Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :clap::clap::clap::clap:it is truly how fking stupid the leftists are.
let's not pretend the extremists on the right don't often say "hold my beer". the problem is one side treats the extremes of the OTHER side as normal for that side but will fight tooth and nail to be roped in with the extremes on their own side.
dude, I really don't care about the extremists. they are equal on both sides. this comes down to those who make the difference at the ballot box.
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
rooting against your fellow citizens. how white of you.
You're a big boy You can take a little pain for your leader Trump Right?
from what?
From what ever crap he's putting down His tariffs helping you ? WHAT has he done to make you want to vote Republican these next 2 elections?
the fact he ain't a demoloser.
let's not pretend the extremists on the right don't often say "hold my beer". the problem is one side treats the extremes of the OTHER side as normal for that side but will fight tooth and nail to be roped in with the extremes on their own side.
dude, I really don't care about the extremists. they are equal on both sides. this comes down to those who make the difference at the ballot box.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
rooting against your fellow citizens. how white of you.
You're a big boy You can take a little pain for your leader Trump Right?
from what?
From what ever crap he's putting down His tariffs helping you ? WHAT has he done to make you want to vote Republican these next 2 elections?
the fact he ain't a demoloser.
How bad did you have it under Obama ?? Lose your job ,your home , Bankruptcy cops at your door?
dude, I really don't care about the extremists. they are equal on both sides. this comes down to those who make the difference at the ballot box.
rooting against your fellow citizens. how white of you.
You're a big boy You can take a little pain for your leader Trump Right?
from what?
From what ever crap he's putting down His tariffs helping you ? WHAT has he done to make you want to vote Republican these next 2 elections?
the fact he ain't a demoloser.
How bad did you have it under Obama ?? Lose your job ,your home , Bankruptcy cops at your door?
BTW Trump is so bad so useless ,such a threat to American values that I wish GWB was back
i meant what i said. you see, i look it up from as objective as i can be. you look things up to find new rocks to throw.

trump screws up like the rest of us do. please show me anywhere at all i've ever said he doesn't.

now you're back to advocating people getting hurt because you don't like how they think. you and i went way south when you suggested i get hanged with the trumps. you're back to wanting people hurt cause you don't like what they like.

pretty much no other reason.

YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM with this country eddie. you openly call for people to get killed or hurt because they're not you. you make up whatever you have to in order to feel good about your hate and in the end, justify it a bit perhaps so you won't feel bad about wishing pain / death on others.

i don't want ANYONE hurt, edward. not you, not me. no one. not because we simply don't agree especially. why do you? would you find that behavior acceptable in others to your side or would you cry out white supremacist/nazi cause they said nothing more than what you just said now.

i also notice you get all clever on the LOOK RUSSIAN CARTOONS MOCKING TRUMP!!! but run away from the ones mocking everyone because that doesn't support your singular view. those can't exist. if i show them to you you scream like a stuck pig denying it and saying how wrong that one is but the trump ones are all good.

you're pretty pathetic, eddie. pretty fucking pathetic.
It's not me hurting people It's not me bashing my friends It's not me giving tax breaks to billionaires It's not me trying to fuk up our air and water It's not me looking to punish companies or people if they don't obey me GUESS who it is
you're sure wishing pain and death on them now aren't you?

a dozen herd of elephants could eat a million gallons of bad mexican food eddie and they would still not shit out nearly as much as the shit you put out.
And Trump would still beat me NEVER in our history has such a liar such a scum entered our WH AND you want me to have good feelings for the asses who put him there?
never said have good feelings. please show me where i did.

i said quit making shit up to justify your hate. you can't take responsibility for the shit you put out, you gotta make it about trump.

done with you. again. go wish pain on other people you've never met. very "american" of you.

Trump Says Russia Isn't Targeting U.S., Contradicting American Intelligenceupdated 43 minutes ago
Trump Says U.S. May Have Separate Trade Deal With Mexico
Trade War Spills Into Uranium as U.S. Weighs Import Tariffs
Tariffs Are Poised to Wreck Christmas for Shipping Companies.....That's trump lying hurting folks Not me
well I'll tell you what, post up the evidence that contradicts what he's saying
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.
Clearly he answered BOTH parts with BOTH answers.

Since you refuse to post the full answer, I'll do it for ya.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

He was clearly explaining why he wanted Trump to win and not reversing his previous denial on directing people to help Trump.

What I find interesting is how you idiots portray Putin as this cunning KGB agent and then claim he would make such a slip up. You might want to make up your mind, is he this cunning agent or sloppy and unthinking. Either way I'm sure he's grateful for you carrying his water.

putin isn't to be believed unless you can twist it to an anti-trump mantra then suddenly putin is gospel.

Yep, most on the left are schizophrenic as hell. They run with whatever they think will support their propaganda at the time.

You're a big boy You can take a little pain for your leader Trump Right?
from what?
From what ever crap he's putting down His tariffs helping you ? WHAT has he done to make you want to vote Republican these next 2 elections?
the fact he ain't a demoloser.
How bad did you have it under Obama ?? Lose your job ,your home , Bankruptcy cops at your door?
BTW Trump is so bad so useless ,such a threat to American values that I wish GWB was back
I wish we never had eight years of obammy! so what? If wishes were dreams and dreams could come true, I'd wrap them and tie them and give them to you
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Is deception the best you got? Why don't you post the full answer where it was obvious he was only answering the first part of the two part question? Oh right, you're a propagandist just like Putin.
Clearly he answered BOTH parts with BOTH answers.

Since you refuse to post the full answer, I'll do it for ya.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

He was clearly explaining why he wanted Trump to win and not reversing his previous denial on directing people to help Trump.

What I find interesting is how you idiots portray Putin as this cunning KGB agent and then claim he would make such a slip up. You might want to make up your mind, is he this cunning agent or sloppy and unthinking. Either way I'm sure he's grateful for you carrying his water.

putin isn't to be believed unless you can twist it to an anti-trump mantra then suddenly putin is gospel.

Yep, most on the left are schizophrenic as hell. They run with whatever they think will support their propaganda at the time.

and if it contradicts how they felt yesterday, then this one is different cause of how we now micro-slice it.
EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :clap::clap::clap::clap:it is truly how fking stupid the leftists are.
let's not pretend the extremists on the right don't often say "hold my beer". the problem is one side treats the extremes of the OTHER side as normal for that side but will fight tooth and nail to be roped in with the extremes on their own side.
dude, I really don't care about the extremists. they are equal on both sides. this comes down to those who make the difference at the ballot box.
or people who keep hating other americans is what putin wants. if you've seen the facebook ads in question, they were divisive, not ELECT TRUMP.

your hate is certainly going hand in hand to what he wants us to be doing and the entire point of their trolling.

trump has done more to russia than obama did - and we could certainly talk over those point but i simply don't see the need with you. you'll dive off into hate and bashing trump at every opportunity and won't even consider it. yet, trump is the big baby. at times he sure is but he's far from the only one diapering around.
You mean he's done more FOR Russia Even trump makes a mistake once in a while "Wouldn't"" you admit that?? And his tariffs I'm beginning to like that idea Hearing folks in red states getting hurt is a good thing Maybe they won't vote again for this idiot in 2020
rooting against your fellow citizens. how white of you.
You're a big boy You can take a little pain for your leader Trump Right?
from what?
From what ever crap he's putting down His tariffs helping you ? WHAT has he done to make you want to vote Republican these next 2 elections?


It's not me hurting people It's not me bashing my friends It's not me giving tax breaks to billionaires It's not me trying to fuk up our air and water It's not me looking to punish companies or people if they don't obey me GUESS who it is
you're sure wishing pain and death on them now aren't you?

a dozen herd of elephants could eat a million gallons of bad mexican food eddie and they would still not shit out nearly as much as the shit you put out.
And Trump would still beat me NEVER in our history has such a liar such a scum entered our WH AND you want me to have good feelings for the asses who put him there?
never said have good feelings. please show me where i did.

i said quit making shit up to justify your hate. you can't take responsibility for the shit you put out, you gotta make it about trump.

done with you. again. go wish pain on other people you've never met. very "american" of you.

Trump Says Russia Isn't Targeting U.S., Contradicting American Intelligenceupdated 43 minutes ago
Trump Says U.S. May Have Separate Trade Deal With Mexico
Trade War Spills Into Uranium as U.S. Weighs Import Tariffs
Tariffs Are Poised to Wreck Christmas for Shipping Companies.....That's trump lying hurting folks Not me
well I'll tell you what, post up the evidence that contradicts what he's saying
Just the first item HIS OWN Intel people have said russia is targeting us
i thought it was a foul to bring obama into trump bashing. but since you did - i take it if trump:

said you could keep your doctor and you couldn't
But you could, and you knew that already. The PPACA had a clause in it that allowed insurance companies to GRANDFATHER all existing plans. The capitalistic greed of the insurance companies took your plans and doctors.
Three cheers for Capitalism!!!
i had many friends that could not, grandfather or not. they had to start over and their premiums doubled or more. they were self employed and they got fucked over hard.

not even going to debate this with people who want to tell me what i saw first hand was wrong.
You don't want to argue the point because you know Obama made sure old plans could be grandfathered. You would have to admit it was the insurance company greed that took their plans away!
Since you refuse to post the full answer, I'll do it for ya.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

He was clearly explaining why he wanted Trump to win and not reversing his previous denial on directing people to help Trump.
AND explaining why Putin said he helped him win!!!!!
rooting against your fellow citizens. how white of you.
And CON$ervative of him!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
Since you refuse to post the full answer, I'll do it for ya.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

He was clearly explaining why he wanted Trump to win and not reversing his previous denial on directing people to help Trump.
AND explaining why Putin said he helped him win!!!!!

He didn't, he's denied it all along, you just want him to have said it for your propaganda. So you pretend he did.

Your pretense that you think that is my purpose here, is noted and dismissed. You are a fool.
I'm a fool? You think Trump represents us.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. He is the President, that is an executive function. Representing is normally referred to with district based legislators.

IMO, his platform was the best offered to represent the interests of Americans, especially my group(s) of Working Class and Middle Class Americans.
I imagine you would think that...........It's all you have said for 2 years..............I would ask you if you felt ok if you didn't say it...............Now get your daily dose of I HATE TRUMP out of your system buddy............It's not good to keep it all bottled up.

Now put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up.
When you side with Putin against your own intelligence agency, THAT'S FUCKING COLLUSION!
I imagine you would think that...........It's all you have said for 2 years..............I would ask you if you felt ok if you didn't say it...............Now get your daily dose of I HATE TRUMP out of your system buddy............It's not good to keep it all bottled up.

Now put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up.
When you side with Putin against your own intelligence agency, THAT'S FUCKING COLLUSION!
How about treason?
dude, you still don't get it. the dude was convicted of selling bank account numbers, not helping russian individuals. just because russia is mentioned as a way to make it seem glorified, the conviction was for selling bank account numbers and nothing more. All the propaganda after that is for mueller's sake. LOL. desperation.
He sold bank account numbers to Russian intelligence agents.
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