Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent

Not sop for neighboring countries. Otherwise they would have run the warning to all of them from the beginning. This is just Biden in panic mode. Pathetic.
The state department put out a travel warning on Ukraine months ago. Haven't you ever traveled or worked overseas?
The state department put out a travel warning on Ukraine months ago. Haven't you ever traveled or worked overseas?
That has nothing to do with neighboring countries. Do you ever stay on task?

Yes I've traveled overseas, again that has nothing to do with Belarus and Moldova.
That has nothing to do with neighboring countries. Do you ever stay on task?

Yes I've traveled overseas, again that has nothing to do with Belarus and Moldova.
Did you ever evacuate an area at risk or were you in the US military?
To hell with it. let the Russians invade Ukraine. At this point, I don't even care any more. The invasion will just be one more puss-oozing canker on the Democrat's collective asses, of which they has more than several now: The closing of the Keystone XL pipeline, the border crisis, the Afghanistan withdrawal clusterfuck, rampant crime, inflation, shortages, disruptions in the supply lines, fucking up our military with "wokeness", fentayl seeping through every crack in the country, Russia and China Rising up, and now the coming DC trucker's convoy.

Biden and the Democrats haven't done dick to benefit this country since they've come to power. Everything they've touched has turned to shit. And the more they fail, the faster they're booted out of office. They deserve all the failure they have coming to them.
Absolutely right...... Good summary of an example of this Nations complete failure and meltdown under these demoncrats and republicrats.

Everyone that cares knows it, and they have shouted it loudly as the left/rhino's protected themselves against the known truth, otherwise with their constant deflection, lies, treachery, deception, and determination to destroy everything they touch in order to keep and retain power.

I mean glorifying thug culture at the Superbowl ?? You've got to be kidding me right ? This culture has been responsible for thousand's of innocent citizen's deaths in places like Chicago etc.......

What are we going to do next, maybe ask Putin to come on over for some BBQ, and him burn a few blunts with us so everyone will just mellow out ?? ROTFLMBO. Yeah right... Maybe send Dennis Rodman to defuse the situation like he supposedly did with Kim Jon ????? What a joke it all is.

Was watching military parades around the world on YouTube, and sorry but I didn't see any purpled haired, hip hop rap singing misogynistic racist pimps leading the parades with their pants hanging off of their aces, crotch to their knees, sleepy eyed looking, pot smoking, and hate mongering perpetual victimhood attitude's representing any of those countries I watched.

Japan's military parade was impressive, as was China and Russia's parade the same. We wanted a parade here when Trump was in office, but the left went stupid about it.

Everything Trump wanted in order to bring this nation up to date with the rest of the world, the left wanted destroyed or it hated, yet look what it does to represent this country.... It's like the nation is under some kind of wicked spell that it just can't wake up from, and it's getting worse and worse.

Having people purposely destroying the country right in front of our very eye's, and from within is simply amazing.

Look at the appointment's Biden has put into government position's, and that alone is very disturbing to say the least. We are a laughing stock to the world, but undoubtedly we are just to dumb anymore to realize it.... It's going to get us all killed, but we're just to dumb to realize it.

The world watching us expose our kid's to toxic poisonous learning and propaganda has got to have it scratching it's head now. Once a beacon of light because of our deep religious held value's and beliefs, where as the world envied and respected us because it knew that we were on the right path, even if the world in some ways wasn't, so it followed our lead many times in hopes to improve itself in which was honorable and good for us to be a part of.

Not sure what the world power's think of us now, but it can't be good, and that's not good because it might feel deceived by us in all of this.

Wake up America or is it too late ?
So exciting....Go Putin!!!!

I hope its bloody and the best part would really trigger the

So exciting....Go Putin!!!!

I hope its bloody and the best part would really trigger the

You hope it's bloody? I'm guessing you're something like 5 right? The altar of MAGA at it's most despicable.

What exactly is wrong with you that you don't even have the common decency to consider war as undesirable under any circumstances let alone for the sole purpose of " triggering" people you have a political disagreement with?
Sorry republicans

Great news for America Bad for republicans​

Futures just shot up with some volume​

All times CET

Markets Embrace Russian Media Report on Troops (9:25 a.m.)

European stocks gained after Russia’s Defense Ministry said that Moscow is returning some troops to bases following drills. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was up 0.7% by 9:18 a.m., while European gas and oil prices fell.

Units of the Russian Western and Southern military districts will start returning to permanent bases on Tuesday after completing drills, the Interfax news service reports, citing the ministry. It’s unclear where these forces are currently positioned.
You hope it's bloody? I'm guessing you're something like 5 right? The altar of MAGA at it's most despicable.

What exactly is wrong with you that you don't even have the common decency to consider war as undesirable under any circumstances let alone for the sole purpose of " triggering" people you have a political disagreement with?

Sarcasm escapes you.
You hope it's bloody? I'm guessing you're something like 5 right? The altar of MAGA at it's most despicable.

What exactly is wrong with you that you don't even have the common decency to consider war as undesirable under any circumstances let alone for the sole purpose of " triggering" people you have a political disagreement with?
Ignoring the war that the left has waged on American cultures and society, makes us ask you the same things.
The state department put out a travel warning on Ukraine months ago. Haven't you ever traveled or worked overseas?
Of course.Because Biden needs to use Ukraine to
play politics.Like under Trump there were No problems
with Ukraine.Most everything was hunky dory.As soon as this
Biden ringer gets into office,we have Ukrainian problems.
Now ask yerself ... How come.
Now Russia is Backing off on some of their troop
training and going back home.
5 will getcha 10 Biden and his Shunks in the Media
were purposedly hyping an Invasion so that in the event
Russia backed Off ... Commander Joe can pin a fleet
of medals on his sportcoat and act like a decorated
Bull Connor.
Of course.Because Biden needs to use Ukraine to
play politics.Like under Trump there were No problems
with Ukraine.Most everything was hunky dory.As soon as this
Biden ringer gets into office,we have Ukrainian problems.
Now ask yerself ... How come.
Now Russia is Backing off on some of their troop
training and going back home.
5 will getcha 10 Biden and his Shunks in the Media
were purposedly hyping an Invasion so that in the event
Russia backed Off ... Commander Joe can pin a fleet
of medals on his sportcoat and act like a decorated
Bull Connor.
Lol, no problems with Ukraine until now....

Then why did Trump try to strong arm Ukraine by holding military aid over their heads??

and let's be honest...if Russia backs will be sad....especially with the way you idiots have been waving poms poms for Putin...

Because then you can't pretend to be outraged over Russia invading Ukraine.....
Lol, no problems with Ukraine until now....

Then why did Trump try to strong arm Ukraine by holding military aid over their heads??

and let's be honest...if Russia backs will be sad....especially with the way you idiots have been waving poms poms for Putin...

Because then you can't pretend to be outraged over Russia invading Ukraine.....
Not at all hard to understand.Virtually Everything you read
or were told by CNN and MSNBC regarding Russia was
a Huge Lie.Including that they hacked into Hillary Clinton's
Face it yer just part of the Toadstool lying MSM
Brigade of oily Narratives.
Lets make this real simple.What has Hillary said concerning
Russia that was truthful.Or anything for that matter.
Trump got along with Putin but also never cowered.
On CBS Face the Nation { w/ Margaret Brennan } May 2019
" Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign
policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades."
- Robert Gates

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