Said about John McCain: "As far as I'm concerned, he sat out the war."

The full quote:

"I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war."

The speaker?

Al Franken (D-MN), who was running for the U.S. Senate in 2008 at the time.

In case you missed the Democrat outrage over this incident, there wasn't any.

But when Donald Trump says something even milder and points out McCain was still a war hero, the leftist fanatics have been erupting in fury and (feigned) outrage.

They don't actually care who says what about John McCain. They just want to use anything they can to destroy Republicans.

It is generally fake outrage.....
I don't give a s**t what that worthless Franken said, read the following:

This is a small excerpt from just ONE of many pieces written about McCain over the years. This is from John McCain: War Hero or Something Less? by Philip Giraldi, May 30, 2013 who cites Two time Medal of Honor recipient Marine Major General Smedley Butler

Vietnam also produced its own crop of American prisoners of war, numbering perhaps as many as 2,000 when the Paris peace talks started in 1973. One of them was John McCain, now a reliably hawkish Senator from Arizona who has recently visited Syria in an attempt to jump start a new war in the Middle East. While it is well known that McCain was a captive of the North Vietnamese for more than five years after his plane was shot down while bombing a power plant, considerably less well known is his behavior while a prisoner of war in Hanoi which has long been the object of some speculation due to allegations of possible cooperation with his captors. McCain, who was saved from drowning by a Vietnamese civilian and was treated at a Hanoi hospital for his wounds, was the son of the Admiral commanding the Pacific Fleet, so he was what might be referred to as a high value captive for the North Vietnamese regime. As such he received considerable attention from his captors, was referred to by his fellow prisoners as the “Crown Prince,and was, by some accounts, handled with kid gloves. And his connections may have ensured that he would receive additional high value treatment from the Pentagon upon his return to the U.S., he being awarded an astonishing Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star and a Purple Heart for his 22 missions spent bombing mostly civilian targets in North Vietnam.

Judge for yourself. I heard this same thing many times from Army personnel WHO WERE THERE with McCain.

The full quote:

"I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war."

The speaker?

Al Franken (D-MN), who was running for the U.S. Senate in 2008 at the time.

In case you missed the Democrat outrage over this incident, there wasn't any.

But when Donald Trump says something even milder and points out McCain was still a war hero, the leftist fanatics have been erupting in fury and (feigned) outrage.

They don't actually care who says what about John McCain. They just want to use anything they can to destroy Republicans.

You agree with Sen. Franken?
This thread already played out yesterday. The main gist was that a comedian and a man in the middle of a Presidential election cannot be compared, and that if Franken were running for President and said that today, it would hurt him and not push him immediately to the top of all polls the way it did with Trump and conservatives.

That comedian was running for the Senate at the time you dumbass!!
Here's the article where Franklin made the comment, FROM THE YEAR 2000!!!!
What s at stake in the 2000 elections -

MONDAY, JAN 10, 2000 12:00 PM EST
What's at stake in the 2000 elections?

Rosa Parks, David Duke, Steve Wozniak, Camille Paglia, Al Franken -- and dozens more -- talk about what inspires and frightens them about the political year ahead.

See cons this is why you shouldn't get your news from opinion sites.

So? A comedian is what he does on stage for a living. He's also authored books. He's not a comedian 24/7 but you morons give these guys a pass when they say stupid shit.
Nice backpedal dumbass.

Backpedal? You are a dumbass, plain and simple

HAHAHA - Best signature ever...
And lets not FORGET how these same people ate up Dan Rather going on National Television releasing FAKE papers on George Bush Military service claiming his AWOL

so they take their faux outrage and stick it where the sun doesn't shine

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