Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent

If you got any dimmer, the lights would be out entirely.

The Soviet fell in 1992.
You must hang out in the warpig "Putin's trying to re-create the Soviet" clubhouse!

Putin is smarter than to try do this and smarter than you and your clubhouse members!!
The Soviet fell in 1992.
You must hang out in the warpig [sic] "Putin's trying to re-create the Soviet" clubhouse!

Putin is smarter than to try do this and smarter than you and your clubhouse members!!
You don't know about his background (or anything about history), do you?
Good job, Biden. The result of a weak child molesting president is that yet again, under a democrat administration, Russia invades a neighbor.

Putin has no choice but to invade Ukraine now, he can't let Biden and CNN analysts look bad anymore.
Good job, Biden. The result of a weak child molesting president is that yet again, under a democrat administration, Russia invades a neighbor.

Uncertainty about Russia's intentions in Ukraine are driving the ppb towards $100.
Biden is out of his depth. He's even out of his depth in defrosting a freezer. Just when people are banking on America, a fucking puppet is at the helm. Good grief.
Now Biden is urging Americans in Belarus and Moldova to leave as well. Citing 'imminent attack'. At this point all Putin needs to do is nothing. Biden becomes the boy who cried wolf and American credibility drops yet again. Sad.

Now Biden is urging Americans in Belarus and Moldova to leave as well. Citing 'imminent attack'. At this point all Putin needs to do is nothing. Biden becomes the boy who cried wolf and American credibility drops yet again. Sad.

It's sop for expats and tourists to leave when there's a risk. Haven't you ever been anywhere or read a state department trave warning?
Oh yes - the Permastate wants war, and would have had WWIII under Clinton.

And yes, that's why they went after Trump - they knew he was a dove.

Only WWIII can save Biden and the Democrats now, but this Ukraine thing ain't happening.
He talked constantly about bombing Iran after he lost the election.
You know, even though the highly reputable and always credible Putin denies it — it does kinda sorta look like Russia is planning to invade the Ukraine.

Offhand, I think it might be considered a “tell” that Putin has placed over a hundred thousand Russian troops and an assload of powerful weapons and transport units and planes and warships either at the fucking border or very nearby.

Some people might think that Putin’s denials amount to a poor attempt to gaslight us. I mean, hell: it’s so obvious, even the senile Alzheimer’s patient in Chief can read the tea leaves.
It's sop for expats and tourists to leave when there's a risk. Haven't you ever been anywhere or read a state department trave warning?
Not sop for neighboring countries. Otherwise they would have run the warning to all of them from the beginning. This is just Biden in panic mode. Pathetic.

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