Russian Media: "Trump Really Smells Like An Agent Of The Kremlin"

Helsinki and everything this year has compromised Trump in the view of the majority of Americans.

He is compromised and not trustworthy.

We will see how much of that spreads to the November elections.
Oh...I didn't make that claim. I only expressed my personal desire to read the transcript
And that is a minority desire.....when will you see just how out of the mainstream dems have become?
You could not possibly know the truth of that claim (that most people don't want to read the transcript, out of curiosity). You are making stuff up, now.
That may be "Russian" Media sponsored from abroad, potentially from the USA.

Everybody in Russia is very glad both leaders could finally meet and talk together in a year and a half (!) after President Trump's inauguration. And there is no hysteria about it like in your country, the skies are not falling in Russia.
Without note takers and while the treasonous orange sociopath takes the side of the former head of the KGB over our intel forces?

The thing about no transcripts that bugs me is that Russia can claim that Trump agreed to something, and without a transcript, it's a "he said/he said" thing.

I bet Putin, being the former KGB agent that he was recorded it though.
Why do you think Putin wants to be a friend, what has he done in the past & the present to show that?????????????????????????????
Without note takers and while the treasonous orange sociopath takes the side of the former head of the KGB over our intel forces?
Please tell all of your friends to keep saying Trump is treasonous all the way up to 2020....thanks in advance.....Jill
i have a problem with them meeting without a transcriber. you should have a problem with that too. if ANYTHING- trump should know that it just wasn't a good idea, given how he's a subject of an investigation involving russia. so, it's gotta be one of two things---

1) he really IS that stupid ( do you think so?)
2) putin forced it because he owns trump & knows exactly how real american patriots will react.
If anyone ever would have demanded text from a meeting with Obama and Putin you would have had a hissy fit and played the race card...funny we really don't need it for Obama...we have that idiot on a hot mic conveying to Putin that after the election he and Putin can work together...where was your outrage back then?
This right here...this kind of blind hypocrisy and hateful madness is ruining the Democrat party for years to come...and you are helping....

just because you are a partisan stooge, doesn't mean everybody else is. that tired old 'hot mic' clip is overused & there is zero evidence of anything happening except imposed sanctions, thrown out diplomats & closed down compounds. time to get some new material.
just because you are a partisan stooge, doesn't mean everybody else is. that tired old 'hot mic' clip is overused & there is zero evidence of anything happening except imposed sanctions, thrown out diplomats & closed down compounds. time to get some new material
If anyone needs new material its the left of today...same tired old playbooks...people or at least most people are getting it.....they are wising should try it out...
just because you are a partisan stooge, doesn't mean everybody else is. that tired old 'hot mic' clip is overused & there is zero evidence of anything happening except imposed sanctions, thrown out diplomats & closed down compounds. time to get some new material
If anyone needs new material its the left of today...same tired old playbooks...people or at least most people are getting it.....they are wising should try it out...

most people - except for the deplorable 30% - are getting it, alright...
Look at Russia swaying public opinion from their own country! Trump musta scared them trolls back to the homeland
just because you are a partisan stooge, doesn't mean everybody else is. that tired old 'hot mic' clip is overused & there is zero evidence of anything happening except imposed sanctions, thrown out diplomats & closed down compounds. time to get some new material
If anyone needs new material its the left of today...same tired old playbooks...people or at least most people are getting it.....they are wising should try it out...

most people - except for the deplorable 30% - are getting it, alright...

When two of the most powerful leaders in the world meet ; when the both are White. YIDS WILL BE FLIPPING THEIR LIDS.
most people - except for the deplorable 30% - are getting it, alright...
30%? we proud deplorable's beat fat ass....must of been more than 30%...get ready to lose again.....its coming this November...

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