Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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yep, the president said so. you know the guy you say saw it. he didn't see evidence.
And the President has truth issues. He's told over 3000 lies since taking office.
post up what he supposedly saw. I read the links, nothing there. it was all conclusion based off of wikileaks. LOL. Not sure how that proves russia. and I'm still waiting for you idiots to post the evidence. nadda to date. 700+ days.

and you never have posted one lie of his.
Leftists believe hearsay is evidence! Can you fkn believe that?
Thet treat it as fact and run with it. This is why some folks use the term disorder in describing the behavior
Did you read those links? Holy fk all fantasy
Strong emotional need for what they feel to be true and when Hillary lost their mental/emotional circuit board shorted out big time
post up what he supposedly saw. I read the links, nothing there. it was all conclusion based off of wikileaks. LOL. Not sure how that proves russia. and I'm still waiting for you idiots to post the evidence. nadda to date. 700+ days.
Now I know you have no clue what you're talking about and this is why.

and you never have posted one lie of his.
Here is every lie he has told since he took office.
Post one and let’s discuss!
dude, :auiqs.jpg:this is so deep state, :auiqs.jpg:I believe some in the judicial system are involved.:auiqs.jpg:there isn't any evidence. none.I've challenged you all and to date, 700+ days, no evidence:ack-1:. so how is it a grand jury saw it?
I just gave you the link to the indictment. It's not my problem if you refuse to read it.

"How many times can a man turn his head,
pretending he just doesn't see?"

- Bob Dylan, Blowin' in the Wind
Still doesn’t say what they did! You can post lazy ass shit all day, it isn’t evidence
Spear phishing ... Spying .. whatsw new.

While phising is a decade old spying is ancient.

They knew these crimes a long time ago. Convenient when FBI crazy testifying and Trump in Helsinki.

Trump in Helsinki was the very definition of collusion.
So now meeting foreign leaders a job of the President is not allowed? God you people will say ANYTHING.
Actually yes they do. Any good Prosecutor can indict anything he wants. The joke is he can indict a Ham sandwich.
In this case, your metaphor is not valid, because there is a mountain of evidence in the latest indictment.

It's complete showboating. Not a REAL indictment. It's an INTEL matter and never needed a "special counsel" to handle it. And there's little doubt Russia hacked the DNC and MAYBE Podesta's campaign emails. But the OTHER HALF about the Russians making that stuff public -- just violates every premise of WHY every major country spies likes that. That information the GRU gathered was too expensive and too important to waste on a prank.

Like all good blackmail material -- it would worth FAR MORE TO Putin once Hillary was president and Podesta her Head of the State Dept. It's clear to me that Putin GOT ROBBED of the opportunity to blackmail President Hilliary. I'm betting it was leaked (in parts) to sanitize the future Prez and some of her potential cabinet.

Which is the way that spy story like this are SUPPOSED to end for the good guys.
In this case, your metaphor is not valid, because there is a mountain of evidence in the latest indictment.

A mountain of allegations is not the same thing as a mountain of evidence

The reason Mueller only indicted a bunch of Russian spies and no muricans is because he knows they'll never show up for trial so he never has to produce any evidence

Als funny that those indictments were made just before Trump met with Putin, if one was paranoid one would think the deep state was trying to sabotage the US pretzeldent and his foreign orange 'policy'...

In this case, your metaphor is not valid, because there is a mountain of evidence in the latest indictment.

A mountain of allegations is not the same thing as a mountain of evidence

The reason Mueller only indicted a bunch of Russian spies and no muricans is because he knows they'll never show up for trial so he never has to produce any evidence

Als funny that those indictments were made just before Trump met with Putin, if one was paranoid one would think the deep state was trying to sabotage the US pretzeldent and his foreign orange 'policy'...

So far the only collusion has been with the Democrats.

The fake hacking by Russians into the DNC server, all to run a debunked narrative..
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

So far the only collusion has been with the Democrats.

The fake hacking by Russians into the DNC server, all to run a debunked narrative..
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the IG, SUCKER!
So far the only collusion has been with the Democrats.

The fake hacking by Russians into the DNC server, all to run a debunked narrative..
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the IG, SUCKER!
It's your side that is so worried about the harmful enviro effects of breathing and cow farts............Perhaps your side should hold your breath and save the planet. Have you installed that free Solar Grid yet. LOL

The only reason the treasonous bought off officials aren't in jail for the shit they did is that they too many operatives in high places.........Bought off and placed in cozy positions and getting rich as hell on the way..........

Do you think Comey got 6 million dollars pay from Lockhead Martin because he's a defense expert.........LOL.......Yeah I can see the man telling engineers how to build high tech weapons as he floats over a table with an out of body experience while talking to Trump...........Perhaps he is developing a mind drug to fight WWIII.

So far the only collusion has been with the Democrats.

The fake hacking by Russians into the DNC server, all to run a debunked narrative..
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the IG, SUCKER!
It's your side that is so worried about the harmful enviro effects of breathing and cow farts............Perhaps your side should hold your breath and save the planet. Have you installed that free Solar Grid yet. LOL

The only reason the treasonous bought off officials aren't in jail for the shit they did is that they too many operatives in high places.........Bought off and placed in cozy positions and getting rich as hell on the way..........

Do you think Comey got 6 million dollars pay from Lockhead Martin because he's a defense expert.........LOL.......Yeah I can see the man telling engineers how to build high tech weapons as he floats over a table with an out of body experience while talking to Trump...........Perhaps he is developing a mind drug to fight WWIII.

Still brainwashed.
So far the only collusion has been with the Democrats.

The fake hacking by Russians into the DNC server, all to run a debunked narrative..
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the IG, SUCKER!
It's your side that is so worried about the harmful enviro effects of breathing and cow farts............Perhaps your side should hold your breath and save the planet. Have you installed that free Solar Grid yet. LOL

The only reason the treasonous bought off officials aren't in jail for the shit they did is that they too many operatives in high places.........Bought off and placed in cozy positions and getting rich as hell on the way..........

Do you think Comey got 6 million dollars pay from Lockhead Martin because he's a defense expert.........LOL.......Yeah I can see the man telling engineers how to build high tech weapons as he floats over a table with an out of body experience while talking to Trump...........Perhaps he is developing a mind drug to fight WWIII.

Still brainwashed.
Proud to be in that group. Thank you..........
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the IG, SUCKER!
It's your side that is so worried about the harmful enviro effects of breathing and cow farts............Perhaps your side should hold your breath and save the planet. Have you installed that free Solar Grid yet. LOL

The only reason the treasonous bought off officials aren't in jail for the shit they did is that they too many operatives in high places.........Bought off and placed in cozy positions and getting rich as hell on the way..........

Do you think Comey got 6 million dollars pay from Lockhead Martin because he's a defense expert.........LOL.......Yeah I can see the man telling engineers how to build high tech weapons as he floats over a table with an out of body experience while talking to Trump...........Perhaps he is developing a mind drug to fight WWIII.

Still brainwashed.
Proud to be in that group. Thank you..........
You would be proud to be a mindless drone, and I don't mean "wouldn't."
Count me in to.............I'm with them you leftist hag..........

Brainwashed............Honored sir..........

Can't wait for the IG to find something else so we can throw those Traitors in jail from the Obama administration who abused power and colluded with everyone.

Of course the Deep State protects it's own are they would already be in jail.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the IG, SUCKER!
It's your side that is so worried about the harmful enviro effects of breathing and cow farts............Perhaps your side should hold your breath and save the planet. Have you installed that free Solar Grid yet. LOL

The only reason the treasonous bought off officials aren't in jail for the shit they did is that they too many operatives in high places.........Bought off and placed in cozy positions and getting rich as hell on the way..........

Do you think Comey got 6 million dollars pay from Lockhead Martin because he's a defense expert.........LOL.......Yeah I can see the man telling engineers how to build high tech weapons as he floats over a table with an out of body experience while talking to Trump...........Perhaps he is developing a mind drug to fight WWIII.

Still brainwashed.
Proud to be in that group. Thank you..........
You would be proud to be a mindless drone, and I don't mean "wouldn't."
Your drivel is meaningless............It's all you have........Your side has been driveling since you lost the election. Nothing new.

As I already stated........I'm proud to be called Brain Dead by you. Honored........I stand with them against you.
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