Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Are they hypocrites??
Again ,,does a bear shit in the woods?
They are major hypocrites!

They think its okay to walk around at rally's with T-shirts that say, "Hillary's a C*nt", but go ballistic when Samantha Bee say's the same thing about Trump's daughter.

They think its okay for a baker to refuse service to a gay couple, but have a cow when Sarah Huckabee is refused service at the Red Hen.

Hypocrites. Major fucking hypocrites.
1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.
You concerns about a new cold war are unfounded as long as we have Putin's bitch in the Oval Office.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
I was being figurative in an effort to stress how damaging this Russian meddling in our elections is and the rights' unwillingness to do anything about it.

1. That was not an explanation. If we keep escalating with Russia, it will, very soon, be a new Cold War, with all that entails. People will die. People are already dying. And we do not have any real conflict of interest with Russia. THIS IS MADNESS.

2. Well, that's good. I wasn't sure with you hysterical freaks.
Good for you, warmonger.
Your side started the war in Afghanistan, your side started the war in Iraq, your side wants to start a war in Iran, but I'm the warmonger.

1. Afghanistan started the war with Afghanistan when they refused to hand over Bin Laden. That you put that on America, shows that you are an anti-American piece of shit.

2. Blaming us for Iraq is fair. Though I hope you are saving some of the blame for your side who kept the confrontation going during the Clinton terms, and of course Saddam, who was a suicidal fool. And of course the intelligence agencies that told Bush what he wanted to hear.

3. The neo-cons do want war with Iran. They lose hugely in the last Republican primaries. I voted against them.

4. Hillary wanted to give orders to US pilots to shot down Russian planes. You voted for her. Who is the warmonger now.
1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.
You concerns about a new cold war are unfounded as long as we have Putin's bitch in the Oval Office.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
I was being figurative in an effort to stress how damaging this Russian meddling in our elections is and the rights' unwillingness to do anything about it.

1. That was not an explanation. If we keep escalating with Russia, it will, very soon, be a new Cold War, with all that entails. People will die. People are already dying. And we do not have any real conflict of interest with Russia. THIS IS MADNESS.

2. Well, that's good. I wasn't sure with you hysterical freaks.
Do we let putin keep attacking our elections ??
1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.
You concerns about a new cold war are unfounded as long as we have Putin's bitch in the Oval Office.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
I was being figurative in an effort to stress how damaging this Russian meddling in our elections is and the rights' unwillingness to do anything about it.

1. That was not an explanation. If we keep escalating with Russia, it will, very soon, be a new Cold War, with all that entails. People will die. People are already dying. And we do not have any real conflict of interest with Russia. THIS IS MADNESS.

2. Well, that's good. I wasn't sure with you hysterical freaks.
Do we let putin keep attacking our elections ??
You idiot..........they been doing this since the Cold War...........and we've been doing the same along with the rest of the world unless you live under a rock.

Wasn't that long ago our spies in China were arrested and executed..........did we execute their spies...........

The problem isn't TRUMP............the problem of the hacks happened UNDER OBAMA..............There is a Cyber War going on world wide and it has become the new age SPYING and STEALING of not only governments but average people losing everything to Spearphishing.........

How do we stop that is the real issue..........Not the BS that Hillary lost because they were hacked........No one can prove it.........and no one can prove collusion in the Trump campaign.............which is why they are using Tax Evasion and Money laundering charges..........not even tied to the campaign and from actions over a decade old.............let me repeat that............over a decade old............

Yet under Obama HSBC bank was caught red handed with one of the biggest Money Laundering schemes in this countries history. They recommended criminal Charges.......but the DOJ under Obama refused to charge them even though they were laundering money to Drug Cartels........HSBC bank is a large contributor to the Clinton Crime Foundation..............Comey was the director there and quit that job to become the Head of the FBI.........

Not a single person went to one was officially charged..........HSBC paid 1.3 Billion in fines which was a fraction of the money they made in the scheme..................and not a DAMN THING WAS SAID ABOUT IT.
1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.
You concerns about a new cold war are unfounded as long as we have Putin's bitch in the Oval Office.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
I was being figurative in an effort to stress how damaging this Russian meddling in our elections is and the rights' unwillingness to do anything about it.

1. That was not an explanation. If we keep escalating with Russia, it will, very soon, be a new Cold War, with all that entails. People will die. People are already dying. And we do not have any real conflict of interest with Russia. THIS IS MADNESS.

2. Well, that's good. I wasn't sure with you hysterical freaks.
Do we let putin keep attacking our elections ??

Hopefully the next Dem candidate can maintain email security.
1. That was not an explanation. If we keep escalating with Russia, it will, very soon, be a new Cold War, with all that entails. People will die. People are already dying. And we do not have any real conflict of interest with Russia. THIS IS MADNESS.

2. Well, that's good. I wasn't sure with you hysterical freaks.
So what's the alternative? Kiss Russia's ass? Fuck that!
1. Afghanistan started the war with Afghanistan when they refused to hand over Bin Laden. That you put that on America, shows that you are an anti-American piece of shit.
Wrong! The Taliban offered to hand over UBL and Bush said no. And don't give me this "...they refused to hand over..." bullshit. Do you know who Luis Posada Carriles is? He's a terrorist, that bombed a plane, which killed 73 people, who we refused to turn over to Venezuela.

2. Blaming us for Iraq is fair. Though I hope you are saving some of the blame for your side who kept the confrontation going during the Clinton terms, and of course Saddam, who was a suicidal fool. And of course the intelligence agencies that told Bush what he wanted to hear.
Bush said he was going to fix the intel to go after Iraq and that's just what he did. BTW, one of the reasons I withdrew my support for Clinton was due to her vote on the Iraq Liberation Act. I was against that war from the very beginning and I'm still pretty pissed off about it.

3. The neo-cons do want war with Iran. They lose hugely in the last Republican primaries. I voted against them.
I'd like to believe that. However, I absolutely detest neocons. That's why I can't stand Zionists. Because they remind me of neocons.

4. Hillary wanted to give orders to US pilots to shot down Russian planes. You voted for her. Who is the warmonger now.
I didn't vote for her. She's a closet neocon and a war hawk.
1. Explain why my concerns about a new Cold War are unfounded. Or admit that my concerns are valid.
You concerns about a new cold war are unfounded as long as we have Putin's bitch in the Oval Office.

2. When you say "nuclear war", are you being figurative or literal?
I was being figurative in an effort to stress how damaging this Russian meddling in our elections is and the rights' unwillingness to do anything about it.
how did they meddle and what did it do?
where's the article?
The article is here. And here.

When you look at those articles, then what went on in that closed door meeting with Putin becomes very important in regards to what they said.
got to say, perhaps you could post the factual piece that shows the president was shown. you know from someone actually involved in showing it to him. cause he said he didn't see it. You must prove someone showed it to him.

Not sure what this means. why not name those who were with him? I'm never going to take nameless sources as fact. sorry.

from your link.

"According to nearly a dozen people who either attended the meeting with the president-elect or were later briefed on it, the four primary intelligence officials described the streams of intelligence that convinced them of Mr. Putin’s role in the election interference."
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