powers, but at least not radical religious fanatics which would be a lot worse.
One of the rare things that Jimmy Carter had right, as well as George Bush SR...the right answer when concerning the Middle East is in contain their madness within the Middle East. Anything else only spreads their insanity to you.
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ‘catastrophic’
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ?catastrophic? - The Washington Post ^

MOSCOW — A Western military attack on Syria will only create more problems in the region, lead to more bloodshed and result in the same sort of “catastrophe” as previous Western interventions in Iraq and Libya, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said Monday.

“Hysteria is growing and confrontation is incited,” Lavrov said in what he portrayed as an emergency press conference. He said the United States and its European allies have condemned the regime of Bashar al-Assad without any evidence that it actually used chemical weapons in an assault on a Damascus suburb on Aug. 21.

China's president aims to clean up Communist Party from within while also silencing external critics. Russia condemns ‘hysteria’ over Syria Will Englund AUG 26 As Assad regime’s stalwart ally, Moscow says the West is ready to act before evidence is in hand.

Turkey, Britain and France all indicated on Monday that they would back the Obama administration if it decides to take action against Syria in response to the alleged attack, even without a United Nations mandate.

Actually, I think Russia is correct

Syria is a shithole and always has been. Pulling Assad out of there will not lead to a modern democracy, it will lead to a civil war with extremist muslims/Al Qaeda eventually winning out

I absolutely AGREE with RightWinger on this one. Syria is only slightly better than Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. And the ONLY reason they are is because they are Isreal's neighbor and in kicking the crap out of Assad, we take away a potential adversary for Isreal, for a short time. Course, once the "dictator flavor of the day" takes over in Syria, then they'll set their sights on the Israeli's and us again.

Look at it this way. If these humps are killing each other in Syria, well then they have their hands busy and aren't causing problems for us or the Israeli's (the ONLY people we should give a shit about anyway).

This area of the world is where God would stick the tube to give the planet an enema...
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ‘catastrophic’
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ?catastrophic? - The Washington Post ^

MOSCOW — A Western military attack on Syria will only create more problems in the region, lead to more bloodshed and result in the same sort of “catastrophe” as previous Western interventions in Iraq and Libya, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said Monday.

“Hysteria is growing and confrontation is incited,” Lavrov said in what he portrayed as an emergency press conference. He said the United States and its European allies have condemned the regime of Bashar al-Assad without any evidence that it actually used chemical weapons in an assault on a Damascus suburb on Aug. 21.

China's president aims to clean up Communist Party from within while also silencing external critics. Russia condemns ‘hysteria’ over Syria Will Englund AUG 26 As Assad regime’s stalwart ally, Moscow says the West is ready to act before evidence is in hand.

Turkey, Britain and France all indicated on Monday that they would back the Obama administration if it decides to take action against Syria in response to the alleged attack, even without a United Nations mandate.

Russia is just protecting their own interests although I do agree we shouldn't get involved there.
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ‘catastrophic’
Russia says Western attack on Syria would be ?catastrophic? - The Washington Post ^

Actually, I think Russia is correct

Syria is a shithole and always has been. Pulling Assad out of there will not lead to a modern democracy, it will lead to a civil war with extremist muslims/Al Qaeda eventually winning out
And that's probably not going to happen.

But Syria was caught using Chemical Weapons. They need to know that won't be tolerated.

Sallow, what about if we used Tomahawks to target Assad's pipelines, oil terminals and ports. Take out his way to make a buck. That would get the message across I believe and wouldn't commit American soldiers to die for what is surely going to be an absolute mess.

I concur that the use of Chemical Weapons is a very bad thing, I just DO NOT WANT us involved in this area where we have absolutely no chance of a good outcome.
I don't think the CIC is going to commit our forces in such a way that lives are endangered.

Cruise missiles are quite accurate, and I am sure somebody on the ground in Damascus is "painting" Asad's whereabouts every five minutes.

He is dead dictator walking.
Where where all these fucking right wing doves when Bush was pushing the Iraq fiasco????
They said the same thing about Afghanistan, didn't turn out to be the case.

What Russia says is immaterial. If we have proof of who used CW...and I am sure we do...we should show it to the world and then send Assad to his 36 price.

Why should we get involved in Syria's Civil War? You do realize that half, give or take, of all Syrians still support Assad? I'm not standing up in support of Assad here, but damn, this is not our war. All this time, we have been kept a distance from these conflicts. Our involvement in Libya was minimal and we had some real interest in seeing Gadhafi removed from power.
Russia should take out our missiles.

Huh? why?:eek:

The same reason anyone takes out missiles. To keep them from blowing up the countryside. Anything to stop obama. Although I can't think of a good reason why I should oppose such foolishness. When this nonsense goes south, and it will, there won't be a democrat elected in 2014 or 2016.

How bad can it be? obama, the idiot, is intending to go to Russia for a meeting of the G8, where he is supposed to get an agreement on economic interests. What do you imagine he will get from that meeting? It wouldn't surprise me if the door was slammed in his face and locked out.
because Katzndogz wants a nuclear world war so her messiah can rise.

I have to agree. obama is so stupid and so foolish and filled with such nonsense that he would start a nuclear war because his feelings were hurt.

He needs to be stopped. If it takes interceptors to stop our missiles, that's what it takes. The world finally had to act against Hitler. Now it needs to act against obama.
They said the same thing about Afghanistan, didn't turn out to be the case.

What Russia says is immaterial. If we have proof of who used CW...and I am sure we do...we should show it to the world and then send Assad to his 36 price.

And replace him with what...the 'Muslim rebels' linked to Al Qaeda?

It's not worth one US, British, Australian, French or other Western life.
Not one is it worth to do anything about Syria.
Not one American etc family must suffer.

36 virgins?

If Obama puts one 'boots on the ground' to get slaughtered, or one oplane gets shot down and crew killed then he will stand forever condemned.

If Russia and Iran are so in love with Syria then let them fix it up.

What, Obama's best buddy in the whole wide world Muslim Indonesia with its 14th largest military in the world [Australia 26th] is not interested in invading Syria and righting the wrongs?
Iran supports Assad because obama came out in support of the terrorists that Iran usually supports. Had we stayed out of it Iran would never have paid Syria any attention.

How much does obama's hurt feelings mean? Oil is soaring. Stocks are sinking. The economy is too fragile to withstand a blow to obama's pride. This all goes back to the utterly foolish statement a year ago about the equally foolish red line.
because Katzndogz wants a nuclear world war so her messiah can rise.

I have to agree. obama is so stupid and so foolish and filled with such nonsense that he would start a nuclear war because his feelings were hurt.

He needs to be stopped. If it takes interceptors to stop our missiles, that's what it takes. The world finally had to act against Hitler. Now it needs to act against obama.

Hitler /=/ Obama

Hitler = Katzndogz given a chance: you would slaughter your enemies

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