Sad day for Bidens America- Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level

Inflation has slowed and deflation is beginning I know you all will bitch about that also.
It's amazing how negative people can be because they do not dominate their condition they become a slave to their condition.
Inflation has slowed and deflation is beginning I know you all will bitch about that also.
The Obama/Biden Regime has destroyed what little wealth poor and middle-class Americans had. You don't care. Your love, loyalty, and devotion are to your millionaire elites in the Washington Establishment.
The Obama/Biden Regime has destroyed what little wealth poor and middle-class Americans had. You don't care. Your love, loyalty, and devotion are to your millionaire elites in the Washington Establishment.
Too much money spent on foreign wars and too little spent on improving lives for all Americans.
The Obama/Biden Regime has destroyed what little wealth poor and middle-class Americans had. You don't care. Your love, loyalty, and devotion are to your millionaire elites in the Washington Establishment.
It did not affect my assets or wealth so I have no idea why you cry so loud and long, surely you can pray to your God for relief...Maybe get a job and learn to save money.
I have yet to see any reputable organization take an actual poll of Homeless Fukkers to find out W.T.F.? Many of them might be incoherent or non-verbal, and a true random sampling would be difficult to obtain, but "we" need to know these answers.

Take for example the armies of Homeless Fukkers around Los Angeles and San Francisco. If they are coherent humans, why are they there? Surely they know that there is ZERO CHANCE that they will ever be able to support themselves in those two venues. There are couples with multiple incomes that are struggling just to put food on the table, let alone a roof over their heads.

Two components of the Homeless Fukker community have already been identified. Crazy bastards and drug addicts. Crazy bastards need to be institutionalized; fuck the ACLU. It's not a "civil rights" issue. The drug addicts need to be offered benefits for accepting treatment. They get to live in a FEMA Trailer (or comparable) if they take the treatment; if not, fuck 'em.

But what about everybody else? Is there anybody else? Inquiring minds want to know.

Ultimately, vagrancy laws need to be enforced. Seriously. No, you CANNOT put up a tent in a public park or any open space. Move along...we don't care where you move to; that's your problem.
What is worse is you have rich people buying up homes and properties and artificially creating shortages which increases the prices. But go ahead and blame one man for what is a capitalist problem created by capitalism.
That’s by far of course the most important issue in America. The cost of living iow the general welfare of the American people.

Inflation is the number one concern for Americans, we’re not interested in race division, or foreign wars. Race division , constantly talking about race, talking about foreign wars that’s what the elites ie the powerful politicians and lobbyist want.

Look at what the politicians are doing…bombarding us with nonsense about race relations, and “give our money to foreign countries” for wars that have no effect on America.

This is what counts right now. Look at all of the men, women and children living on the streets in this country. We call this America? this is a disgrace,

Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level​

^This is what BLM, radical feminism, anti Christianity and anti-Americanism Gets us its Poverty, depression , drug use and homelessness.

Here’s what counts get the price of homes down, get the cost of living down, get the grocery prices down and costs down… give us good jobs in this country. We need Americans working together, especially the middle-class working together and rejecting BLM race division, rejecting the Neo cons sending our money away to countries to fight their wars that have no effect on America.

It was the Democrat CovidCon that did this, but yes - it's a disaster.
The homelessness will only increase, especially in new york and california. The land is spitting the people out. Mass exodus out of both states.
Vote for Dems if you want sky high prices, sky high interest rates, sky high gas, sky high crime, millions of illegals flooding into OUR country, corruption, selling out America to foreign adversaries, men gender confused freaks punching women in the face in female boxing.
It just as you talk about what the video tells us according to the studies is that the high price of homes is one of the leading causes of record homelessness in America. We’ve seen a sharp 12% increase in homelessness just this year.
Extended low unemployment rate and record-breaking stock market. None of that takes away from the fact that Hunter Biden owns a laptop!!! :)
My stocks are up…. I’m new to investing. I’m lucky to be able to afford to have extra money for investing. Many Americans don’t have that opportunity.

Most Americans don’t own stocks. This kind of reminds me of the Biden supporter on this forum who was bragging about the equity of his home going up …while millions of Americans cannot afford a new home. We have got to care about our fellow Americans. It’s the Christian way it’s the American way. This country was way better back in the day.

Our parents and grandparents did a much better job with this country compared to the degenerate ways of today.

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