Sad day for Bidens America- Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level

Your weakness shows the only answer you can muster.
This asshole doesn't care about anybody but his government masters. He's a fascist.

Mussolini NOTHING outside the state.jpeg
Go educate yourself. I could easily provide a link but then you would dismiss it and continue to suck Obama's cock.
Weak as per usual but then again gayness comes from gay people like yerself.
Of course it did...somehow it's never the Democrats fault. ;)
It was from price controls during Nam and after Nam and the price controls were released inflation hit which is what always happens after a long or major war.
That’s by far of course the most important issue in America. The cost of living iow the general welfare of the American people.

Inflation is the number one concern for Americans, we’re not interested in race division, or foreign wars. Race division , constantly talking about race, talking about foreign wars that’s what the elites ie the powerful politicians and lobbyist want.

Look at what the politicians are doing…bombarding us with nonsense about race relations, and “give our money to foreign countries” for wars that have no effect on America.

This is what counts right now. Look at all of the men, women and children living on the streets in this country. We call this America? this is a disgrace,

Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level​

^This is what BLM, radical feminism, anti Christianity and anti-Americanism Gets us its Poverty, depression , drug use and homelessness.

Here’s what counts get the price of homes down, get the cost of living down, get the grocery prices down and costs down… give us good jobs in this country. We need Americans working together, especially the middle-class working together and rejecting BLM race division, rejecting the Neo cons sending our money away to countries to fight their wars that have no effect on America.

Per capita or raw number?

And BLM or ANIFA have nothing to do with it fuckup.
Inflation effects worldwide were due to the pandemic the stoppage of manufacturing and the closing of societies. Duh...

You people are crybabies cause life got a little rough.
Always someone else's fault...the buck stops anywhere else when a modern Democrat sits in the Oval Office.
Considering Congress was Democrat-controlled they helped but you people think its only one side or the other when in reality it takes two to tango...Deal with it.

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