Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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AND explaining why Putin said he helped him win!!!!!
He didn't, he's denied it all along, you just want him to have said it for your propaganda. So you pretend he did.
It's right in the TRANSCRIPT!!!

See post 473.

Post 473 confirms I quoted Putin accurately. He said, "Yes, I did" in answer to the question, "did you direct any of your officials to help him"
Thank you.

Your're very welcome, LIAR.

Thank you, lying is very presidential!
Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded.

Or admit that my concerns are valid.
Here, I fixed the hat!

Now that the NYT's has come out and said Trump was informed about Russian meddling two weeks before he was inaugurated and for 16 months he has been deliberately muddying up the waters, this has become so serious, I'm willing to go to nuclear war over this.

1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
honestly, i don't give a bag of butts about whether Trump colluded with Russia
It wouldn’t be a crime if he did! I honestly believe the fact alone makes the entire investigation unamerican. The letter stated interference by Russia. Now they named 12 Russians that will never see a courtroom. Whooptido
it is impossible that Trump colluded with Russia, and even if it were possible, which it is not, it would be improbable, which it is!
so you agree this is investigation interference hurts our country's ability to do business?
Hey OK, how many fking threads you think there are in here that state 17 Intelligence agency confirmed russia gate? Nice find BTW. thank you.
naaa guys like you don't sweat it ...never mind the guy you support has been caught a dozen times being a scumbag ,,says lots about you
huh. disingenuous.
Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded.

Or admit that my concerns are valid.
Here, I fixed the hat!

Now that the NYT's has come out and said Trump was informed about Russian meddling two weeks before he was inaugurated and for 16 months he has been deliberately muddying up the waters, this has become so serious, I'm willing to go to nuclear war over this.
where's the article?
He didn't, he's denied it all along, you just want him to have said it for your propaganda. So you pretend he did.
It's right in the TRANSCRIPT!!!

See post 473.

Post 473 confirms I quoted Putin accurately. He said, "Yes, I did" in answer to the question, "did you direct any of your officials to help him"
Thank you.

Your're very welcome, LIAR.

Thank you, lying is very presidential!
then why did obammy continue to lie? if you like your doctor and all. cheaper healthcare and all. I mean, I completely agree. It is shameful when a president lies. why haven't you called him on it?
Hey OK, how many fking threads you think there are in here that state 17 Intelligence agency confirmed russia gate? Nice find BTW. thank you.

Tons, but I was just pointing out a few of the times the NYT had to retract stories.


Tons, but I was just pointing out a few of the times the NYT had to retract stories.

Yep I get it. I think it is fking hilarious. all of those threads and they're meaningless because they are,..... wait for it.........fake news. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.
You concerns about a new cold war are unfounded as long as we have Putin's bitch in the Oval Office.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
I was being figurative in an effort to stress how damaging this Russian meddling in our elections is and the rights' unwillingness to do anything about it.
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