
liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful.

Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think knowledge is stable and real, we know better. First a little history. When the online comment and communications boards began most people had no idea of the power and influence they would eventually create. AOL chat was an early participant as was Yahoo, it was often childish and its format not open to propaganda and idea dissemination. Anyone remember Yahoo answers, it too was occasionally interesting, but the audience wasn't wide enough and we needed better directing and focusing, we needed to target an audience that would believe or even just doubt.

But something else was going on and had been going for a long time. Think Tanks (TT) formed a model for the control of information. RAND and Hudson began after WWII as bases of knowledge and policy, who could have predicated what they would eventually become? How thought itself could be transformed. Propaganda now had a platform, no longer just opinion, no longer on the sidelines, now the Think Tank confirmed whatever it was they were paid to confirm. Agnotology had a sponsor. Smoking bad? Global warming real? Doubt everything. Well not everything only those issues that challenged power.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Fair Use copyright only and identify the link for this long quote

We did not create Trump or Kushner or Miller or Kavanaugh or Parscale or Dobbs or Barr or Hannity, you did, your system did, and so while we use them they represent the amorality of your world. Winning at all cost is American as apple pie. Love your idioms. Some claim we are amoral. Listen people, many are amoral, Trump is amoral, do you really think he believes or thinks deeply about anything? Twitter is so much fun. Look at Steve Bannon, he too is part of the gaming of the American people, and folks should democrats ever get their message heard, we will twist that too and soon republicans will be looked on as really caring for America and Americans. You know, the values issue, wins every time. Notice we are already doing that with the ACA, aka Obamacare. We know where to focus, Democrats don't. Cultural location and religious belief - rural remote - are areas of dissemination, focus areas in other words. Just a matter of time and soon your nation will be like ours, controlled by the few. In many ways it already is, but one must not see that for the leader must promise the promised land and always strive to pull the wool over your eyes. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Footnote: We must be careful should republicans and Trump destroy too many of the values and policies that have made America great. Americans could then return to realpolitik, a place where commonsense rules over ideology and created reality. Another FDR could again make America great as Reagan promoted even though he was created by the words of corporate propagandists. 2020 here we come. Good luck America.

Editor Note: The Russian troll's confession may be a spoof, we do not know. If 'they' return to comment we'll be open to their opinion. America is in a state of divided incredulity, but so long as the economy isn't crashing, anything goes. Trump rallies appear to be more useful tools for control than many had thought. Lies are truths, promises never kept, but the show goes on and on.

Russian trolls: Here are 2,752 Russian Twitter accounts that trolled you

The show goes on: Trump ad contagion spreads on Facebook, infects Google

Or not: Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from rest of world | ZDNet

"The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning." Robert Anton Wilson
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It's amazing. Russian trolls are not to be believed until one of them says something we want to hear.

The authenticity is highly doubtful
I dont think that its authentic. But it rings true.Very clever.

Because it's telling you what you want to hear. It's not clever.
Nope. Its something that we already know is happening. In a UK context the same people who voted for brexit seem to be the same types who support Trump. They have tapped into something and have persuaded folk to vote against their better interests.
You guys will stop at nothing. Blame the other side for what you yourself do.

It's amazing. Russian trolls are not to be believed until one of them says something we want to hear.

The authenticity is highly doubtful
I dont think that its authentic. But it rings true.Very clever.

Because it's telling you what you want to hear. It's not clever.
Nope. Its something that we already know is happening. In a UK context the same people who voted for brexit seem to be the same types who support Trump. They have tapped into something and have persuaded folk to vote against their better interests.

How convenient.
Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful.

Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think knowledge is stable and real, we know better. First a little history. When the online comment and communications boards began most people had no idea of the power and influence they would eventually create. AOL chat was an early participant as was Yahoo, it was often childish and its format not open to propaganda and idea dissemination. Anyone remember Yahoo answers, it too was occasionally interesting, but the audience wasn't wide enough and we needed better directing and focusing, we needed to target an audience that would believe or even just doubt.

But something else was going on and had been going for a long time. Think Tanks (TT) formed a model for the control of information. RAND and Hudson began after WWII as bases of knowledge and policy, who could have predicated what they would eventually become? How thought itself could be transformed. Propaganda now had a platform, no longer just opinion, no longer on the sidelines, now the Think Tank confirmed whatever it was they were paid to confirm. Agnotology had a sponsor. Smoking bad? Global warming real? Doubt everything. Well not everything only those issues that challenged power.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Fair Use copyright only and identify the link for this long quote

We did not create Trump or Kushner or Miller or Kavanaugh or Parscale or Dobbs or Barr or Hannity, you did, your system did, and so while we use them they represent the amorality of your world. Winning at all cost is American as apple pie. Love your idioms. Some claim we are amoral. Listen people, many are amoral, Trump is amoral, do you really think he believes or thinks deeply about anything? Twitter is so much fun. Look at Steve Bannon, he too is part of the gaming of the American people, and folks should democrats ever get their message heard, we will twist that too and soon republicans will be looked on as really caring for America and Americans. You know, the values issue, wins every time. Notice we are already doing that with the ACA, aka Obamacare. We know where to focus, Democrats don't. Cultural location and religious belief - rural remote - are areas of dissemination, focus areas in other words. Just a matter of time and soon your nation will be like ours, controlled by the few. In many ways it already is, but one must not see that for the leader must promise the promised land and always strive to pull the wool over your eyes. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Footnote: We must be careful should republicans and Trump destroy too many of the values and policies that have made America great. Americans could then return to realpolitik, a place where commonsense rules over ideology and created reality. Another FDR could again make America great as Reagan promoted even though he was created by the words of corporate propagandists. 2020 here we come. Good luck America.

Editor Note: The Russian troll's confession may be a spoof, we do not know. If 'they' return to comment we'll be open to their opinion. America is in a state of divided incredulity, but so long as the economy isn't crashing, anything goes. Trump rallies appear to be more useful tools for control than many had thought. Lies are truths, promises never kept, but the show goes on and on.

Russian trolls: Here are 2,752 Russian Twitter accounts that trolled you

The show goes on: Trump ad contagion spreads on Facebook, infects Google

Or not: Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from rest of world | ZDNet

"The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning." Robert Anton Wilson

So the ANSWER and justice for Russian Trolling is to give yet another Russian troll a forum to spew on USMB???? Very clever... You've now given a Russian troll MORE VIEWS than most of those 2761 ads brought in...

It's not clear which link this long "in your face" Russian rant came from -- but I did take almost a half hour to download to the list of 2753 Russian Ads from one of the Vox links... I cruised thru about 1 calendar month of "russian ads" and here is an example of how MOST of them look....


NOTE: The number of views is 78... The number of CLICKS is exactly THREE !!!!

What did it cost some Russian to place it? 108 Rubles. Or about $1.50... That's 50 cents for every click. You get a 1000 times that for a click bait ad of a half anaconda -- half gator... How many folks do you think SHOWED UP for that fake rally? The number is less than THREE...

SO -- in comparison to the SUM TOTAL of all this masturbation by Russian trolls, their exposure was SEVERAL MILLION TIMES LESS than the GPS FUSION/Hillary/Steele "russian dossier -- which was also a product of professional Russian trolls.. Only THOSE TROLLS were employed by the Russian State Intelligence services directly......
Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful.

Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think knowledge is stable and real, we know better. First a little history. When the online comment and communications boards began most people had no idea of the power and influence they would eventually create. AOL chat was an early participant as was Yahoo, it was often childish and its format not open to propaganda and idea dissemination. Anyone remember Yahoo answers, it too was occasionally interesting, but the audience wasn't wide enough and we needed better directing and focusing, we needed to target an audience that would believe or even just doubt.

But something else was going on and had been going for a long time. Think Tanks (TT) formed a model for the control of information. RAND and Hudson began after WWII as bases of knowledge and policy, who could have predicated what they would eventually become? How thought itself could be transformed. Propaganda now had a platform, no longer just opinion, no longer on the sidelines, now the Think Tank confirmed whatever it was they were paid to confirm. Agnotology had a sponsor. Smoking bad? Global warming real? Doubt everything. Well not everything only those issues that challenged power.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Fair Use copyright only and identify the link for this long quote

We did not create Trump or Kushner or Miller or Kavanaugh or Parscale or Dobbs or Barr or Hannity, you did, your system did, and so while we use them they represent the amorality of your world. Winning at all cost is American as apple pie. Love your idioms. Some claim we are amoral. Listen people, many are amoral, Trump is amoral, do you really think he believes or thinks deeply about anything? Twitter is so much fun. Look at Steve Bannon, he too is part of the gaming of the American people, and folks should democrats ever get their message heard, we will twist that too and soon republicans will be looked on as really caring for America and Americans. You know, the values issue, wins every time. Notice we are already doing that with the ACA, aka Obamacare. We know where to focus, Democrats don't. Cultural location and religious belief - rural remote - are areas of dissemination, focus areas in other words. Just a matter of time and soon your nation will be like ours, controlled by the few. In many ways it already is, but one must not see that for the leader must promise the promised land and always strive to pull the wool over your eyes. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Footnote: We must be careful should republicans and Trump destroy too many of the values and policies that have made America great. Americans could then return to realpolitik, a place where commonsense rules over ideology and created reality. Another FDR could again make America great as Reagan promoted even though he was created by the words of corporate propagandists. 2020 here we come. Good luck America.

Editor Note: The Russian troll's confession may be a spoof, we do not know. If 'they' return to comment we'll be open to their opinion. America is in a state of divided incredulity, but so long as the economy isn't crashing, anything goes. Trump rallies appear to be more useful tools for control than many had thought. Lies are truths, promises never kept, but the show goes on and on.

Russian trolls: Here are 2,752 Russian Twitter accounts that trolled you

The show goes on: Trump ad contagion spreads on Facebook, infects Google

Or not: Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from rest of world | ZDNet

"The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning." Robert Anton Wilson

So the ANSWER and justice for Russian Trolling is to give yet another Russian troll a forum to spew on USMB???? Very clever... You've now given a Russian troll MORE VIEWS than most of those 2761 ads brought in...

It's not clear which link this long "in your face" Russian rant came from -- but I did take almost a half hour to download to the list of 2753 Russian Ads from one of the Vox links... I cruised thru about 1 calendar month of "russian ads" and here is an example of how MOST of them look....

View attachment 261231

NOTE: The number of views is 78... The number of CLICKS is exactly THREE !!!!

What did it cost some Russian to place it? 108 Rubles. Or about $1.50... That's 50 cents for every click. You get a 1000 times that for a click bait ad of a half anaconda -- half gator... How many folks do you think SHOWED UP for that fake rally? The number is less than THREE...

SO -- in comparison to the SUM TOTAL of all this masturbation by Russian trolls, their exposure was SEVERAL MILLION TIMES LESS than the GPS FUSION/Hillary/Steele "russian dossier -- which was also a product of professional Russian trolls.. Only THOSE TROLLS were employed by the Russian State Intelligence services directly......
Excellent analysis.
Ah come on people, you should be used to my satire by now. Been here a long time. This is my work and while it may not be Johnathan Swift clever it was fun doing it. Like my imaginary college Irritus, imagination is missing in America, we are stuck in an imaginary dream in which a charlatan lies daily and the resentful hear music only their ears believe.

I think I hear the Russian troll now, he is laughing.... we should too.

Education For A Republican

PS Russian Troll Talks

"But the deep background that lies behind and beyond what we call humor is revealed only to the few who, by instinct or by effort, have given thought to it. The world's humor, in its best and greatest sense, is perhaps the highest product of our civilization. Its basis lies in the deeper contrasts offered by life itself: the strange incongruity between our aspiration and our achievement, the eager and fretful anxieties of today that fade into nothingness tomorrow, the burning pain and the sharp sorrow that are softened in the gentle retrospect of time, till as we look back upon the course that has been traversed, we pass in view the panorama of our lives, as people in old age may recall, with mingled tears and smiles, the angry quarrels of their childhood. And here, in its larger aspect, humor is blended with pathos till the two are one, and represent, as they have in every age, the mingled heritage of tears and laughter that is our lot on earth." Stephen Leacock
Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful.

Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think knowledge is stable and real, we know better. First a little history. When the online comment and communications boards began most people had no idea of the power and influence they would eventually create. AOL chat was an early participant as was Yahoo, it was often childish and its format not open to propaganda and idea dissemination. Anyone remember Yahoo answers, it too was occasionally interesting, but the audience wasn't wide enough and we needed better directing and focusing, we needed to target an audience that would believe or even just doubt.

But something else was going on and had been going for a long time. Think Tanks (TT) formed a model for the control of information. RAND and Hudson began after WWII as bases of knowledge and policy, who could have predicated what they would eventually become? How thought itself could be transformed. Propaganda now had a platform, no longer just opinion, no longer on the sidelines, now the Think Tank confirmed whatever it was they were paid to confirm. Agnotology had a sponsor. Smoking bad? Global warming real? Doubt everything. Well not everything only those issues that challenged power.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Fair Use copyright only and identify the link for this long quote

We did not create Trump or Kushner or Miller or Kavanaugh or Parscale or Dobbs or Barr or Hannity, you did, your system did, and so while we use them they represent the amorality of your world. Winning at all cost is American as apple pie. Love your idioms. Some claim we are amoral. Listen people, many are amoral, Trump is amoral, do you really think he believes or thinks deeply about anything? Twitter is so much fun. Look at Steve Bannon, he too is part of the gaming of the American people, and folks should democrats ever get their message heard, we will twist that too and soon republicans will be looked on as really caring for America and Americans. You know, the values issue, wins every time. Notice we are already doing that with the ACA, aka Obamacare. We know where to focus, Democrats don't. Cultural location and religious belief - rural remote - are areas of dissemination, focus areas in other words. Just a matter of time and soon your nation will be like ours, controlled by the few. In many ways it already is, but one must not see that for the leader must promise the promised land and always strive to pull the wool over your eyes. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Footnote: We must be careful should republicans and Trump destroy too many of the values and policies that have made America great. Americans could then return to realpolitik, a place where commonsense rules over ideology and created reality. Another FDR could again make America great as Reagan promoted even though he was created by the words of corporate propagandists. 2020 here we come. Good luck America.

Editor Note: The Russian troll's confession may be a spoof, we do not know. If 'they' return to comment we'll be open to their opinion. America is in a state of divided incredulity, but so long as the economy isn't crashing, anything goes. Trump rallies appear to be more useful tools for control than many had thought. Lies are truths, promises never kept, but the show goes on and on.

Russian trolls: Here are 2,752 Russian Twitter accounts that trolled you

The show goes on: Trump ad contagion spreads on Facebook, infects Google

Or not: Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from rest of world | ZDNet

"The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning." Robert Anton Wilson

Moronic hog wash.
Ah come on people, you should be used to my satire by now. Been here a long time. This is my work and while it may not be Johnathan Swift clever it was fun doing it. Like my imaginary college Irritus, imagination is missing in America, we are stuck in an imaginary dream in which a charlatan lies daily and the resentful hear music only their ears believe.

I think I hear the Russian troll now, he is laughing.... we should too.

Education For A Republican

PS Russian Troll Talks

"But the deep background that lies behind and beyond what we call humor is revealed only to the few who, by instinct or by effort, have given thought to it. The world's humor, in its best and greatest sense, is perhaps the highest product of our civilization. Its basis lies in the deeper contrasts offered by life itself: the strange incongruity between our aspiration and our achievement, the eager and fretful anxieties of today that fade into nothingness tomorrow, the burning pain and the sharp sorrow that are softened in the gentle retrospect of time, till as we look back upon the course that has been traversed, we pass in view the panorama of our lives, as people in old age may recall, with mingled tears and smiles, the angry quarrels of their childhood. And here, in its larger aspect, humor is blended with pathos till the two are one, and represent, as they have in every age, the mingled heritage of tears and laughter that is our lot on earth." Stephen Leacock
Good to see you are trying to lighten up a little. Wrong forum though.
There’s a website where you can type in a URL and it will tell you where in the world it’s visitors are coming from. I forget the site, you can probably find it with google. But I checked USMB and the country with the most visitors other than the U.S. was Russia. Then there was a big dropoff. The troll campaigns are real.
There’s a website where you can type in a URL and it will tell you where in the world it’s visitors are coming from. I forget the site, you can probably find it with google. But I checked USMB and the country with the most visitors other than the U.S. was Russia. Then there was a big dropoff. The troll campaigns are real.

Too bad your constant dishonesty has robbed you of all credibility. I don't believe you enough to spend 10 seconds checking out what you claim.
Ah come on people, you should be used to my satire by now. Been here a long time. This is my work and while it may not be Johnathan Swift clever it was fun doing it. Like my imaginary college Irritus, imagination is missing in America, we are stuck in an imaginary dream in which a charlatan lies daily and the resentful hear music only their ears believe.

I think I hear the Russian troll now, he is laughing.... we should too.

It's very unusual to debate politics with a persona who creates imaginary antagonists/protagonists when there's so many REAL ONES to choose from just exposed in the news.. And hearing voices certainly adds to the mystique of your act...

It was entertaining.. But all that stuff about think tanks being mere propaganda just makes me think you don't KNOW what real debate sounds or looks like.. Because that's not PROPAGANDA coming out of most reputable TTanks, that's ARGUMENT and debate.....
Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful.

Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think knowledge is stable and real, we know better. First a little history. When the online comment and communications boards began most people had no idea of the power and influence they would eventually create. AOL chat was an early participant as was Yahoo, it was often childish and its format not open to propaganda and idea dissemination. Anyone remember Yahoo answers, it too was occasionally interesting, but the audience wasn't wide enough and we needed better directing and focusing, we needed to target an audience that would believe or even just doubt.

But something else was going on and had been going for a long time. Think Tanks (TT) formed a model for the control of information. RAND and Hudson began after WWII as bases of knowledge and policy, who could have predicated what they would eventually become? How thought itself could be transformed. Propaganda now had a platform, no longer just opinion, no longer on the sidelines, now the Think Tank confirmed whatever it was they were paid to confirm. Agnotology had a sponsor. Smoking bad? Global warming real? Doubt everything. Well not everything only those issues that challenged power.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Fair Use copyright only and identify the link for this long quote

We did not create Trump or Kushner or Miller or Kavanaugh or Parscale or Dobbs or Barr or Hannity, you did, your system did, and so while we use them they represent the amorality of your world. Winning at all cost is American as apple pie. Love your idioms. Some claim we are amoral. Listen people, many are amoral, Trump is amoral, do you really think he believes or thinks deeply about anything? Twitter is so much fun. Look at Steve Bannon, he too is part of the gaming of the American people, and folks should democrats ever get their message heard, we will twist that too and soon republicans will be looked on as really caring for America and Americans. You know, the values issue, wins every time. Notice we are already doing that with the ACA, aka Obamacare. We know where to focus, Democrats don't. Cultural location and religious belief - rural remote - are areas of dissemination, focus areas in other words. Just a matter of time and soon your nation will be like ours, controlled by the few. In many ways it already is, but one must not see that for the leader must promise the promised land and always strive to pull the wool over your eyes. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Footnote: We must be careful should republicans and Trump destroy too many of the values and policies that have made America great. Americans could then return to realpolitik, a place where commonsense rules over ideology and created reality. Another FDR could again make America great as Reagan promoted even though he was created by the words of corporate propagandists. 2020 here we come. Good luck America.

Editor Note: The Russian troll's confession may be a spoof, we do not know. If 'they' return to comment we'll be open to their opinion. America is in a state of divided incredulity, but so long as the economy isn't crashing, anything goes. Trump rallies appear to be more useful tools for control than many had thought. Lies are truths, promises never kept, but the show goes on and on.

Russian trolls: Here are 2,752 Russian Twitter accounts that trolled you

The show goes on: Trump ad contagion spreads on Facebook, infects Google

Or not: Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from rest of world | ZDNet

"The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning." Robert Anton Wilson

Oh brother......American politics hasn't changed in 100's of years. The Founders cleverly set up an adversarial system of government which encourages politicians to jump through hoops before leveling their power on We The People. Trump is a representative of We The People.....The working ones. Yeah I know, his daddy gave him money but, strangely, he seems to exude American work ethic. He's always working, he wasn't always making a lot of money, in fact, he says himself he had bad times where he lost money and went bankrupt. That happens a lot in business that is not dependent on any government stipend. In short, working people voted for him. This 'confession' is so much bullcrap, I got to wear waders to even read the rest of it.
LOL Ah come on folks, you need to enjoy the comedy America has become under Trump. A little satirical fun, sometimes deep thought and real understanding can be found in the oddest places. 'Our Russian' knows lots of our history and since they do I'll post a few excellent books at bottom for the inquisitive reader who wants to understand too.

Anyone who thinks Trump cares about the working class needs to read his history of treatment of the working class and take a psychology course on the appeal narcissistic leaders (see footnote) have on people. Jonna Ivin writes about his appeal in link below, and if you really want to understand Trump read 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston. The entire Trump family is dishonest on so many levels. Summary of book is here: Summary of The Making of Donald Trump: by David Cay Johnston | Includes Analysis by Instaread Summaries

Ivin's OP here: I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

If you genuinely want to understand America today, these books are excellent and they are all written by women which is interesting too.

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior


How do leaders come to rule over people? What conditions exist that make a nation deteriorate rather than excel? This book is on my reading list next as Russia went from bad to hope to ???


"Democracy is difficult and demanding. So is history. It can crack your voice; it can stir your soul; it can break your heart." Jill Lepore
LOL Ah come on folks, you need to enjoy the comedy America has become under Trump. A little satirical fun, sometimes deep thought and real understanding can be found in the oddest places. 'Our Russian' knows lots of our history and since they do I'll post a few excellent books at bottom for the inquisitive reader who wants to understand too.

Anyone who thinks Trump cares about the working class needs to read his history of treatment of the working class and take a psychology course on the appeal narcissistic leaders (see footnote) have on people. Jonna Ivin writes about his appeal in link below, and if you really want to understand Trump read 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston. The entire Trump family is dishonest on so many levels. Summary of book is here: Summary of The Making of Donald Trump: by David Cay Johnston | Includes Analysis by Instaread Summaries

Ivin's OP here: I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

If you genuinely want to understand America today, these books are excellent and they are all written by women which is interesting too.

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior


How do leaders come to rule over people? What conditions exist that make a nation deteriorate rather than excel? This book is on my reading list next as Russia went from bad to hope to ???


"Democracy is difficult and demanding. So is history. It can crack your voice; it can stir your soul; it can break your heart." Jill Lepore

America is not a comedy but the Democrat party has become a joke.
It appears the Russian troll understands regret as they conveyed concern over their words of blame and subsequently shared the OP below. In the opinion piece another author acknowledges America's responsibility in creating the world in which Donald John Trump could play the American people. The author calls it 'the great American hustle'. In simple words, the way of life in America for the privileged classes. The editors are in agreement this opinion piece should be shared. Excerpts below.

'Trump’s rise looks like a great American hustle, despite the international links. '

"Mueller demonstrates how Trump is merely a would-be mobster, worried sick that his capos are wearing a wire."

"It turns out there really is a “deep state” out to thwart Trump after all, but its operatives are not alleged liberal Trump haters in the FBI but Trump appointees in his administration—and when they secretly manage to thwart him, they shield him from prison."

"“They thought we colluded, but we couldn’t even collude with our local offices.” It’s a pitiful yet accurate exculpation: not guilty by reason of ineptitude."

"Mueller’s chronicle of prevarication, moral turpitude, and incompetence is dispiriting, but his presentation of rigorous legal reasoning and strict adherence to statutes, case law, and procedural rules is inspiring. The text serves as an x-ray, revealing a venal politician and a corrupt political system. At the same time, it embodies many of the values that make the United States great: integrity, meticulousness, professionalism, public service, and the rule of law."

American Hustle

"The report makes clear that Trump the politician resembles Trump the businessman. Before he became president, whenever he got into trouble (which he constantly did), he would sue, obtaining a settlement to extricate himself. He and his businesses got involved in around 3,500 lawsuits, in a majority of them as the plaintiff. If all else failed, Trump would declare bankruptcy. Between 1991 and 2009, his companies went through six corporate bankruptcies under Chapter 11. But although he had to relinquish many of his properties, he avoided having to file for personal bankruptcy."

"Only someone miraculously innocent of history could believe that competition among ideas could result in the triumph of truth" John Gray

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