Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

I cannot say I am sad. She should have been out years ago. I hope Trump brings a strict constitutionalist to the bench.
I agree that she should have retired years ago. She should have retired while Obama was president if she wanted another liberal to replace her.

I hope Trump will quickly be able to replace her with a conservative; however, don't be surprised if Mitt Romney and Susan Collins go Rino.
Let's look at some reality...sad to see the old gal pass, but it is what it is.

With the election cycle so close, and with all the campaigning being done.
In reality, there isn't going to be enough time to get someone nominated,
pass the litmus test and voted on before Jan 16
why not,,,I dont see a problem,,, I do not engage my real opinion..........RIP...........and as always.......there will be a rush to replacement with a Borking of the replacement.
Didnā€™t you guys state you shouldnā€™t do that right before an election?
No. Obamaā€™s pick was too radical for a Republican Senate to confirm. I doubt President Trump will have that problem.
So you admit you are a hypocrite.
How so? McConnell has already stated he will put to vote any nominee even through the election. Itā€™s a Republican Senate and President, not split party like it was before.
Ah, thank for confirming you guys are hypocrites.
Regardless of how the election turns out the Republicans are in charge of the Senate and Trump is President until the end of January next year. Plenty of time to get a nice Conservative to replace the Libtard bitch.
NO CONSERVATIVES,,, we need a constitutionalist,,,

No friggin Liberal has ever even read the Constitution no less be a Constitutionalist.
I think at thispoint liberals know more about the Constitution then Trumpists.
Where in the Constitution is there time limits on the nomination process? The elected Congress and POTUS have their terms until January 2021. I do not engage my real opinion..........RIP...........and as always.......there will be a rush to replacement with a Borking of the replacement.
Didnā€™t you guys state you shouldnā€™t do that right before an election?
I never did............and your side would be drooling for a replacement had this been someone else...........Please save me the BS on this..............You will get a nomination down your throats before next year..........

Now you have to find another so called I've been raped actor.
My side did not deny a president his right to fill a vacancy on the claim that it should not be done right before an election.

I would not supported it.
You dont have a say. Doesnt matter what you support
in before print press reports. Ginsberg is dead. Trump can nominate a new one come Monday. yeehaaa.
I really hope that Trump thinks carefully about his next pick to replac3e her on the SCOTUS.

To replace her with an ideologue would be an inflamatory, provocative act that will drive democrat voters to the polls in extremely high turn out.

As for RGB, may God welcome her and ease her soul.

LOL... I do not engage my real opinion..........RIP...........and as always.......there will be a rush to replacement with a Borking of the replacement.
Didnā€™t you guys state you shouldnā€™t do that right before an election?
I never did............and your side would be drooling for a replacement had this been someone else...........Please save me the BS on this..............You will get a nomination down your throats before next year..........

Now you have to find another so called I've been raped actor.
My side did not deny a president his right to fill a vacancy on the claim that it should not be done right before an election.

I would not supported it.
who cares what you think???

I do.
Regardless of how the election turns out the Republicans are in charge of the Senate and Trump is President until the end of January next year. Plenty of time to get a nice Conservative to replace the Libtard bitch.
NO CONSERVATIVES,,, we need a constitutionalist,,,

No friggin Liberal has ever even read the Constitution no less be a Constitutionalist.
I think at thispoint liberals know more about the Constitution then Trumpists.
One thing to know about the Constitution, another thing to protect the Constitution.

Well, that will crank up the Senate.

Conservatives will be dancing in the streets.

McConnewill show himself to be a hypocrite.

Yes, and it could be the thing that costs Republicans the Senate. But lets go slowly here. Republicans in very close races may very well not vote the way people expect, given the fact it does come up for a vote.

What it will do is set the stage for decisions that enrage women and minority voters in the states, that will change those state legislatures at an even faster pace than is currently happening.

If conservatives think a younger, browner, more woman involved society is going to live under the thumb of right win rule. Sit back and enjoy what you will be witnessing over the next several years.

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