Sam Nunberg wants to tear up Mueller subpoena.....REALLY!

Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Former Trump campaign adviser Sam Nunberg said Monday that he won't comply with a subpoena to appear before the grand jury in special counsel
Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Nunberg told The Washington Post that he was summoned to appear before the grand jury this Friday, and also received a two-page subpoena for documents tied to President Trump and nine others.

“Let him arrest me,” Nunberg told the Post. “Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”

He also said that he was planning on appearing on Bloomberg TV to tear up the subpoena.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

:dunno: LOL! Well? Time for the Great Douche to START OUR NEWEST WAR! Insider
Trading with DrumpF LLC and 100 Days playing Golf with friends are not changing
the News Media off RUSSIA!

btw: He said the Great Douche did somethang wrong in the 2016 election most likely.

btw2: I would think tearing up a Grand Jury subpoena paper is not illegal. But doing it on Tee Vee would get a judge to order his arrest for contempt of court that rules these thags.
Mueller will just SMILE!
Ok, perp walk him.
what do you think will happen if this goes to a court? God bless this guy. looks like Mueller is now set up.

He'll be found guilty of contempt of court, Nunberg will have the government's legal fees assessed to him, and an order to produce will be put into effect, which Nunberg will go to jail for if he doesn't produce the documents.

I sure hope this LOSER is deleting emails and Doc's and stuff from the list on the subpoena paper.
Will he be getting a FED raid on his stuff here in hours as he's on Tee Vee telling us all he HAS the Stuff? FFS!?, Stupid move, DUDE!
Maybe he wants to be the next G. Liddy
G. Gordon Liddy - Wikipedia
He'll be found guilty of contempt of court, Nunberg will have the government's legal fees assessed to him, and an order to produce will be put into effect, which Nunberg will go to jail for if he doesn't produce the documents.
nope, he will ask for evidence of a crime. In front of the judge. it will be sweet. this willy nilly shit is finally coming to an end.


You really believe that, don't you?
yes, yes I do. why else would he do that?

Because he's a moron, and he knows that clowns like you will eat it up?

Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Nunberg can fight the subpoena if he wants, but he'll lose - and he knows it.

He can take it to court...but he cannot outright refuse. He will go to jail.

Well, he can fight the subpoena in court - and if the judge rules in his favor, the subpoena will be quashed.

But that's particularly unlikely to occur.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
Nunberg said he knows that Carter Paige colluded with Russians to help Trump in the election .
He just said that out loud?
I think the guy is on some sort of tranquilizers and his minders should get him off the stage STAT.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

My take on this is he has something on his computer he doesn't want people to see. (porn) And now he has until Friday to erase, zero out his hard drive while saving all the emails and other docs.

He's scrambling, knows he's being watched and this is freaking him out.

Hopefully they had a warrant to monitor his computer and if he tries anything, they already have a cloned drive.
Porn. Ha ha ha ha
He has incriminating texts on Roger Stone and possibly Trump. He’s not willing to go down for those two criminals.

He has Roger Stone porn.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

This is BS. My thread was posted before yours. And sounds better BTW..
MAGA: Ex-Trump campaign adviser RAGE SPEWED he will NOT comply with Mueller subpoena!

No, it wasn't.

Check the timestamp.
I just did and it said Baz' was opened one minute earlier.


No, it doesn't say that. Check again.

Baz started his thread at 3:13 EST. Jim started his at 3:11 EST.
well I'm embarrassed. you are correct, I read that backward.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
Nunberg said he knows that Carter Paige colluded with Russians to help Trump in the election .
He just said that out loud?
I think the guy is on some sort of tranquilizers and his minders should get him off the stage STAT.

Yeah, that's where I'm at as well.

Either he's playing some weird 11th-dimensional chess and I'm just not figuring out his strategy, or he's completely lost it.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
Nunberg, who advised Trump for years but was fired early in the presidential campaign (in August 2015), complained that the subpoena he got was too broad, that the investigation was a “witch hunt,” and that he didn’t want to spend hours collecting and handing over all his emails with people like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Corey Lewandowski, and Hope Hicks.

And yet, late in the interview with MSNBC’s Katy Tur, Nunberg also said that Mueller’s investigators’ questioning of him when he went in for a voluntary interview last month gave him the sense that Trump “may have done something,” though he said he wasn’t sure about that.

TUR: Do you think that they have something on the president?

NUNBERG: I think they may. I think that he may have done something during the election. But I don’t know that for sure.

TUR: Why do you think that?

NUNBERG: I can’t explain that unless you were in there.

TUR: Explain the atmosphere.

NUNBERG: Uh, the way they ask questions about anything I heard after I was fired from the campaign, to the general election, to even November 1 — it insinuated to me that he may have done something.

Oddly enough, Nunberg proclaimed earlier in the interview that “Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians.” However, in a different interview with CNN afterward, he said that “Trump may have very well done something during the election with the Russians” — while also stating that Trump was not a “Manchurian candidate.” It is not clear what to make of all this, but one possibility is that Nunberg thinks Trump may have been involved with something Russia-related that wouldn’t quite rise to the level of “collusion.”

Who is Sam Nunberg?
You could be forgiven for being unfamiliar with the sudden star of the Trump-Russia saga — because he hasn’t actually been in Trump’s inner circle for two and a half years now.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

My take on this is he has something on his computer he doesn't want people to see. (porn) And now he has until Friday to erase, zero out his hard drive while saving all the emails and other docs.

He's scrambling, knows he's being watched and this is freaking him out.

Hopefully they had a warrant to monitor his computer and if he tries anything, they already have a cloned drive.
Porn. Ha ha ha ha
He has incriminating texts on Roger Stone and possibly Trump. He’s not willing to go down for those two criminals.

He has Roger Stone porn.
Probably gay porn no doubt.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
They keep you in jail 'til you change your mind, too. How long do you think it will take? I don't think he'd like our jail much.
he ain't going anywhere. it will have to go before a court. I can't wait.
Doesn't a Grand Jury have a judge? You sure that isn't a "Court?" Just asking--I'm not sure.

I was refreshing myself. And was right I think before here.

"FEDERAL GRAND JURY BASICS: STRUCTURE AND POWER. Federal grand juries have a maximum of 23 members, 16 of whom must be present to form a quorum. Indictments are returned by a vote of 12 or more members. Federal grand juries typically sit for a term of 18 months and meet at regular intervals. Although federal judges empanel federal grand juries and formally supervise them, these judges do not usually interfere with federal grand jury investigations. The federal prosecutor, or Assistant United States Attorney (“AUSA”), is the primary government official interacting with the federal grand jury. The federal prosecutor leads all grand jury sessions, although he cannot testify or be present during grand jury deliberations."

I would think Mueller will go this Panel Judge to get an Arrest Warrant Issued. After the failure to appear. Or they will be monitoring him now and Mueller has already got the paperwork ready to be arrest hime 10 mins. after the no-show.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
They keep you in jail 'til you change your mind, too. How long do you think it will take? I don't think he'd like our jail much.
Hillary never had to sit in jail despite her refusal to comply with subpoenas...
when did she refuse comply, I can find no record? Got a link?
Nunberg also said so many people who has worked or are still working in the White House are going bankrupt due to all the lawyer fees.
Trump has created a shit storm that is only beginning.

We warned everybody about this Shithole.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
They keep you in jail 'til you change your mind, too. How long do you think it will take? I don't think he'd like our jail much.
he ain't going anywhere. it will have to go before a court. I can't wait.
Doesn't a Grand Jury have a judge? You sure that isn't a "Court?" Just asking--I'm not sure.

I was refreshing myself. And was right I think before here.

"FEDERAL GRAND JURY BASICS: STRUCTURE AND POWER. Federal grand juries have a maximum of 23 members, 16 of whom must be present to form a quorum. Indictments are returned by a vote of 12 or more members. Federal grand juries typically sit for a term of 18 months and meet at regular intervals. Although federal judges empanel federal grand juries and formally supervise them, these judges do not usually interfere with federal grand jury investigations. The federal prosecutor, or Assistant United States Attorney (“AUSA”), is the primary government official interacting with the federal grand jury. The federal prosecutor leads all grand jury sessions, although he cannot testify or be present during grand jury deliberations."

I would think Mueller will go this Panel Judge to get an Arrest warrant issued.
I agree, then he will go before a judge again, and then the lawyer will discuss the authority of the subpoena, again, can't wait.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
They keep you in jail 'til you change your mind, too. How long do you think it will take? I don't think he'd like our jail much.
he ain't going anywhere. it will have to go before a court. I can't wait.
Doesn't a Grand Jury have a judge? You sure that isn't a "Court?" Just asking--I'm not sure.

I was refreshing myself. And was right I think before here.

"FEDERAL GRAND JURY BASICS: STRUCTURE AND POWER. Federal grand juries have a maximum of 23 members, 16 of whom must be present to form a quorum. Indictments are returned by a vote of 12 or more members. Federal grand juries typically sit for a term of 18 months and meet at regular intervals. Although federal judges empanel federal grand juries and formally supervise them, these judges do not usually interfere with federal grand jury investigations. The federal prosecutor, or Assistant United States Attorney (“AUSA”), is the primary government official interacting with the federal grand jury. The federal prosecutor leads all grand jury sessions, although he cannot testify or be present during grand jury deliberations."

I would think Mueller will go this Panel Judge to get an Arrest Warrant Issued. After the failure to appear. Or they will be monitoring them now and Mueller is already got the paperwork ready to be arrested 10 mins after the no-show.
I know. These turds think they can say no to the Special Counsel. Ha!
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
They keep you in jail 'til you change your mind, too. How long do you think it will take? I don't think he'd like our jail much.
he ain't going anywhere. it will have to go before a court. I can't wait.
Doesn't a Grand Jury have a judge? You sure that isn't a "Court?" Just asking--I'm not sure.

I was refreshing myself. And was right I think before here.

"FEDERAL GRAND JURY BASICS: STRUCTURE AND POWER. Federal grand juries have a maximum of 23 members, 16 of whom must be present to form a quorum. Indictments are returned by a vote of 12 or more members. Federal grand juries typically sit for a term of 18 months and meet at regular intervals. Although federal judges empanel federal grand juries and formally supervise them, these judges do not usually interfere with federal grand jury investigations. The federal prosecutor, or Assistant United States Attorney (“AUSA”), is the primary government official interacting with the federal grand jury. The federal prosecutor leads all grand jury sessions, although he cannot testify or be present during grand jury deliberations."

I would think Mueller will go this Panel Judge to get an Arrest Warrant Issued. After the failure to appear. Or they will be monitoring them now and Mueller is already got the paperwork ready to be arrested 10 mins after the no-show.
I know. These turds think they can say no to the Special Counsel. Ha!
they did. I'd say they can then.

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