Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

You're playing word games, you fucking little troll. These are your actual words, asshole...

"...the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia..."
And this was my response...

The California man "knew" they were Russians and "knowingly".... your word, not mine..... helped them set up dummy bank accounts so they could act as Americans.

You're a piece of shit traitor to this country!

Great, then you'll have no problem posting where the indictment or plea agreement says he was knowingly dealing with Russians trying to interfere in the election.

Time to put up or shut up.

Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.

dude, he isn't worth our time. he's a lowlife anti american. he loves putin. wants america to be under him. Socialist
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
did you look at all the cartoons or just the ones that were anti-trump?




quite the knee-slappers, huh?
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.

dude, he isn't worth our time. he's a lowlife anti american. he loves putin. wants america to be under him. Socialist

I agree, but others need to be aware of his lies.

Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
so Putin wants us to steal all of his energy customers? Trump called merkle out on that. At least be fking consistent if you wish to rant fantasy.
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :clap::clap::clap::clap:it is truly how fking stupid the leftists are.
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants

Now you're just lying.

Trump Administration Imposes New Sanctions on Putin Cronies

dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :clap::clap::clap::clap:it is truly how fking stupid the leftists are.
let's not pretend the extremists on the right don't often say "hold my beer". the problem is one side treats the extremes of the OTHER side as normal for that side but will fight tooth and nail NOT to be roped in with the extremes on their own side.
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REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.
Clearly he answered BOTH parts with BOTH answers.
Act normal jcc and btw these cartoons come from Russia where they laugh their asses off at trump and the dummies who gave him would and wouldn't
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
dude, I don't care where you play!
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
Rah Rah...........rooting for America to guys are a joke.........
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
Rah Rah...........rooting for America to guys are a joke.........
It is just as funny as your MessiahRushie rooting for America to lose.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.
Clearly he answered BOTH parts with BOTH answers.
They are deaf and blind with heads as hard as rocks If this was Obama pulling this crap they'd be losing their minds
Look jcc ""NOBODY has been as tough on Russia as I've been """
so who has?

tell me blow for blow what obama did vs. what trump is doing.

stop attack mode and just go into analysis mode if you're capable.
Obama had sanctions against russia with more coming Trump wouldn't sanction russia even though HIS congress were all for it Trump is in bed with Putin.... Putin has something on him It's obvious .. The moron is doing exactly what Putin wants
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
Rah Rah...........rooting for America to guys are a joke.........
Why not? Isn't that what Trump has in store?
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