Sad news for libertarians. Gary Johnson retires from politics

one of the few L's who actually had a chance of becoming president!

Gov. Gary Johnson on Twitter

That is good news as he was not really all that libertarian. He was only given the nomination because they hoped his name recognition would win him some votes. But in the end he kept more people away than he brought in.

He was far and away the best choice in 2016

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I voted for him, but thought he was a dick. Better than the dem and goper though. I like Weld, but he's even older than me. LOL

I voted for him as well, he was far and away the best of all the choices we were given

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I have never ever ever touched cannabis. Not once. 44 years of no pot for this libertarian.
36 here. Have been high once and didn't like it. My wife uses medical marijuana for migraines and she gave me some chocolate bark with pot in it. Whoo. Too crazy, i'll stick to beer.

My libertarianism is derived solely from not being a totally arrogant fucking dickhead who thinks i know how to run someone else's life better than they do.
I have never ever ever touched cannabis. Not once. 44 years of no pot for this libertarian.
36 here. Have been high once and didn't like it. My wife uses medical marijuana for migraines and she gave me some chocolate bark with pot in it. Whoo. Too crazy, i'll stick to beer.

My libertarianism is derived solely from not being a totally arrogant fucking dickhead who thinks i know how to run someone else's life better than they do.
My wife is convinced she knows how to run my life. If it weren't for her and the kid I'd be stoned 24-7. LOL
I voted for him as well, he was far and away the best of all the choices we were given
In hind-sight, you are probably correct, but he was such a terrible candidate, I still have a hard time taking The Libertarian Party seriously. They had GREAT candidates with lots of potential, and we ended up with Gary Johnson. It's frustrating.

Austin Petersen was VERY electable. Great candidate. He has since declined a run for POTUS in 2020. I hope he runs for SOMETHING.
The party will never get anywhere unless it starts with Congressional and Senate races.
Need to win locally before nationally.

Gary Johnson was a moron.

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