Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

I knew you were not informed about history.
Remain ignorant and carry on.
That's odd; I really thought being from an Eastern European family with strong ties to Anti-Communist groups in exile since I was old enough to read (I know; a foreign concept to some yanks) might just put me into a reasonable "not ignorant" category. Oh; and I am Pro-Tsarist.

I’m willing to bet he knows Russian history a lot better than you.

Russia has a history of going to war to protect fellow Slavic people. That is what they are doing in Ukraine. That eastern area of Ukraine has historically been Russia for hundreds of years. But you Ukrainian cheerleaders are too dumb and ignorant to know that.

Russia in 1913, where is “Ukraine”?
View attachment 744221

The new Kiev government of 2014 should had let those provinces go independent like they wanted. Instead they will now be annexed by Russia.

The War Pimps in Washington just know they can use the situation to expand into Sweden and Finland as a result, and now they will try to reignite the war in Syria to allow Turkey to invade Syria, and attempt to overthrow Assad again, all just to kick the Russians out of Tartus.

View attachment 744220
You are very confused about this so I will try to explain it to you in very simple terms:

Russia invaded Ukraine.

In colloquial red neck terms that is called "starting shit:.

Got any more question?
my knowledge of history is sufficient to recognize the heim ins reich tactic [ruski mir]. you, otoh, are struggling with the basics.

this thread is a nonstop whine about an airstrike on russian soldiers in ukraine. if you are upset about it, then it is you who should be doing something about it.
No, the basics are you are ignorant, and also a coward. You want a war so badly, get off your fat ass and get over to fight for Ukraine. Without any American weapons.
Con-man Zelensky said for Russia to pull back to pre-invasion positions and they will talk.
Putin just laughed..... :thup:
Zel is Ukraine's LEADER and that is the end of the matter. You go to war with what you have; not what you'd like to have. Of course IF Trump was the US Leader then Putin would not have risked it. Putin knew what surrender monkey Biden was and is, but NOT Johnson!!! Bad miscalculation.

If someone is a fascist tyrant, they're now thinking "If the USA can inflict this much destruction with a such a tiny fraction of their conventional arsenal, what could the USA do with nukes?".

The prospect terrifies them, so they play nice.

And the world is safer.

Appeasement fans will think otherwise.
Hardly everyone knows that Russia has the most sophisticated nukes.
It’s a war. Soldiers get killed. Somewhere between 63 annd 400. Only Russia can stop the death toll by retreating.

Dozens of Russian soldiers were killed in a massive missile strike early on New Year’s Day in the country’s Donetsk region, Moscow said, marking what could be one of the deadliest attacks on Russian forces since the start of the invasion.
Without claiming responsibility for the attack, Kyiv’s military command said that at least 400 soldiers were killed in the attack in Makiivka, a city in eastern Ukraine under Russian occupation, and that at least 300 soldiers were injured. Russia’s Defense Ministry put the death toll at 63.

I’m willing to bet he knows Russian history a lot better than you.

Russia has a history of going to war to protect fellow Slavic people. That is what they are doing in Ukraine. That eastern area of Ukraine has historically been Russia for hundreds of years. But you Ukrainian cheerleaders are too dumb and ignorant to know that.

Russia in 1913, where is “Ukraine”?
View attachment 744221

The new Kiev government of 2014 should had let those provinces go independent like they wanted. Instead they will now be annexed by Russia.

The War Pimps in Washington just know they can use the situation to expand into Sweden and Finland as a result, and now they will try to reignite the war in Syria to allow Turkey to invade Syria, and attempt to overthrow Assad again, all just to kick the Russians out of Tartus.

View attachment 744220
Russia invaded Poland, Finland and dozens of other Slavic countries. Damn them!!! There is not just ONE type of slav!!!

Nice to see dead Russians for a change.

Meanwhile Putin has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainian civilians and the left is silent.

But Ukraine strikes a Russian MILITARY BARRACKS and the left goes apeshit worrying about escalation.

Putin escalated the day he invaded a sovereign nation.
They haven't killed tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians. The number of civilians who have been killed is very small for a war. They have however killed possibly hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers.
Zel is Ukraine's LEADER and that is the end of the matter. You go to war with what you have; not what you'd like to have. Of course IF Trump was the US Leader then Putin would not have risked it. Putin knew what surrender monkey Biden was and is, but NOT Johnson!!! Bad miscalculation.

please suck up moar to the trumptards.
us, not him

Ukraine had 8 years of Minsk

Depends who claims the moral high ground & can keep it

and Merkle has admitted Minsk was not to find a peace deal. It was to cover time so that Ukrainians could be taught the art of war by the US.
and Merkle has admitted Minsk was not to find a peace deal. It was to cover time so that Ukrainians could be taught the art of war by the US.
i guess that makes everyone else responsible and it magically proves that russians are the innocent victims in this unfortunate invasion. right, natasha?
i guess that makes everyone else responsible and it magically proves that russians are the innocent victims in this unfortunate invasion. right, natasha?
If you believe that Merkle reporting that Minsk was never to make peace. It was only to allow for Ukrainians to be taught to fight Russia means the Russians are innocent victims, that is your viewpoint. It is however what she said.
If you believe that Merkle reporting that Minsk was never to make peace. It was only to allow for Ukrainians to be taught to fight Russia means the Russians are innocent victims, that is your viewpoint. It is however what she said.
sad try at evading, natasha. luckily for you, you are not a conscript being forced to invade a neighboring country.

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