Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Yesterday might not have been treason BUT it was a betrayal of American values This POS is UNFIT to be President
Eagle you go to bed with that pos ..... you know the difference between would and wouldn't? Trump is a pos and you made him yours
Up yours....after what Obama did on his sleep with that bitch and his little witch Hillary......Corrupt as hell using agencies to attack American citizens for having different views............PROVEN beyond a shadow of doubt........IRS admitted it..............and so did the courts when challenged by the people abused................

Hillary supposed to be the head honcho...........doesn't even know how to handle classified materials.....and puts a server in the bathroom.....Hacked to hell by probably every Nation on earth..........But it's not a crime.......Right........

Ignorance is no excuse to the law............neither is destroying evidence under a court order...the DOJ and FBI PROTECTED her..............because they were compliciate in the it is being shown over and over again.....

Your side owns this abuse.......and all we here is whining about how bad Trump is when your side has been proven time and time again to LYing Sacks.........Proven abuses........not a peep from people like you.

Your side is kinda like roaches running around when the lights get turned on....................and it's getting uncovered repeatedly...

Collusion........only thing Mueller has proved is the DNC, FBI, Hillary are waste deep up Russian's ass...........
Clinton Foundation Firestorm - Judicial Watch

They got enough evidence to BURY CLINTONS.............but the DOJ will not prosecute...........cause they got their hands in the cookie jar...........can't prosecute this without destroying themselves in the process............

You want pay to play crimes...............they got it........
Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Dept. Overlap

The documents raised new questions about whether the charitable foundation worked to reward its donors with access and influence at the State Department, a charge that Mrs. Clinton has faced in the past and has always denied.

In one email exchange, for instance, an executive at the Clinton Foundation in 2009 sought to put a billionaire donor in touch with the United States ambassador to Lebanon because of the donor’s interests there.

In another email, the foundation appeared to push aides to Mrs. Clinton to help find a job for a foundation associate. Her aides indicated that the department was working on the request.
Hypocrites...that's all the Left and some conservatives who are against the President are!

Pure and undiluted scum!

Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Hypocrites...that's all the Left and some conservatives who are against the President are!

Pure and undiluted scum!

Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Poor things................go bat shit crazy when Trump shakes his hand.............Oh.............the HORROR...........

Stamping their feet.................going it was the WITCHES TURN..............Never seen butt hurt this bad in my lifetime.........

Prep H doesn't have a prayer to cure this's terminal.
Hypocrites...that's all the Left and some conservatives who are against the President are!

Pure and undiluted scum!

Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Poor things................go bat shit crazy when Trump shakes his hand.............Oh.............the HORROR...........

Stamping their feet.................going it was the WITCHES TURN..............Never seen butt hurt this bad in my lifetime.........

Prep H doesn't have a prayer to cure this's terminal.

I's almost unbelievable....sad spectacle to behold.....and hilarious too.....the Left is in a total meltdown....

My God, what losers these people are!.
Hypocrites...that's all the Left and some conservatives who are against the President are!

Pure and undiluted scum!

Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Poor things................go bat shit crazy when Trump shakes his hand.............Oh.............the HORROR...........

Stamping their feet.................going it was the WITCHES TURN..............Never seen butt hurt this bad in my lifetime.........

Prep H doesn't have a prayer to cure this's terminal.

I's almost unbelievable....sad spectacle to behold.....and hilarious too.....the Left is in a total meltdown....

My God, what losers these people are!.

According to the dossier Steele used his old contacts which were Russian officials with ties to the Kremlin
Not quite, but no surprise you would "exaggerate" it as such! Steele got his info from "trusted compatriots" who milked the talkative Kremlin stooges who liked to brag about how the Kremlin had spent years getting its hooks into Donald Trump. You have to remember that Steele could not go to Russia because he was on their watch list, so he had to depend on his established and trusted contacts in Russia from his many years spying on Russia.
who else colluded with Russia?

How STUPID do you have to be to believe a worthless lying murdering scum POS like Putin? As STUPID as Donnie Dirt Bag!

I also believe Donna Brazile when she says the DNC helped rigged primary for Hillary!

WAKEY's late...............................time to wake up!
That's right, deflect from the obvious Putin lie that Russia donated 1/3 of Clinton's campaign money! :cuckoo:
Hypocrites...that's all the Left and some conservatives who are against the President are!

Pure and undiluted scum!

Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Poor things................go bat shit crazy when Trump shakes his hand.............Oh.............the HORROR...........

Stamping their feet.................going it was the WITCHES TURN..............Never seen butt hurt this bad in my lifetime.........

Prep H doesn't have a prayer to cure this's terminal.

I's almost unbelievable....sad spectacle to behold.....and hilarious too.....the Left is in a total meltdown....

My God, what losers these people are!.

You AH the losers are the American people Thanks for supporting the scum bag trump May you get all that's coming to you
who else colluded with Russia?

How STUPID do you have to be to believe a worthless lying murdering scum POS like Putin? As STUPID as Donnie Dirt Bag!

It's all about Russia............the Clinton Foundation has tons of donations from these guys........funny how they got all that money while using third parties to buy interest in Uranium 1..............

All those speaking engagements for pay in Russia.........yeah they were doing it because they loved Clinton so much. LOL

Please...........Want money laundering.........crawl up the Clinton Foundations ass............and there you go...........

Let alone how they screwed Bernie.............Bernie is a socialist wack...........but at least he's honest......And you should be proud of him........after getting screwed by Hillary.........he fell right back into step with the left........
So typical of the lying scum Right, when caught lying, simply lie some more!
According to the dossier Steele used his old contacts which were Russian officials with ties to the Kremlin
Not quite, but no surprise you would "exaggerate" it as such! Steele got his info from "trusted compatriots" who milked the talkative Kremlin stooges who liked to brag about how the Kremlin had spent years getting its hooks into Donald Trump. You have to remember that Steele could not go to Russia because he was on their watch list, so he had to depend on his established and trusted contacts in Russia from his many years spying on Russia.
who else colluded with Russia?

How STUPID do you have to be to believe a worthless lying murdering scum POS like Putin? As STUPID as Donnie Dirt Bag!

I also believe Donna Brazile when she says the DNC helped rigged primary for Hillary!

WAKEY's late...............................time to wake up!
That's right, deflect from the obvious Putin lie that Russia donated 1/3 of Clinton's campaign money! :cuckoo:
Comey before getting his dirty ass fired testified that the dossier was unsubstantiated............used as the primary tool for getting FISA warrants.............and wasn't disclosed to the Judge that the DNC and Hillary were paying for it.........which is bias to HELL AND BACK.............He's dirty............the investigation is dirty..................the wrong people have a special council.................

The establishment is covering it's asses...........they belong in Jail...............and this whole investigation is wanna go on about the phishing's illegal.......but doesn't belong in the Special Prosecutors scope....they have a division assigned to it.......and it doesn't tie Trump to jack shit on it..............And they will never be brought to trial.........Good luck getting them brought over from Russia...........that's why the Idiot Mueller did it.......didn't think they'd force him to court over it on his ass in a bind on that one.

See the prep h commercial for more details on that idiot.
Hypocrites...that's all the Left and some conservatives who are against the President are!

Pure and undiluted scum!

Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Poor things................go bat shit crazy when Trump shakes his hand.............Oh.............the HORROR...........

Stamping their feet.................going it was the WITCHES TURN..............Never seen butt hurt this bad in my lifetime.........

Prep H doesn't have a prayer to cure this's terminal.

I's almost unbelievable....sad spectacle to behold.....and hilarious too.....the Left is in a total meltdown....

My God, what losers these people are!.

You AH the losers are the American people Thanks for supporting the scum bag trump May you get all that's coming to you

Up yours..............KEEP THE CHANGE.......
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
who else colluded with Russia?

How STUPID do you have to be to believe a worthless lying murdering scum POS like Putin? As STUPID as Donnie Dirt Bag!

It's all about Russia............the Clinton Foundation has tons of donations from these guys........funny how they got all that money while using third parties to buy interest in Uranium 1..............

All those speaking engagements for pay in Russia.........yeah they were doing it because they loved Clinton so much. LOL

Please...........Want money laundering.........crawl up the Clinton Foundations ass............and there you go...........

Let alone how they screwed Bernie.............Bernie is a socialist wack...........but at least he's honest......And you should be proud of him........after getting screwed by Hillary.........he fell right back into step with the left........
So typical of the lying scum Right, when caught lying, simply lie some more!
Pot painting the kettle black..............

We shown the evidence.............ENJOY THE DANCE..........IG and all those attacked aren't goes on........

As your side says nothing when they used Gov't agencies to attack have no moral ground to stand on...............

Please go on how all those countries handed over that money out of the goodness of their heart............If you believe that you are truly a complete and utter idiot.............

Try denying it to a clueless Obama Zombie............
The MAJOR "colluding with the Russians" occurred when the Clinton campaign FINANCED a phony as shit "Russian dossier" based on the fantasies of several REAL RUSSIAN SPIES. Now THAT -- is colluding with the Russians.
More Russia Limbaugh Lies.

Everything I said is true. Has nothing to do "sources". Come at it. Correct "my errors"...
Nothing you parroted from your MessiahRushie is true.
there was no collusion with the Russian government by Clinton. She didn't hire or pay Steele, Steele knew whistleblowers in Russia as his sources, not spies, and the Dossier is infinitely more truthful than Donnie Dirt Bag or Russia Limbaugh.

You need to stop using your MahaRushie fixation as an EXCUSE for your absurd ignorance of facts. It makes you look pitiful and childish.

We finally know who paid for the opposition research that led to the Trump-Russia dossier
Yeah the Washington Free Beacon, but you knew that already.

"Since its launch in February of 2012, the Washington Free Beacon has retained third party firms to conduct research on many individuals and institutions of interest to us and our readers. In that capacity, during the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary"
- Matthew Continetti, Editor in Chief
- Michael Goldfarb, Chairman

Clear smoke screen. Glenn Simpson testified that Christopher Steele's work did not even START until the Repub contract was done. NOTHING similar in the earlier reports. Fusions business is sliming people. That's their speciality of the house. And the Repub report slimed MANY candidates. Did not contain the "Russian" angle to any significant degree.
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
The MAJOR "colluding with the Russians" occurred when the Clinton campaign FINANCED a phony as shit "Russian dossier" based on the fantasies of several REAL RUSSIAN SPIES. Now THAT -- is colluding with the Russians.
More Russia Limbaugh Lies.

Everything I said is true. Has nothing to do "sources". Come at it. Correct "my errors"...
Nothing you parroted from your MessiahRushie is true.
there was no collusion with the Russian government by Clinton. She didn't hire or pay Steele, Steele knew whistleblowers in Russia as his sources, not spies, and the Dossier is infinitely more truthful than Donnie Dirt Bag or Russia Limbaugh.

You need to stop using your MahaRushie fixation as an EXCUSE for your absurd ignorance of facts. It makes you look pitiful and childish.

We finally know who paid for the opposition research that led to the Trump-Russia dossier
Yeah the Washington Free Beacon, but you knew that already.

"Since its launch in February of 2012, the Washington Free Beacon has retained third party firms to conduct research on many individuals and institutions of interest to us and our readers. In that capacity, during the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary"
- Matthew Continetti, Editor in Chief
- Michael Goldfarb, Chairman

In fact, you're so woefully and pathetically ignorant of most every fact that MAYBE you ought to consider listening MORE to your nemesis Mr. Limbaugh. :5_1_12024:

To Wit --- and again -- don't doubt me... I NEVER make shit up..

The Free Beacon was Fusion GPS' 'Republican client'

The Washington Examiner posted a brief story explaining a bit more about the Beacon’s arrangement with Fusion GPS:

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved
Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

While the story was reported on Thursday by wire services like the Associated Press and picked up by frequently cited internet news sites like Politico, the television media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, all ignored the story.

In his ruling, Judge Feldman forcefully admonished the administration's attempt to circumvent his 2010 decision: "Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the reimposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this Court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt of this Court’s preliminary injunction order."

As if more evidence was needed to show that the disregard and disrespect for the law that the Dems and the MSM have, unless it suits their purposes.
Bull shit You and trumpetes deserve whatever shit may come your way
Same to we know which side we are on.........poor thing..........

Continue down your selective memory of what Obama did under his watch, and continue to ignore the abuses to Americans with Gov't agencies.................not to mention the investigation team falling like flies..........and forcing the Entire FBI to be retrained for POLITICAL BIAS TRAINING................from a another dirty cop that clearly shows bias against Trump............The Insurance Plan......and WE ARE GOING TO STOP HIM ....................wonderful professionals of the FBI who have tainted the FBI....................we don't blame the rank and file.........they are honorable and protect this country...........the Political Dirt bags need to be taken down.................and so it goes on............

Quoted and linked above.

The Beacon posted a statement about the arrangement on its site which reads in part:

All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.

So -- who are the morons feeding you YOUR information? edthecynic

Serious suggestion Dude. FIND NEW MORONS.. Because these guys are making you look retarded.
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