Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier.
Are you really, really STUPID enough to swallow the BS that the Free Bacon would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to FusionGPS for stuff they could simply google???? :cuckoo:
Why yes, yes you are!!!!!
But to everyone with at least one working brain cell, that statement has no credibility!!!!!
All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier.
Are you really, really STUPID enough to swallow the BS that the Free Bacon would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to FusionGPS for stuff they could simply google???? :cuckoo:
Why yes, yes you are!!!!!
But to everyone with at least one working brain cell, that statement has no credibility!!!!!

In addition to media ignorant, you apparently have no concept of how things work. The FBI didn't have an issue finding "their man" with public sources for many decades. It was all in rolodexes and filing cabinets and microfiche. And a good Private Investigator today could find the name of the ONE High School girl that agreed to date you.. :auiqs.jpg: Just takes money. Don't NEED to go Moscow and ask some drunk Russian Agents to make shit up..
Here Is Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson’s House Intel Transcript

Though Simpson did not discuss clients, it was revealed in October that the Clinton campaign and DNC were the financial backers for Fusion’s dossier project. Perkins Coie, the law firm for the campaign and DNC, hired Fusion in May 2016 to continue an opposition research project on Donald Trump.

Fusion in turn hired Steele, an ex-MI6 officer who operates a private intelligence firm in London.

Simpson’s Senate transcript revealed little in the way of evidence supporting Steele’s claims from the dossier. Simpson said that he believed Steele’s allegations but largely avoided questions about specific claims made in the salacious document
Here Is Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson’s House Intel Transcript

Though Simpson did not discuss clients, it was revealed in October that the Clinton campaign and DNC were the financial backers for Fusion’s dossier project. Perkins Coie, the law firm for the campaign and DNC, hired Fusion in May 2016 to continue an opposition research project on Donald Trump.

Fusion in turn hired Steele, an ex-MI6 officer who operates a private intelligence firm in London.

Simpson’s Senate transcript revealed little in the way of evidence supporting Steele’s claims from the dossier. Simpson said that he believed Steele’s allegations but largely avoided questions about specific claims made in the salacious document
Liar, that is NOT a link to the transcript, it is a link to the DailyLiar!!!!
Here Is Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson’s House Intel Transcript

Though Simpson did not discuss clients, it was revealed in October that the Clinton campaign and DNC were the financial backers for Fusion’s dossier project. Perkins Coie, the law firm for the campaign and DNC, hired Fusion in May 2016 to continue an opposition research project on Donald Trump.

Fusion in turn hired Steele, an ex-MI6 officer who operates a private intelligence firm in London.

Simpson’s Senate transcript revealed little in the way of evidence supporting Steele’s claims from the dossier. Simpson said that he believed Steele’s allegations but largely avoided questions about specific claims made in the salacious document
Liar, that is NOT a link to the transcript, it is a link to the DailyLiar!!!!
BS..............they said it under testimony in Congress.............DNC hired them you punk.............hell the RNC hired them before that but after the primaries they pulled the plug...................

They hired Steele to come up with his tainted Dossier............who used Russian Gov't officials....................

Have you been living under a rock.
The MAJOR "colluding with the Russians" occurred when the Clinton campaign FINANCED a phony as shit "Russian dossier" based on the fantasies of several REAL RUSSIAN SPIES. Now THAT -- is colluding with the Russians.
You're actually promoting Vladimir Putin's propaganda--:abgg2q.jpg: Which it was intended to do--(outrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton) by Russians hacking into DNC databases, who then sent Debbie Wasserman's email to Jullian Assange (Wikileaks) to blast out to the world.


Hillary Clinton kicked Bernie Sanders ancient ass by 3,775,437 popular primary votes. She beat Sanders worse than she beat Trump in popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 primary popular votes, and she didn't run around claiming that the DNC had rigged the primary for Obama.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

The only thing that kept Sanders in the race was all the caucus states he was winning. Usually underdogs win those races because less than 1% of either party bothers to show up on a cold Tuesday night and sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had those states been primary states where mail in ballots were used and several days of precinct voting are allowed Hillary Clinton would have won every state, with the exception of Vermont & New Hamsphire and Sanders would have been forced to drop out very early.

FURTHERMORE--when Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket he signed off on all rules and regulations of the DNC, also with full knowledge of those Democrat Super delegates, and the role they played, (even though NONE were used on him, they weren't necessary because he was getting his ass kicked.) In comparsion to 2008 where Super Delegates were continually jumping Hillary Clinton's ship to get on Obama's. She still never complained. Sanders immediately came out of the gate campainging on a rigged election which was bound to piss off Debbie Wasserman and others within the DNC.


Trump campaigned for enraged Sanders supporters. We had many of them on this board threatening to vote for Trump if Sanders didn't win the nomination. Vladimir Putin hit a home run with Sanders supporters. How many of them stayed home, voted 3rd party, or voted for Trump we'll never know.But this was certainly the most damaging Russian hack done.

Bernie Sanders is also partially responsible for Clinton's loss. After getting his ass kicked in New York he refused to drop out of the race. At that point he might as well be working for the Trump campaign. Even after all voting was done he still would not concede the nomination to Hillary Clinton and had to get booed by Democrats, and a swift kick in the butt from Barack Obama to do it.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

And with that we got this!


Trump & Sanders have a lot in common. They both campaigned on a rigged election. They both handed out a lot of ear candy to people who do not understand the workings of government. Sanders free college education was about as realistic as Trump's 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.

And in that we can safely presume that Sanders supporters are every bit as stupid as a Trump tard. Same birds of a feather just on opposite sides.
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The MAJOR "colluding with the Russians" occurred when the Clinton campaign FINANCED a phony as shit "Russian dossier" based on the fantasies of several REAL RUSSIAN SPIES. Now THAT -- is colluding with the Russians.

Oh..............a meme battle...........I love that shit.........proceed............LOL

Hopefully, he's just reloading. :113: But obviously no matter what is pointed out -- he'll be back tomorrow repeating that the Repubs originally funded the dossier and that Hillary had nothing to do with it. It's like GroundHog Day every day on USMB..

According to Ed -- if the Russian Mafia launders crime money by buying real estate in Boston or New York and then uses the proceeds of that real estate through a lawyer to fund Russian orphanages -- it ALL LEGIT. Because the money from the orphanages did NOT come from the crime family.
Keep on parroting those talking points. Manaforts alleged crimes had nothing to do with the campaign. The Trump Tower meeting wasn't illegal, ill-advised maybe because of the optics, but not illegal. Mistakes like that can be expected of non-political operators. But the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia to subvert the election.

Jesus Christ! This is the 2nd time I've posted this.

Richard Pinedo: California man convicted February 2, 2018 for helping the indicted Russian individuals and companies in their meddling in the Presidential election. Pinedo helped the Russians use dummy bank accounts to work around the security of companies like PayPal. Pinedo helped the Russians appear online as if they were Americans.
This guy is an American. He was convicted knowingly helping the Russians meddle in the election. So shove that "no American has been charged" mantra up your fucking ass! You're a fucking liar!
Keep on parroting those talking points. Manaforts alleged crimes had nothing to do with the campaign. The Trump Tower meeting wasn't illegal, ill-advised maybe because of the optics, but not illegal. Mistakes like that can be expected of non-political operators. But the fact still remains that no American has been charged with knowingly cooperating with Russia to subvert the election.

Jesus Christ! This is the 2nd time I've posted this.

Richard Pinedo: California man convicted February 2, 2018 for helping the indicted Russian individuals and companies in their meddling in the Presidential election. Pinedo helped the Russians use dummy bank accounts to work around the security of companies like PayPal. Pinedo helped the Russians appear online as if they were Americans.
This guy is an American. He was convicted knowingly helping the Russians meddle in the election. So shove that "no American has been charged" mantra up your fucking ass! You're a fucking liar!

Show me in the indictment or plea agreement where it mentioned a knowing connection to Russia or that he "knowingly", (note that word in the last line of the post you responded to) cooperated with Russia to effect the election. You can kick and scream liar, liar all you want, but you might try responding to what I actually said, instead what you think I said. Maybe you should post the whole string instead of pulling out individual quotes, then you could follow the conversation better, this fact was addressed earlier. LMAO

Unfortunately easy we're talking about the greatest mistake America ever made by putting this pos as leader of the free world,,,,,A devastating betrayal

Barak Obama Was ADMITTEDLY

- Sired by an American-Hating anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and world influence...Barry connected with his father so much that he changed his name to honor his father

- Was tutored by Communist Frank Marshal Davis

- Studied Socialist Saul Alensky - even quoted his Rules for Radicals during his inauguration speech

- Mentored for almost a decade by a racist, hate-spewing anti-American pastor who taught Barry in the pews, 'Not God Bless America - God D@MN America'

- Friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders, opining his greatest regret was not perpetrating MORE bombings...

For 8 years the records show he financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, aided, abetted, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help TERRORISTS (like Al Qaeda ,who slaughtered 3,000 Americans) take over their own countries.

Barry helped terrorists take over the governments of our allies, interfered in no less than 5 elections, and repeatedly helped terrorists.
- He released the Taliban 5, the leaders of the enemy we were at war with so he could try to keep a campaign promise
- He needlessly sacrificed Americans - Boston marathon, Benghazi, California - when he could have prevented those and saved American lives
- He by-passed Congress to seal his own criminal Treaty with the enemy who chanted for our destruction while Obama gave them millions. He refused to mandate the release of US hostages be part of the deal and instead gave millions more to Iran later in the form of a ransom.

He gave Putin Crimea, refusing to honor the US promise to help the Ukraine protect its sovereign borders.

He gave Putin 20% of US uranium while hiding Russian crimes associated with the deal.

He allowed Hillary to continue to engage in 'Espionage' and hand-deliver TOP SECRET+ data into the hands of the Russians and 5 other foreign entities

He illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, conducted his own Watergate, weaponized the IRS to use against American citizens who opposed his re-election, set new records for criminal non-compliance with both Constitution and Law (FOIA / Federal Records Act, etc....)

Barry was / is the BIGGEST, most criminal, most treasonous, terrorist/enemy-supporting enemy of the state / traitor ever in US history.

The evidence, official records, recorded history - all of it proves it.....

In 2014 he KNEW about the Russians, Hillary, - all of it...and he betrayed the country by doing nothing about it except allow the Russians to keep going and protecting Hillary who compromised national security.

Trump betrayed America and you keep yapping about hill obama bs You jc ice red sassy weather billy k etc etc etc etc are part of the betrayal too Be proud

Stop acting 9 years old and dramafying everything.
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