Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

You're playing word games, you fucking little troll. These are your actual words, asshole...

"...the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia..."
And this was my response...

The California man "knew" they were Russians and "knowingly".... your word, not mine..... helped them set up dummy bank accounts so they could act as Americans.

You're a piece of shit traitor to this country!

He represents us...........maybe not you so much...........LOL
You can sum up that press conference on Monday in one word..............COLLUSION!
I imagine you would think that...........It's all you have said for 2 years..............I would ask you if you felt ok if you didn't say it...............Now get your daily dose of I HATE TRUMP out of your system buddy............It's not good to keep it all bottled up.

Now put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.
These are among some of the traitors....the lunatic Left should speak the truth to Americans once and for all.

Enough of spewing anti Trump garbage!

funny how much evidence there is out there about the collusion of the left. And we are in day 700+ and can't find one fking piece against the Trump campaign. And they say we're nuts. yep, only here, and daily.
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
Keep on parroting those talking points. Manaforts alleged crimes had nothing to do with the campaign. The Trump Tower meeting wasn't illegal, ill-advised maybe because of the optics, but not illegal. Mistakes like that can be expected of non-political operators. But the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia to subvert the election.

Jesus Christ! This is the 2nd time I've posted this.

Richard Pinedo: California man convicted February 2, 2018 for helping the indicted Russian individuals and companies in their meddling in the Presidential election. Pinedo helped the Russians use dummy bank accounts to work around the security of companies like PayPal. Pinedo helped the Russians appear online as if they were Americans.
This guy is an American. He was convicted knowingly helping the Russians meddle in the election. So shove that "no American has been charged" mantra up your fucking ass! You're a fucking liar!
looks like he was convicted of selling bank account numbers.
Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

You're playing word games, you fucking little troll. These are your actual words, asshole...

"...the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia..."
And this was my response...

The California man "knew" they were Russians and "knowingly".... your word, not mine..... helped them set up dummy bank accounts so they could act as Americans.

You're a piece of shit traitor to this country!

dude, you still don't get it. the dude was convicted of selling bank account numbers, not helping russian individuals. just because russia is mentioned as a way to make it seem glorified, the conviction was for selling bank account numbers and nothing more. All the propaganda after that is for mueller's sake. LOL. desperation.
Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

You're playing word games, you fucking little troll. These are your actual words, asshole...

"...the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia..."
And this was my response...

The California man "knew" they were Russians and "knowingly".... your word, not mine..... helped them set up dummy bank accounts so they could act as Americans.

You're a piece of shit traitor to this country!

Was the man from Cal. a member of the Trump campaign?
As soon as Mueller indite's any member of the Trump campaign and or President Trump of 'collusion' with the Russians I'm sure you be the first one to give us the name.
Until then STFU!
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
Trump caught in the WOULD's walking back his walk back BUT traitors still support him and have no doubt about it, supporting a moron that takes an enemies word over his own intelligence people makes you traitors
Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

You're playing word games, you fucking little troll. These are your actual words, asshole...

"...the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia..."
And this was my response...

The California man "knew" they were Russians and "knowingly".... your word, not mine..... helped them set up dummy bank accounts so they could act as Americans.

You're a piece of shit traitor to this country!

Was the man from Cal. a member of the Trump campaign?
As soon as Mueller indite's any member of the Trump campaign and or President Trump of 'collusion' with the Russians I'm sure you be the first one to give us the name.
Until then STFU!
dude he was convicted of selling bank account numbers, nothing more nothing less. He's a perp. he got what he deserved. There is no attachment to russia other than someone's pipe dream.
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
Trump caught in the WOULD's walking back his walk back BUT traitors still support him and have no doubt about it, supporting a moron that takes an enemies word over his own intelligence people makes you traitors
I have no issues with what he said. Brennen can kiss my ass. he worked for me and he was a traitor.
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
Trump caught in the WOULD's walking back his walk back BUT traitors still support him and have no doubt about it, supporting a moron that takes an enemies word over his own intelligence people makes you traitors
I have no issues with what he said. Brennen can kiss my ass. he worked for me and he was a traitor.
Trump works for me NOT himself and putin the enemy Trump is a traitor and should be removed asap
As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
Trump caught in the WOULD's walking back his walk back BUT traitors still support him and have no doubt about it, supporting a moron that takes an enemies word over his own intelligence people makes you traitors
I have no issues with what he said. Brennen can kiss my ass. he worked for me and he was a traitor.
Trump works for me NOT himself and putin the enemy Trump is a traitor and should be removed asap
he also works for me and he told the truth. you just can't ignore what Brennen and Comey did. they were the Intelligence folks who trump was referring to. Clapper as well. ouch, what a bastion of hate to America those three had.
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
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