Zone1 Russian EMP capabilities......why aren't we taking this seriously?

What makes you think it will be a missile launch from Iran rather than then some other delivery device?
Could be a missile launch from just of our shores, maybe from a ship. or a surfaced sub. Or a missile carried on an aircraft and launched from high altitude.
Could be a threat from someone other than Iran.

Even if we detect such a launch, will we have enough time to know what it is and react to prevent detonation?
Do you have any idea how big and heavy a nuke capable of producing an EMP would have to be? I do!
Do you have any idea how big and heavy a nuke capable of producing an EMP would have to be? I do!
In July 1962, the US carried out the Starfish Prime test, exploding a 1.44 Mt (6.0 PJ) bomb 400 kilometres (250 mi; 1,300,000 ft) above the mid-Pacific Ocean. This demonstrated that the effects of a high-altitude nuclear explosion were much larger than had been previously calculated. Starfish Prime made those effects known to the public by causing electrical damage in Hawaii, about 1,445 kilometres (898 mi) away from the detonation point, disabling approximately 300 streetlights, triggering numerous burglar alarms and damaging a microwave link.[8]

Starfish Prime was the first success in the series of United States high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 known as Operation Fishbowl. Subsequent tests gathered more data on the high-altitude EMP phenomenon.

The Bluegill Triple Prime and Kingfish high-altitude nuclear tests of October and November 1962 in Operation Fishbowl provided data that was clear enough to enable physicists to accurately identify the physical mechanisms behind the electromagnetic pulses.[9]

The EMP damage of the Starfish Prime test was quickly repaired due, in part, to the fact that the EMP over Hawaii was relatively weak compared to what could be produced with a more intense pulse, and in part due to the relative ruggedness (compared to today)[10] of Hawaii's electrical and electronic infrastructure in 1962.[11]

The relatively small magnitude of the Starfish Prime EMP in Hawaii (about 5.6 kilovolts/metre) and the relatively small amount of damage (for example, only 1% to 3% of streetlights extinguished)[12] led some scientists to believe, in the early days of EMP research, that the problem might not be significant. Later calculations[11] showed that if the Starfish Prime warhead had been detonated over the northern continental United States, the magnitude of the EMP would have been much larger (22 to 30 kV/m) because of the greater strength of the Earth's magnetic field over the United States, as well as its different orientation at high latitudes. These calculations, combined with the accelerating reliance on EMP-sensitive microelectronics, heightened awareness that EMP could be a significant problem.[13]...}
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Russia has no choice at all.
It has to win this war no matter the cost.

Says who?

Russia cannot win a war against the combined forces of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Canada, Belgium, Turkey, Italy, Norway and others. Russia doesn't want to, or need to, tango with the whole free world to get a bombed out shithole country. Russia is going to continue to bluff, and hope to god they don't accidentally strike NATO soil.
Russia has no choice at all.
It has to win this war no matter the cost.
Then they are fucked as they are losing and cannot risk nuking anyone

They are as vulnerable to EMP as any nation and would be destroyed if they tried to go nuclear
For the same reason no one seems particularly worried about their nuke stockpile: mutually assured destruction.
What makes you think it will be a missile launch from Iran rather than then some other delivery device?
Could be a missile launch from just of our shores, maybe from a ship. or a surfaced sub. Or a missile carried on an aircraft and launched from high altitude.
Could be a threat from someone other than Iran.

Even if we detect such a launch, will we have enough time to know what it is and react to prevent detonation?

The Chinese also have missile launchers disguised as containers on ships...
What makes you think it will be a missile launch from Iran rather than then some other delivery device?
Could be a missile launch from just of our shores, maybe from a ship. or a surfaced sub. Or a missile carried on an aircraft and launched from high altitude.
Could be a threat from someone other than Iran.

Even if we detect such a launch, will we have enough time to know what it is and react to prevent detonation?
If it's a balloon launch I say NO.... 😂
Then they are fucked as they are losing and cannot risk nuking anyone

They are as vulnerable to EMP as any nation and would be destroyed if they tried to go nuclear
Do you think that a waring nation would be afraid to use it's complete arsenal before surrendering ??? Better do your history on war, and on nation's that went all the way, even if they lost in the end.

Russia has been a Nuclear power for as long as America has, and it's just as proud of it's arsenal as America is, so if you don't think that Russia has the same resolve as America would, otherwise if faced with an ultimate loss of it's country, then you are out of your Cotton picking mind.
Do you think that a waring nation would be afraid to use it's complete arsenal before surrendering ??? Better do your history on war, and on nation's that went all the way, even if they lost in the end.

Russia has been a Nuclear power for as long as America has, and it's just as proud of it's arsenal as America is, so if you don't think that Russia has the same resolve as America would, otherwise if faced with an ultimate loss of it's country, then you are out of your Cotton picking mind.
They are not facing ultimate defeat or surrender. They are nly facing defeat in a stupid war with a small nation next to them
Do you think that a waring nation would be afraid to use it's complete arsenal before surrendering ??? Better do your history on war, and on nation's that went all the way, even if they lost in the end.

Russia has been a Nuclear power for as long as America has, and it's just as proud of it's arsenal as America is, so if you don't think that Russia has the same resolve as America would, otherwise if faced with an ultimate loss of it's country, then you are out of your Cotton picking mind.
Why didn't the Russians nuke Afghanistan during their fun and games there from 1979-1989?

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