Russian Media: "Trump Really Smells Like An Agent Of The Kremlin"

most people - except for the deplorable 30% - are getting it, alright...
30%? we proud deplorable's beat fat ass....must of been more than 30%...get ready to lose again.....its coming this November...

lol... only in the electoral college... & being manipulated by russia.... oh, please- trump has gained a ton of weight to add to his already ample orange backside.

i hope he keeps shoving those big macs & KFC down his gullet....

Russian media has enjoyed President Trump’s love affair with Vladimir Putin, with one host saying on the country’s’ state-controlled television network that Trump appeared to be an operative for their country.

“When Trump says our relations are bad because of American foolishness and stupidity, he really smells like an agent of the Kremlin,” said Olga Skabeeva, a host of the Russian program “60 Minutes.”


"It is very bizarre, you can't bash your own country like that – especially when you're the President."
Female host: "When Trump says our relations are bad because of American foolishness and stupidity, he really smells like an agent of the Kremlin."

"At which point in time could you say he was licking Putin's boots?" another host says


Oh poor far left drones!

They still only have their debunked narrative of collusion.

Yet Obama invited Putin to the white House and claimed he would have more flexibility after the election and allowed Putin to run wild around the world.

But what do you expect from the far left when you would have thought Bush was president of the 8 years of Obama!

Yes Obama invited Putin. But Obama never acted leaking Putin’s boots like Trump.

Did you ever watch how Trump touched Putin? He is so excited like a dog.

See how the far left will ignore their own?

MSNBC Host Can't Remember When Obama Promised Russians "More Flexibility"

Did Obama became Putin lap dog? Or Trump made himself a total lap dog of Putin? We can see the evidence.
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Russian media has enjoyed President Trump’s love affair with Vladimir Putin, with one host saying on the country’s’ state-controlled television network that Trump appeared to be an operative for their country.

“When Trump says our relations are bad because of American foolishness and stupidity, he really smells like an agent of the Kremlin,” said Olga Skabeeva, a host of the Russian program “60 Minutes.”


"It is very bizarre, you can't bash your own country like that – especially when you're the President."
Female host: "When Trump says our relations are bad because of American foolishness and stupidity, he really smells like an agent of the Kremlin."

"At which point in time could you say he was licking Putin's boots?" another host says


Oh poor far left drones!

They still only have their debunked narrative of collusion.

Yet Obama invited Putin to the white House and claimed he would have more flexibility after the election and allowed Putin to run wild around the world.

But what do you expect from the far left when you would have thought Bush was president of the 8 years of Obama!

Yes Obama invited Putin. But Obama never acted leaking Putin’s boots like Trump.

Did you ever watch how Trump touched Putin? He is so excited like a dog.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?

So what? Did Obama kiss Russia butt like Trump is doing right now? All he was saying he has more flexibility after the election.

Look at the condemnations all over by both parties. Even Fox News called it DISGUSTING.
Just admit it Trump is INCOMPETENT, IGNORANT, MORON. Siding with Putin against how own Intelligence Agencies that he hired. Think what the fuck kind of mentality is that.
I always knew that you are DUMB but I did not expect that you are this stupid.

Here is a link just one example who is blasting POTUS stupidity.

Trey Gowdy: Trump's Aides Need To 'Re-Evaluate' Staying After His Summit Remarks

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said on Sunday that President Donald Trump’s advisers should consider leaving the White House if Trump continues to publicly disparage the nation’s intelligence community and cast doubt on the evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

“The president either needs to rely on the people that he has chosen to advise him, or those advisers need to re-evaluate whether or not they can serve in this administration,” Gowdy said on Fox News Sunday, referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley. “But the disconnect cannot continue. The evidence is overwhelming and the president needs to say that and act like it.”

Trump said Monday at a press conference during his Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin that he didn’t see why Russia would be involved with election interference. He walked back that statement a day later, saying he’d meant to say he didn’t see why Russia wouldn’t be involved.
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Only Trump haters and McCainian thinkers could have a problem with America and Russia will never get peace on earth without talking...its when the talking stops that we need to worry....don't let the libs fool you...they want what Trump wants they just don't want Trump to be the one to do it.....they are infantile.....

i have a problem with them meeting without a transcriber. you should have a problem with that too. if ANYTHING- trump should know that it just wasn't a good idea, given how he's a subject of an investigation involving russia. so, it's gotta be one of two things---

1) he really IS that stupid ( do you think so?)
2) putin forced it because he owns trump & knows exactly how real american patriots will react.

There’s so much crap going on with the Russians and Putin........ Then here comes Trump one on one meeting with Trump with nobody else is there.
Come out of the meeting....... I believe my buddy Putin more than his own intelligence agencies. Very embarrassing.

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