Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

I’m willing to bet he knows Russian history a lot better than you.

Russia has a history of going to war to protect fellow Slavic people. That is what they are doing in Ukraine. That eastern area of Ukraine has historically been Russia for hundreds of years. But you Ukrainian cheerleaders are too dumb and ignorant to know that.

Russia in 1913, where is “Ukraine”?
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The new Kiev government of 2014 should had let those provinces go independent like they wanted. Instead they will now be annexed by Russia.

The War Pimps in Washington just know they can use the situation to expand into Sweden and Finland as a result, and now they will try to reignite the war in Syria to allow Turkey to invade Syria, and attempt to overthrow Assad again, all just to kick the Russians out of Tartus.

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this retard pulls out an old map to justify an invasion. that's cool. i guess that's why Finland, the Baltic states, georgia, armenia, azerbaijan, and the Stans will come heim ins reich next.
I hope so.

Otherwise he’ll end up in Florida with another mansion.
The HOUR maketh the man. A piece of Political shit has stood up and is LEADING against an aggressive Russia. I don't give a damn if he WAS a total asshole; he is NOW leading a war against an oppressor. Nice guys finish up losing Afghanistan.

A Martyr with a 20 inch tackle; what a guy!!! We don't even know who is really running things over there and that is how it should be.


Not when multi-billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are involved!
So are you saying the Uke army shouldn’t have started the war, by killing civilians in the Donbas?
THAT should have been sorted out years ago; no one gave a damn. Russian proxies went into a " cause" and basically promoted a civil war. Was it the Ukes who shot down MA Flight 17?? That killed AUSTRALIANS so fucque Russia and their proxies!!

War! Since the US will not allow any peace negotiations to take place, there can only be escalation. Now that Biden has gifted them with HIMARS rockets, the corrupt Kiev regime can do just that. They appear to have bombed a Russian barracks, possibly killing hundreds.

But hey, it’s all “good news” right? I’m sure there won’t be any retaliation towards the US.

Biden is playing with fire, who will get burned?
Hey dumbass! The Ukrainians set forth their requirements for peace talks. The Russians have refused. Where have you been?
Remember when a pillar of our foreign policy was not starting a nuclear war? Remember when people fretted that Trump could start a nuclear war by calling Kim Jong-un names?

Now our rockets are killing Russian soldiers.

Apparently, we're over it.
Not our rockets, moronski!
So you’re nothing but a trolling coward with zero knowledge of history. Go fuck yourself. Or continue letting Zelensky fuck you.
my knowledge of history is sufficient to recognize the heim ins reich tactic [ruski mir]. you, otoh, are struggling with the basics.

this thread is a nonstop whine about an airstrike on russian soldiers in ukraine. if you are upset about it, then it is you who should be doing something about it.

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