Sally Yates: A Long-Neck DUD

Oh....the investigations are over?


All over but the admission that snowflakes couldn't accept the American people giving Hildabeast and white trash like you the red-state finger(s).
but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Where is that evidence of 3 million illegal voters? Why isn't the so-called president demanding an investigation on that assertion?

The Dems and liberal media said 0 illegal voters. A few states did their investigation and 1 I think Ohio found a whopping 6% were illegal voters, the others found illegal voters as well. All they needed to do was find 1 to prove Dems and media insane (according to their own standard of evaluating insanity by lying and delusional over exaggeration).
Lets Face it...Donald Trump is a disgusting and Deplorable Piece of Shit and
This tweet sums it up:

jordan @JordanUhl

Trump was warned at least twice about Flynn.

He ignored Obama and fired Yates.

When news broke, he blamed Obama and smeared Yates.

12:02 PM - 8 May 2017

well.........."they" kept Lerner, Beast, Holder, Sharptounge, Geitner........IRS on and on and on. At least Trump got around to dumping him. was his first few weeks in office. Had a lot of EO to push out.
That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Oh fucking bullshit. Nobody has ever bought that song and dance. Cram it back where it came from.
It's true, why wouldn't it be believed? One of the telling factors that a reasonable person can look and see that it is true, is that Clinton did NOT win the election. Far from it. I know it sticks in your throat, but it's true and there's nothing you can do about it.

There are nearly half a dozen examples of republicans becoming president without getting the most votes.
Oh....the investigations are over?


All over but the admission that snowflakes couldn't accept the American people giving Hildabeast and white trash like you the red-state finger(s).
but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Where is that evidence of 3 million illegal voters? Why isn't the so-called president demanding an investigation on that assertion?
because he know its a waste of time and money to investigate an issue that doesn't exist
I think he's afraid......very afraid.
Oh....the investigations are over?


All over but the admission that snowflakes couldn't accept the American people giving Hildabeast and white trash like you the red-state finger(s).
but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Where is that evidence of 3 million illegal voters? Why isn't the so-called president demanding an investigation on that assertion?

The Dems and liberal media said 0 illegal voters. A few states did their investigation and 1 I think Ohio found a whopping 6% were illegal voters, the others found illegal voters as well. All they needed to do was find 1 to prove Dems and media insane (according to their own standard of evaluating insanity by lying and delusional over exaggeration).

And yet ----------------- you have no link, no evidence no nuttin'.
Oops, I stand corrected ...... you have ipse dipsy dixit on an internet message board. Good for you, that's like a "participation trophy", without the trophy.
There is no Russian and Trump collusion !

Correction- we don't know if there was any Russian and Trump collusion.

The FBI- and Congress are investigating whether there was any.

And Trumptards sure want to pretend that they aren't investigating.
You will never know because you will never find any evidence of it. You idiots will be "investigating it" until the end of time, and when asked about it, you'll say "We haven't found anything yet."
There is no Russian and Trump collusion !

Correction- we don't know if there was any Russian and Trump collusion.

The FBI- and Congress are investigating whether there was any.

And Trumptards sure want to pretend that they aren't investigating.
You will never know because you will never find any evidence of it. You idiots will be "investigating it" until the end of time, and when asked about it, you'll say "We haven't found anything yet."

Unlike Benghazi, when the REpublicans in Congress finish their 'investigation' and declare that Trump is actually Jesus incarnate- that will be the last Congressional investigation.

If the FBI concludes there was no collusion, I will be glad to accept the FBI's conclusion. And the FBI will come to a conclusion- the question is whether or not they have to give Republican Michael Flynn immunity from prosecution to get him to testify.
Just wait until Comey reveals the results of his investigation which has been going on for over a year! Y'all can continue to delude yourselves that this is Faux News; doubt it would continue dripping like this unless a flood of other bad news is in the offing! Keep deflecting and undermining everyone else's word when we all know the Trump Admin. is without a doubt the most dishonest in the history of the country! :9: :bang3: :blahblah::321: :ack-1:
There is no Russian and Trump collusion !

Correction- we don't know if there was any Russian and Trump collusion.

The FBI- and Congress are investigating whether there was any.

And Trumptards sure want to pretend that they aren't investigating.

Same way they like to pretend "but... but... three million illegals!"

Same way they like to pretend massive inauguration attendance with the sun shining a golden shower of bucolic rays.

Same way they like to pretend "O'bama had my wires tapped!"

Same way they like to pretend Rump doesn't paint himself orange.

Rich fantasy life.
All over but the admission that snowflakes couldn't accept the American people giving Hildabeast and white trash like you the red-state finger(s).
but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l

Oh fucking bullshit. Nobody has ever bought that song and dance. Cram it back where it came from.

Trump also claimed the biggest inaugural crowd in washington, the biggest easter egg roll at the white house, and hundreds of other delusions.
Remember the letter from the NFL?
The oft repeated promise that he would be too busy to play golf?

Member the electoral college landslide gaffe? :rofl:

You'd think an orange klown who tries to sell himself as a businessman could handle some simple numbers.
You'd think.
I would reply to this thread, but doing so would reveal information of a confidential nature. Therefore I cannot participate. Please do not assume a positive or negative answer based upon my abstention.

There is no Russian and Trump collusion !

Correction- we don't know if there was any Russian and Trump collusion.

The FBI- and Congress are investigating whether there was any.

And Trumptards sure want to pretend that they aren't investigating.
You will never know because you will never find any evidence of it. You idiots will be "investigating it" until the end of time, and when asked about it, you'll say "We haven't found anything yet."
The President controls all of the investigative agencies and the Republicans control the legislative investigation entities. The Republicans have a majority on the Supreme Court. The "We haven't found anything yet" folks would be the Republicans and trump administration themselves. They know the whole claim is a farce, so they won't even attempt an investigation.
She was the one who was finally supposed to "bring Trump down", right?

Talk about a letdown....I watched the whole thing and damn near fell asleep. She reminded me of a Jerry Springer guest who got a job, was almost immediately fired, and wants revenge. How stupid is she thinking she could cross the President? What did she "reveal"?....that she had no idea what she was talking about in refusing to defend the travel-ban. That's it. The rest of it was about Flynn, who we already know got fired for appearances sake, nothing that he did wrong. So that's the end of the Sally Yates saga, unless the Nature Channel wants to do a story on giraffe genes passed down to humans.

Sally's great-great-great-great-granny:


Meh. The LWLs would blow Satan if it meant Hillary would become President. OTOH, Yates was calm, cool and collected in her testimony but the same can't be said for all those asking the questions.

Your giraffe graphic is just a sad attempt to demean someone you obviously disagree with even if she was being baptized and gave her life to Jesus on live television.
There is no Russian and Trump collusion !

Correction- we don't know if there was any Russian and Trump collusion.

The FBI- and Congress are investigating whether there was any.

And Trumptards sure want to pretend that they aren't investigating.
You will never know because you will never find any evidence of it. You idiots will be "investigating it" until the end of time, and when asked about it, you'll say "We haven't found anything yet."
The President controls all of the investigative agencies and the Republicans control the legislative investigation entities. The Republicans have a majority on the Supreme Court. The "We haven't found anything yet" folks would be the Republicans and trump administration themselves. They know the whole claim is a farce, so they won't even attempt an investigation.
Then why is it being investigated?
but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l

Oh fucking bullshit. Nobody has ever bought that song and dance. Cram it back where it came from.

Trump also claimed the biggest inaugural crowd in washington, the biggest easter egg roll at the white house, and hundreds of other delusions.
Remember the letter from the NFL?
The oft repeated promise that he would be too busy to play golf?

Member the electoral college landslide gaffe? :rofl:

You'd think an orange klown who tries to sell himself as a businessman could handle some simple numbers.
You'd think.

Republicans like being lied to as much as possible! It's always been like that; promises made, but when in charge, the only thing they've been able to succeed in is inflating the Nat'l Debt and almost never seem to pay for it! Dems are hammered for the least little thing, so I wash my hands of it! We're looking to go under with fools at the HELM, more power to you guys who think everything's honkey dory w/ this tool in the POTUS chair! :9: :dunno: :finger3: :fu:
All I have is a fking headache listening to the lie everyday multiple times a day!!
Washington politics. Get used to it or get another hobby. They all lie. Saying one side does and one side doesn't is purely delusional.
There is no Russian and Trump collusion !

Correction- we don't know if there was any Russian and Trump collusion.

The FBI- and Congress are investigating whether there was any.

And Trumptards sure want to pretend that they aren't investigating.
You will never know because you will never find any evidence of it. You idiots will be "investigating it" until the end of time, and when asked about it, you'll say "We haven't found anything yet."
The President controls all of the investigative agencies and the Republicans control the legislative investigation entities. The Republicans have a majority on the Supreme Court. The "We haven't found anything yet" folks would be the Republicans and trump administration themselves. They know the whole claim is a farce, so they won't even attempt an investigation.
Then why is it being investigated?
Because the circumstantial evidence of wrongdoing is so obvious that for the Republicans to not investigate would be a scandal of epic proportions. That plus there are plenty of Republicans in favor to the congressional investigations and the FBI, DOJ and intelligence agencies would be breaking the law if they did not investigate. At some point, our institutions overrule politics of the day. The American system of politics and justice are stronger than any one person or group.

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