Russian Media: "Trump Really Smells Like An Agent Of The Kremlin"

Trump's tweet from this morning...............................

“Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) — almost unheard of,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. “Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client — totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!”

Several things in Trump's tweet this morning that were false.

First, there was a LEGAL warrant issued. If a warrant is issued, the police have the right to search the place in question and see what is there. And, it was issued by a judge, so it was on the up and up, and there was no "break in".

Second, Trump bitched about his lawyer taping the conversation and said that it was inconceivable and possibly illegal. No, although it is unusual, there have been lawyers that have recorded conversations with clients.

As far as being illegal? Again, a big no on that one as well. Different states have different rules for recording conversations between two people, and in NY, only 1 person has to give consent to being recorded. In this case, it's Cohen.
Actually, many Russian newspapers have been blasting most American news outlets and Democrats.
Wow, you want to believe Trump lies daily, you want to believe Russia lies daily, but on this one they're telling the truth...go figure, dumbass.
That's nonsensical, dummy. It's an opinion. Either one agrees with it, or one doesn't.

True and we know how you idiots confuse opinions with facts.
Says the moron insisting it's a witch hunt....
When your Russia collusion investigation come up with a guys lawyers office being raided and you found a recording of an attorney client conversation about paying off some chick? Yeah that’s a witch hunt.

It wasn't "raided." They had a very legal search warrant issued by a judge.
Wow, you want to believe Trump lies daily, you want to believe Russia lies daily, but on this one they're telling the truth...go figure, dumbass.
That's nonsensical, dummy. It's an opinion. Either one agrees with it, or one doesn't.

True and we know how you idiots confuse opinions with facts.
Says the moron insisting it's a witch hunt....
When your Russia collusion investigation come up with a guys lawyers office being raided and you found a recording of an attorney client conversation about paying off some chick? Yeah that’s a witch hunt.

WTF, someone has been watching way too many detective shows on television.
True and we know how you idiots confuse opinions with facts.
Says the moron insisting it's a witch hunt....
When your Russia collusion investigation come up with a guys lawyers office being raided and you found a recording of an attorney client conversation about paying off some chick? Yeah that’s a witch hunt.

It wasn't "raided." They had a very legal search warrant issued by a judge.
True and we know how you idiots confuse opinions with facts.
Says the moron insisting it's a witch hunt....
When your Russia collusion investigation come up with a guys lawyers office being raided and you found a recording of an attorney client conversation about paying off some chick? Yeah that’s a witch hunt.

And this why the far left always gets Trumped in a "debate"

In order to "raid", you need a search warrant.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia
Please educate yourself on the subject matter.

Your reverence means squat in the face of the truth...

Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan, confirmed the raids. “Today, the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” Mr. Ryan said.

Slow that camel down, thought you said it wasn't a raid?
No kidding, certainly wasn't me that said the investigation is warranted
Then you ARE saying it is a witch hunt. get your story straight.

You need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.
Hmm,no, you are left with those choices. You made your choice, own it. If it embarrasses you, then maybe you should reconsider.

Yeah, guess you've got to be pretty dense to limit yourself to two choices.
No kidding, certainly wasn't me that said the investigation is warranted
Then you ARE saying it is a witch hunt. get your story straight.

You need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.
Hmm,no, you are left with those choices. You made your choice, own it. If it embarrasses you, then maybe you should reconsider.

Yeah, guess you've got to be pretty dense to limit yourself to two choices.
No one can control Trump ,except ...........Putin
No kidding, certainly wasn't me that said the investigation is warranted
Then you ARE saying it is a witch hunt. get your story straight.

You need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.
Hmm,no, you are left with those choices. You made your choice, own it. If it embarrasses you, then maybe you should reconsider.

Yeah, guess you've got to be pretty dense to limit yourself to two choices.
Then you can tell me the others. Don't be shy.
Geesus, when even Russian controlled State media says that Trump is a "Kremlin Agent", you know that Putin feels confident enough to humiliate Trump to the world. That would not have aired but for Putin's consent.

Face it Trumpers, Trump is a Putin slut.

the roooskies are the ones who released the photos when the
russian <coughcoughspiescougcough> diplomats met with drumpf at the whitehouse. there weren't supposta be any photographers there....

russians in the oval office - Google Search

& he told them some classified israeli intel that day too....
Geesus, when even Russian controlled State media says that Trump is a "Kremlin Agent", you know that Putin feels confident enough to humiliate Trump to the world. That would not have aired but for Putin's consent.

Face it Trumpers, Trump is a Putin Whore.
Wow, I think this kindergarten approach is just very low hanging fruit. Dumbfucks are explaining world politics to other dumbfucks.

Putin is sending a message via his media. Putin is celebrating and having his victory tour. He has no respect for Trump. Like someone who has disdain for another, Putin will flatter his ego in private to get what he wants, but at home he says what he truly means.

capt cray cray is so ego driven, he will suck on whoever is giving him praise at the moment... but he is putin's bitch cause putin owns him completely. his wallet & probably the pee pee tape that will humiliate him on a world stage.
You know, I don't really care what the Russian media is saying about Trump and Putin. The thing that concerns me is the meeting in Helsinki that he had with no other Americans around, so he had nobody to back him up if the Russians said he agreed to something. And, those concerns were well founded, because now Russia is talking about verbal agreements made at the summit concerning military actions, and the Pentagon still has no idea what was agreed to.

As Russians describe ‘verbal agreements’ at summit, U.S. officials scramble for clarity

Two days after President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian officials offered a string of assertions about what the two leaders had achieved.

“Important verbal agreements” were reached at the Helsinki meeting, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday, including preservation of the New START and INF agreements, major bilateral arms control treaties whose futures have been in question. Antonov also said Putin had made “specific and interesting proposals to Washington” on how the two countries could cooperate on Syria.

But officials at the most senior levels across the U.S. military, scrambling since Monday to determine what Trump may have agreed to on national security issues in Helsinki, had little to no information Wednesday.

i'll bet it included the new nuke testing russia started after the summit....
You know, I don't really care what the Russian media is saying about Trump and Putin. The thing that concerns me is the meeting in Helsinki that he had with no other Americans around, so he had nobody to back him up if the Russians said he agreed to something. And, those concerns were well founded, because now Russia is talking about verbal agreements made at the summit concerning military actions, and the Pentagon still has no idea what was agreed to.

As Russians describe ‘verbal agreements’ at summit, U.S. officials scramble for clarity

Two days after President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian officials offered a string of assertions about what the two leaders had achieved.

“Important verbal agreements” were reached at the Helsinki meeting, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday, including preservation of the New START and INF agreements, major bilateral arms control treaties whose futures have been in question. Antonov also said Putin had made “specific and interesting proposals to Washington” on how the two countries could cooperate on Syria.

But officials at the most senior levels across the U.S. military, scrambling since Monday to determine what Trump may have agreed to on national security issues in Helsinki, had little to no information Wednesday.
You’re worried about what the Russians are saying happened? Why? They can say anything they want. Trump can also just say nope didn’t agree to that.

Not if Putin recorded the conversation, and, many on both sides of the aisle are saying that is a possibility.
What if Trump recorded it?

'oh lordy i hope there's tapes' ....

but he ain't that smart.

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