Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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No, he did not. Avoiding a needless Cold War, was serving our interests, very well.

Starting a needless Cold War, where Americans would have died and paid, so much, for nothing, would have been fucking US.
Oh fuck you and this Cold War bullshit! You're nothing but a troll!
No, he did not. Avoiding a needless Cold War, was serving our interests, very well.

Starting a needless Cold War, where Americans would have died and paid, so much, for nothing, would have been fucking US.
Oh fuck you and this Cold War bullshit! You're nothing but a troll!

Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded.

Or admit that my concerns are valid.
Great, then you'll have no problem posting where the indictment or plea agreement says he was knowingly dealing with Russians trying to interfere in the election.

Time to put up or shut up.

As far as I'm concerned, I already did. Now you go ahead and keep on defending THAT country, because you certainly don't defend this one.

Yeah, just 26 years worth. But I doubt you have.

Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

You're playing word games, you fucking little troll. These are your actual words, asshole...

"...the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia..."
And this was my response...

The California man "knew" they were Russians and "knowingly".... your word, not mine..... helped them set up dummy bank accounts so they could act as Americans.

You're a piece of shit traitor to this country!

And was this California man in any way associated with Trump?
Enemy dumb ass Enemy.
Okay, have it your way. Russia attacked us in the 2016 election. That's an enemy. And Trump provided comfort and aid to them.
No they did not they interfered, using your logic Israel Russia Germany and just about every Country on the earth can attack us cause we INTERFERED in their politics. To be treason the Country must be a declared enemy of the US, Russia is NOT an enemy, though you retards sure tried to make us go to war with a power with as many nuclear weapons as we have.
Was the man from Cal. a member of the Trump campaign?
As soon as Mueller indite's any member of the Trump campaign and or President Trump of 'collusion' with the Russians I'm sure you be the first one to give us the name.
Until then STFU!
Fuck you, you dumbass bitch! Manafort, Gates and Popadopolous have all been indicted, 2 have been convicted and they all were part of the Trump campaign.
NONE of them were convicted of Collusion or conspiracy with Russia. And all the Russians accused by Mueller are as the Department of Justice announced NOT linked to the campaign either.
The theories that Trump is a Russian agent or asset are laughable. It is a political game, nothing more. The actions of our law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and Mueller tell me all I need to know.

First of all, if they were in possession of evidence proving Trump colluded with Russia and now was more or less a Russian plant running our country, Trump would be sitting in a cell right now. I have no doubt about it. To believe that a known spy would be allowed to continue on as president pending the outcome of an investigation is absurd. To believe that the DOJ/FBI is allowing a known Russian asset to control the countries nuclear capabilities? That is beyond reason. The President would be a clear threat to national security and could not be allowed to continue.

Mueller would have long ago charged him with treason. Let the chips fall where they may in the legal battle about that. Congressmen would be speaking from the house floor detailing the evidence. I doubt many would worry about losing their security clearance.

Nothing is going to come of this for Trump. It has gone on for too long now. There will be no block buster report. The report will likely detail tampering by the Russians with no involvement from Trump himself.
Was the man from Cal. a member of the Trump campaign?
As soon as Mueller indite's any member of the Trump campaign and or President Trump of 'collusion' with the Russians I'm sure you be the first one to give us the name.
Until then STFU!
Fuck you, you dumbass bitch! Manafort, Gates and Popadopolous have all been indicted, 2 have been convicted and they all were part of the Trump campaign.
NONE of them were convicted of Collusion or conspiracy with Russia. And all the Russians accused by Mueller are as the Department of Justice announced NOT linked to the campaign either.
So I’m curious, what can they do except name names. So what. It’s empty if nothing or no one is tried. It’s useless data like the investigation
Since you refuse to post the full answer, I'll do it for ya.

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.

He was clearly explaining why he wanted Trump to win and not reversing his previous denial on directing people to help Trump.
AND explaining why Putin said he helped him win!!!!!
He didn't, he's denied it all along, you just want him to have said it for your propaganda. So you pretend he did.
It's right in the TRANSCRIPT!!!
BREAKING Trump knew in 2016 Jan 6th that Putin hacked our election Read all about it tomorrow
ED wait till you read how the scum in our WH knew all about Putin hacking in 2017 jan 6th
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