Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Putin Chooses his SC Justice

MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly made his final choice to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, Kremlin sources have confirmed.

According to those sources, Putin whittled down a lengthy list of possible candidates to just two, Brett M. Kavanaugh and Thomas M. Hardiman, before selecting the one he believes will best advance the interests of the Russian Federation.

Those familiar with the selection process said that the Russian President did not consult with Donald J. Trump before making his final decision.

“Putin didn’t want one of those ‘too many cooks’ situations,” one Kremlin source said. “He told Trump that he would e-mail him the name a good half hour or so before Trump has to announce it to the media.”

Surprisingly, the usually brash Putin found the responsibility of choosing the next Supreme Court Justice “daunting,” sources said.

“Nominating a Justice to the United States Supreme Court is one of the most important decisions a Russian President can ever make,” Putin reportedly said.
Was the man from Cal. a member of the Trump campaign?
As soon as Mueller indite's any member of the Trump campaign and or President Trump of 'collusion' with the Russians I'm sure you be the first one to give us the name.
Until then STFU!
Fuck you, you dumbass bitch! Manafort, Gates and Popadopolous have all been indicted, 2 have been convicted and they all were part of the Trump campaign.
dude he was convicted of selling bank account numbers, nothing more nothing less. He's a perp. he got what he deserved. There is no attachment to russia other than someone's pipe dream.
He sold those accounts to Russians!

What is with all you pricks defending Russia?
Great, then you'll have no problem posting where the indictment or plea agreement says he was knowingly dealing with Russians trying to interfere in the election.

Time to put up or shut up.

As far as I'm concerned, I already did. Now you go ahead and keep on defending THAT country, because you certainly don't defend this one.
dude he was convicted of selling bank account numbers, nothing more nothing less. He's a perp. he got what he deserved. There is no attachment to russia other than someone's pipe dream.
He sold those accounts to Russians!

What is with all you pricks defending Russia?
So? No one is allowed to sell to Russians? The crime was selling something that wasn’t his. Fk read the court document stupid fk
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked our country.

A year ago, Trump's worshippers were saying that Russia didn't attack us, that this was all #fakenews. They aren't saying that anymore. Or at least most of them aren't.
Now they want Rosenstein impeached the guy who just got 12 indictments Sometimes it's difficult telling Repubs from their russian pals
They’re interchangeable in dinalds treasonous party
I'm not sure what you mean by that. He is the President, that is an executive function. Representing is normally referred to with district based legislators.

IMO, his platform was the best offered to represent the interests of Americans, especially my group(s) of Working Class and Middle Class Americans.
He fucked us!
dude he was convicted of selling bank account numbers, nothing more nothing less. He's a perp. he got what he deserved. There is no attachment to russia other than someone's pipe dream.
He sold those accounts to Russians!

What is with all you pricks defending Russia?

Ask them if the weather is nice outside in St. Petersburg.... Everyone is suspect at this point.
That you think that shows you are a hate filled bitter partisan, who sees what he wants to see, and nothing else.

Give Peace a Chance.
That you don't think that, shows you are a Russian appeaser.

Jeez, it is good that you cut out the comment we were both referring to.

If you hadn't people could see that you were completely and utterly full of shit.

Do you know what led to the FIrst Cold War? HInt: It was more than a few leaks and trolls.

Do you? Or are you completely ignorant of what you are talking about.
Great, then you'll have no problem posting where the indictment or plea agreement says he was knowingly dealing with Russians trying to interfere in the election.

Time to put up or shut up.

As far as I'm concerned, I already did. Now you go ahead and keep on defending THAT country, because you certainly don't defend this one.
No you didn’t! Just saying you didn’t read the document
I'm not sure what you mean by that. He is the President, that is an executive function. Representing is normally referred to with district based legislators.

IMO, his platform was the best offered to represent the interests of Americans, especially my group(s) of Working Class and Middle Class Americans.
He fucked us!

No, he did not. Avoiding a needless Cold War, was serving our interests, very well.

Starting a needless Cold War, where Americans would have died and paid, so much, for nothing, would have been fucking US.
Jeez, it is good that you cut out the comment we were both referring to.

If you hadn't people could see that you were completely and utterly full of shit.

Do you know what led to the FIrst Cold War? HInt: It was more than a few leaks and trolls.

Do you? Or are you completely ignorant of what you are talking about.
I know a Neville Chamberlain when I see one.
Jeez, it is good that you cut out the comment we were both referring to.

If you hadn't people could see that you were completely and utterly full of shit.

Do you know what led to the FIrst Cold War? HInt: It was more than a few leaks and trolls.

Do you? Or are you completely ignorant of what you are talking about.
I know a Neville Chamberlain when I see one.

No, you don't. You are blinded by your partisan hate.
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