Russian base discovered in Ukraine by drones

That canadian bitch will deflect and obfuscate. She masturbates to putins saggy horseback titties
Maybe Obungles can stop Putin? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Who am I kidding?

The United States has the greatest satellite imaging intelligence network in the world...unmatched.

Obama already knew about this base long before any drone stumbled upon it.

Perhaps he'll have more "flexibility" after the next election.

I have to be fair. I dont think Obama wanted or assisted with all this Russian aggression. I dont think he is pro-Soviet or any of that conspiracy stuff.

I just think Obama pisses himself when in Putins presence. Hes scared and intimidated by that damn evil SOB. He is just avoiding the bully because hes too weak to confront him.
I like the comments at the article:
Oh, I can even see Putin in one of these photos.
But seriously, what makes this a Russian base? What even shows it is in Ukraine and not in Poland, for example? And how is it even evident the two pictures show Russians, not Ukrainians?
It is not convincing.
The photo shows the old modification URAL trucks produced in the USSR until 1991 and new trucks KrAZ.
KrAZ produces in the Ukrainian plant in Kremenchug.
In this foto we can see Dnieper's drone flew over the Dnieper battalion and filmed trucks of battalion Dnieper.
I don't believe anything written in this piece. Nothing reported clearly denotes it as a "Russian" military complex in contradistinction to a Eastern Ukrainian military complex. Remember readers, both use the exact same weapons systems, etc. ad Russia equipped both the Eastern and Western Ukrainian armies for decades. Both use the same military tactics, construction procedures, etc. The reportage is clearly partisan. Sorry but the disinformation wars waged by the West over the past 15 years makes their credibility zero.
Geographical data is true, Kalmius and Solntsevo are really located so related to each other, but why the cam hasn't filmed it as a single-shot?

Fake. :2up:

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