Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.

That's not what he said.

A marriage law that is gender specific is no different than a marriage law that is race specific. Both discriminate.
A law that only allows one to marry someone of the opposite sex is just as discriminatory as a law that only allows one to marry someone of a specific race.

...and we know what happened to the latter.
There is no discrimination. Can women marry under the law? Yes. Can men marry under the law? Yes.
Quit trying to prove something that doesnt exist. It makes you look stupid.

They cannot marry who they choose to marry. A man can marry a woman. A woman cannot marry a woman. That is gender discrimination. That is limiting a right by gender without a compelling justification for doing so.

Gender is a protected class. You cannot constitutionally discriminate against someone based on his or her gender.
Wrong. Just dead wrong. A man can marry. A woman can marry. They cannot marry more than one person. They cannot marry their sibling. They cannot marry a 14yr old. I guess that's discrimination too.
There's no need in restating the case. You made it. Why waste time with bigots whose only concern is to stamp out people who have religious beliefs, tell them how to act in their own faith, and then preach to others about how to "embrace and accept tolerance" when they know nothing of what those words mean?

There is something to be said of those who use The Bible as a weapon of hatred rather than an instrument of peace, twisting its teachings to say what they don't actually say.
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Political Correctness is an insidious societal poison. It seems benign and even righteous on the face of it. Cleansed language. Words scrubbed of any possible chance of offending anyone. Language is slowly becoming a pablum of newspeak when words lose meaning and gain new meanings that water them down to nonsense.

The 1st Amendment is the first for a reason. Free and unfettered speech is the cornerstone of liberty, without which no republic can stand. We must return Political Correctness to the Pandora's box of bad Liberal ideas from whence it came. We must free our tongues and with them free ourselves from this soft and ever hardening tyranny that the Left has installed in America.

It is time to turn the tide and the only way we can accomplish such a feat is to not be distracted by all the transgressions we see that need remedy. Keep our eyes on the prize of conservative values being the dominant values in America. They always have been after all. It's only in the last few decades that we have allowed ourselves to be fooled by the Left and their constant lies.
“Political correctness' is a myth contrived by the partisan right in an effort to conceal the racism that manifests among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

Otherwise this post reflects the ignorance common to most on the right, where the First Amendment has nothing to do with private citizens debating the conflicts and controversies of the day in the context of private society.

The First Amendment concerns only the relationship between the government and those governed, not the relationship between and among private citizens, where no one is seeking to 'silence' anyone through force of law; appropriate and legitimate criticism of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry practiced by many conservatives in no way 'violates' free speech.
You have been assimilated.
There's no need in restating the case. You made it. Why waste time with bigots whose only concern is to stamp out people who have religious beliefs, tell them how to act in their own faith, and then preach to others about how to "embrace and accept tolerance" when they know nothing of what those words mean?

There is something to be said of those who use The Bible as a weapon of hatred rather than an instrument of peace, twisting its teachings to say what they don't actually say.

A short list of religious beliefs that I'm guessing you don't feel compelled to tolerate:

human sacrifice
animal sacrifice
female circumcision
scriptural justification for slavery
scriptural justification for segregation
scriptural justification against interracial marriage
death to heretics
death to blasphemers
death to apostates
You don't understand one bit what religion is all about. Your beliefs don't represent Jesus Christ, His life or His teachings.

The Bible also taught us not to cause our fellow believers to stumble in their walk with Christ. Don't presume to know all there is to know about our faith. We are one religion among many, yet the only one. Spare me your lectures.

Take a long look at the book of Romans. And who are you to tell me what kind of Christian I should be? Remove the beam from your own eye before attempting to remove the mote from mine.

So you want to change the subject to idol worshippers and God haters?

The lessons I learned as a Christian were about inclusion. You preach exclusion. The lessons I learned were of a God of love. You preach God the avenger...a God that punishes.

Your faith is an abomination of the life of Jesus Christ.
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There's no need in restating the case. You made it. Why waste time with bigots whose only concern is to stamp out people who have religious beliefs, tell them how to act in their own faith, and then preach to others about how to "embrace and accept tolerance" when they know nothing of what those words mean?

There is something to be said of those who use The Bible as a weapon of hatred rather than an instrument of peace, twisting its teachings to say what they don't actually say.

You are a prime example of using the Bible as a weapon to exclude, punish people and deny certain groups of Americans their rights and equal protection under the law. The Bible has been used as a weapon to promote segregation, and stop interracial marriage.

You WILL just don't know it yet.
So you want to change the subject to idol worshippers and God haters?

You and your friends started bringing up the Bible first. Afraid to finish what you started?

The lessons I learned as a Christian were about inclusion. You preach exclusion

Speak for yourself. Bigot.
You preach a God the avenger...a God that punishes.

No. You make God what you want him to be. He is not molded by the will of men. God is God. Not an avenger, not some flower clad hippie totalling about the streets of gold singing kumbayah. He is God. He is our God. The God you believe in doesn't exist. If you don't like a God that doesn't conform to your ideologies, perhaps you should find some other god to believe in.

God causes it to rain on the just and unjust alike. He forgives infinitely, punishes justly.
Your faith is an abomination of the life of Jesus Christ.

You're chastising my faith because it challenges your version of an all loving all positive, no negative God? He isn't some type of software you can write different versions of. He isn't always a God of rewards, he is also a God of consequences.

Your version of "God" is a very insult to the very essence of what he is. How dare you preach down to me?
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You are a prime example of using the Bible as a weapon to exclude, punish people and deny certain groups of Americans their rights and equal protection under the law

Speak for yourself. You have been doing that this entire thread. Here you are trying to nullify the beliefs of your fellow believers with the very same Bible. You use it to judge and punish. You play the role of the same kind of "God" who avenges and punishes those who don't believe the way YOU want them to. You preach of a God who is mutually exclusive instead of inclusive. You, for the fifth time, have made my point. You are the epitome of everything you hate about people like me.
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No. You make God what him to be. He is not molded by the will of men. God is God.

No god has any identity except that which has been described by Men. All of the characteristics of every god ever believed in have been the inventions of men.
You are a prime example of using the Bible as a weapon to exclude, punish people and deny certain groups of Americans their rights and equal protection under the law

Speak for yourself. You have been doing that this entire thread. Here you are trying to nullify the beliefs of your fellow believers. You use it to judge and punish. You play the role of the same kind of "God" who avenges and punishes those who don't believe the way YOU want them to. You preach of a God who is mutually exclusive instead of inclusive. You, for the fifth time, have made my point. You are the epitome of everything you hate about people like me.

How is it possible for one Christian denomination to believe that gay marriage is a terrible sin, and another Christian denomination to believe that it is not?
The Bible has been used as a weapon to promote segregation, and stop interracial marriage.

No, you are using the Bible to silence others. IE a weapon. You are trying to dictate to other Christians their beliefs, while trying to walk their walk with Christ for them. That isn't your place altar boy. You worry about your own relationship with God.
You are a prime example of using the Bible as a weapon to exclude, punish people and deny certain groups of Americans their rights and equal protection under the law

Speak for yourself. You have been doing that this entire thread. Here you are trying to nullify the beliefs of your fellow believers. You use it to judge and punish. You play the role of the same kind of "God" who avenges and punishes those who don't believe the way YOU want them to. You preach of a God who is mutually exclusive instead of inclusive. You, for the fifth time, have made my point. You are the epitome of everything you hate about people like me.

You need to find a mirror pal. You are the only one trying to nullify people's rights. And you are trying to say the God would support your bigotry and exclusion.

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone. You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...
So you want to change the subject to idol worshippers and God haters?

You and your friends started bringing up the Bible first. Afraid to finish what you started?

The lessons I learned as a Christian were about inclusion. You preach exclusion

Speak for yourself. Bigot.
You preach a God the avenger...a God that punishes.

No. You make God what him to be. He is not molded by the will of men. God is God. Not an avenger, not some flower clad hippie totalling about the streets of gold singing kumbayah. He is God. He is our God. The God you believe in doesn't exist. If you don't like a God that doesn't conform to your ideologies, perhaps you should find some other god to believe in.

God causes it to rain on the just and unjust alike. He forgives infinitely, punishes justly.
Your faith is an abomination of the life of Jesus Christ.

You're chastising my faith because it challenges your version of an all loving all positive, no negative God? He isn't some type of software you can write different versions of. He isn't always a God of rewards, he is also a God of consequences.

Your version of "God" is a very insult to the very essence of what he is. How dare you preach down to me?

Same argument...

Quantum Windbag said:
Jesus used physical force and beat the crap out of people that offended him, would you prefer that approach?
So you want to change the subject to idol worshippers and God haters?

You and your friends started bringing up the Bible first. Afraid to finish what you started?

The lessons I learned as a Christian were about inclusion. You preach exclusion

Speak for yourself. Bigot.
You preach a God the avenger...a God that punishes.

No. You make God what him to be. He is not molded by the will of men. God is God. Not an avenger, not some flower clad hippie totalling about the streets of gold singing kumbayah. He is God. He is our God. The God you believe in doesn't exist. If you don't like a God that doesn't conform to your ideologies, perhaps you should find some other god to believe in.

God causes it to rain on the just and unjust alike. He forgives infinitely, punishes justly.
Your faith is an abomination of the life of Jesus Christ.

You're chastising my faith because it challenges your version of an all loving all positive, no negative God? He isn't some type of software you can write different versions of. He isn't always a God of rewards, he is also a God of consequences.

Your version of "God" is a very insult to the very essence of what he is. How dare you preach down to me?

Same argument...

Quantum Windbag said:
Jesus used physical force and beat the crap out of people that offended him, would you prefer that approach?

Same deflection.
The Bible has been used as a weapon to promote segregation, and stop interracial marriage.

No, you are using the Bible to silence others. IE a weapon. You are trying to dictate to other Christians their beliefs, while trying to walk their walk with Christ for them. That isn't your place altar boy. You worry about your own relationship with God.

You have a right to your "beliefs"...but you don't have a right to impose those beliefs on America and exclude Americans who don't share your beliefs. The law must fair and equal for all citizens, or it is no longer a law.

Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all.
Edmund Burke

"In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty"
Thomas Jefferson

"What is true of every member of the society, individually, is true of them all collectively; since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of the individuals." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455, Papers 15:393

"To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse." --Thomas Jefferson to Hugh White, 1801. ME 10:258

"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson: Note in Destutt de Tracy, "Political Economy," 1816. ME 14:465
You need to find a mirror pal.

Are you finished with it yet?

You are the only one trying to nullify people's rights.

You are the only one trying to nullify my beliefs! And my right to believe how I want to believe!

And you are trying to say the God would support your bigotry and exclusion.

You are trying to say that the only God there is is one that condemns one set of beliefs and not the other. God is impartial.

Left that little detail out, didn't you?

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone.

So, get out of the throne and let him. Sit down and shut up. It isn't your place to administer "consequences."

You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

No, that has been pretty much your drive this entire time. "God will punish the haters and the bigots, and spare us, the tolerant and accepting."

You sicken me.
You need to find a mirror pal.

Are you finished with it yet?

You are the only one trying to nullify people's rights.

You are the only one trying to nullify my beliefs! And my right to believe how I want to believe!

And you are trying to say the God would support your bigotry and exclusion.

You are trying to say that the only God there is is one that condemns one set of beliefs and not the other. God is impartial.

Left that little detail out, didn't you?

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone.

So, get out of the throne and let him. Sit down and shut up. It isn't your place to administer "consequences."

You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

No, that has been pretty much your drive this entire time. "God will punish the haters and the bigots, and spare us, the tolerant and accepting."

You sicken me.

Translation of the content and intelligence of your reply

"I know you are, but what am I"
Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all.
Edmund Burke

"In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty"
Thomas Jefferson

"What is true of every member of the society, individually, is true of them all collectively; since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of the individuals." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455, Papers 15:393

"To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse." --Thomas Jefferson to Hugh White, 1801. ME 10:258

"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson: Note in Destutt de Tracy, "Political Economy," 1816. ME 14:465

Funny, none of that comes from the Bible. You want to preach religion to me? Quote the Bible. Want to know what God says about Justice?

Romans 12:19

"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

Kinda blows your idea of a non vengeful God all to hell, doesn't it?

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