Ryan and Pence talking Obamacare

Obamacare is devastating to all of rural America... fact
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.

They are so out of touch with everyday folks, the workers. HSA , really now. That is a savings account, not Health Insurance. They are so dumb they will never come up with a plan. We already have HSA's and HI across state lines, too funny. There are only a few large ones in each state, the rest are HMO's tied to hospitals.

Actually, it was the working folks who elected the Republicans and Donald Trump.
And now they wonder if they've done the right thing Already hospitals in red states are worried

I haven't heard anyone claim they are sorry they voted for Trump. They really had no alternative.
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.

They are so out of touch with everyday folks, the workers. HSA , really now. That is a savings account, not Health Insurance. They are so dumb they will never come up with a plan. We already have HSA's and HI across state lines, too funny. There are only a few large ones in each state, the rest are HMO's tied to hospitals.

Actually, it was the working folks who elected the Republicans and Donald Trump.
And now they wonder if they've done the right thing Already hospitals in red states are worried

I haven't heard anyone claim they are sorry they voted for Trump. They really had no alternative.
I'm just the opposite I loved hillary but with trump in office I'm making a killing
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.

They are so out of touch with everyday folks, the workers. HSA , really now. That is a savings account, not Health Insurance. They are so dumb they will never come up with a plan. We already have HSA's and HI across state lines, too funny. There are only a few large ones in each state, the rest are HMO's tied to hospitals.

Actually, it was the working folks who elected the Republicans and Donald Trump.
And now they wonder if they've done the right thing Already hospitals in red states are worried

I haven't heard anyone claim they are sorry they voted for Trump. They really had no alternative.
I'm just the opposite I loved hillary but with trump in office I'm making a killing

I was unaware that Trump was in office. When did he move into the Oval Office?
Obamacare is devastating to all of rural America... fact
Better check that bs out rusty ,,,,They'll pay a big price and repubs in 4 years will lose Guaranteed....now you bought it you own it
In rural America you were kicked off your old plan, kicked out of your old doctors office, the IRS forced into your healthcare, deductibles and premiums insanely high... with Obamacare.
What's not there to like?
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.
Seems to me republicans say to hell with the poor and their health care but welcome russians hacking our elections What scum they are
I don't think Russia had much of an influence on our election but I do agree that Republicans don't give a crap about the poor and working class. Conservatives have always traditionally been the enemy of the poor and nothing has changed.
did you write that with a straight face? I bet you don't get what I mean do you? Who do you supposed just voted in the reps of both houses and the Donald? do you think it was maybe poor and middle class voters? D'OH!!! you all are hilarious to watch leech around your stupid. It is special and funny as shit.
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.

They are so out of touch with everyday folks, the workers. HSA , really now. That is a savings account, not Health Insurance. They are so dumb they will never come up with a plan. We already have HSA's and HI across state lines, too funny. There are only a few large ones in each state, the rest are HMO's tied to hospitals.
well how the fk did the GOP win all three houses if that were true? can you explain that magic to me?
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.

They are so out of touch with everyday folks, the workers. HSA , really now. That is a savings account, not Health Insurance. They are so dumb they will never come up with a plan. We already have HSA's and HI across state lines, too funny. There are only a few large ones in each state, the rest are HMO's tied to hospitals.

Actually, it was the working folks who elected the Republicans and Donald Trump.
And now they wonder if they've done the right thing Already hospitals in red states are worried
which hospitals, name them
peabody "the poor" are generally violent, criminals fucking like rabbits, sucking cash from US taxpayers, and are the enemy of normal people. Fact. And no matter what you "think," :p Russia did not hack any machines nor did they hack the DNC, you stupid, democrat douchebag.

They just can't help injecting the lefty narrative into everything, can they, lol. Hack, hack, Russia, Russia, poor, poor, it just goes on and on with their propaganda.
and they continue to reload the weapon with ammo to reshoot themselves.
Pence says savings accounts and across state lines and Republicans have compassion.


Savings accounts for people with two jobs making minimum wage who need to save up thirty grand for a surgical operation. Oh, that will work "big league". For people that make 30 grand a year, how long will it take to save up 30 grand?

Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Failure, damaging, disaster. That's all they could say over and over again about Obamacare. But they will make sure the rug isn't pulled out from anyone. Because failure, damaging disaster must be doing something good.

Oh wow, these Republicans are going to screw over millions. They should have gone ahead and taken down the Ethics Office. Ethics is something Republicans don't need looking at what they plan.
Progressives like yourself can keep Obama care to be yourself shove it up your own house if you want to, just leave the rest of us out of it. Its made every day life a living hell since Its been passed for most Americans. Dip shit
The last time Republicans held both houses and the Presidency was when Bush was president. How'd that work out?
They don't remember Alzheimers is a bitch
who is they?
The only ways to save Obamacare is to increase the amount of money the government sends to insurance carriers to have them be profitable, increase the subsidies taxpayers pay for those who can't afford their own premiums, and increase the penalty on the young and healthy who choose to not buy into Obamacare. It's a hog that will constantly require feeding.
it was developed to bankrupt the country.
Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Not surprising rdean, you do not grasp simple concepts. The "over state lines" thing means COMPETITION so premiums and dediuctibles would end up being lower. Low info folks come on. What is your malfunction?

So who regulates it....

This has been a major stumbling block so far... Who says what a policy is supposed to look like and catches the small print...

If Democrats took this much power of the states there would be war....

At the moment this seems like a federal power grab and leaving millions uninsured and with no protection for pre existing conditions...

But I see method to your madness, when you are finished people will be crying out for single payer...
ACA is failing, start there. There will be no ACA because its puking its guts out financially. Repealing something that's on a path to colossal failure if we do nothing would seem to make sense vs just letting the thing collapse. Where's the compassion in that you dishonest lying scum libs.
Across State Lines? Oh, yea. Say you have a plan from New York and you live in California and you get screwed over. What do you do? Nothing. There is nothing you can do. You're fucked. California law doesn't apply to New York. That's the GOP "plan".

Not surprising rdean, you do not grasp simple concepts. The "over state lines" thing means COMPETITION so premiums and dediuctibles would end up being lower. Low info folks come on. What is your malfunction?

So who regulates it....

This has been a major stumbling block so far... Who says what a policy is supposed to look like and catches the small print...

If Democrats took this much power of the states there would be war....

At the moment this seems like a federal power grab and leaving millions uninsured and with no protection for pre existing conditions...

But I see method to your madness, when you are finished people will be crying out for single payer...
what does? post up something that happened to lead you to that statement. that sounds like panic based on nothing. Please post up some material for review.
peabody "the poor" are generally violent, criminals fucking like rabbits, sucking cash from US taxpayers, and are the enemy of normal people. Fact. And no matter what you "think," :p Russia did not hack any machines nor did they hack the DNC, you stupid, democrat douchebag.

Please make that the slogan in the next campaign... Why didn't ye run with it in the last campaign...

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