Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

You don't understand one bit what religious devotion is all about, do you? It's something some of us Christians take seriously. And when you try to break our devotion to our faith and to God, you cross a line. Yes, yes, I can already hear you crying "discrimination crosses a line too!" and all that, but when you rob a man of his devotion, you rob him of his purpose. Some of us choose to devote our lives to Christ through our works, in this case, through entrepreneurship.

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

Colossians 3:23-24

So your charges of "discrimination" are nonsense.

You don't understand one bit what religion is all about. Your beliefs don't represent Jesus Christ, His life or His teachings.

I was raised a Christian. The beliefs your espouse were NEVER part of any sermon I heard. Jesus would never practice the discrimination you espouse. You are a phony.

Jesus extracted and elevated the commandments to love God and neighbor as the greatest commandments and said that everything else in the Bible (the Law and the Prophets) is subordinate to these. God is love. God does not hate fags, and neither should we. Whoever loves belongs to God.
yea, we need to embrace the ignorant grunts in America

And lets embrace the fact that you keep making my point, by referring to us as "ignorant grunts" you demonstrate your own intolerance of OUR beliefs, while accosting us for THOSE VERY SAME beliefs as "intolerant" or "discriminatory."

This is where you get off. You are not only intolerant, you are a hypocrite.

You're confused...I tolerate you ignorant grunts. But being tolerant doesn't mean I support your ignorance, will ever be silent or subservient to your ignorance by telling people to just "go somewhere else" for service they have the constitutional right to receive.
There is no constitutional right of service by private business.
you fail. And you're stupid.

Actually there is. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was challenged and upheld.
The poor got them newfangled microwave ovens and VCRs too

What else could they want from life?

My money is that Jesus will side with me on giving money to someone who needs food vs. a State funded TV and cell phone.

I can assure you that Jesus woud not side with you when it comes to helpig those who need help

Jesus would be very proud of a state that is concerned for its people

You are so sure that Jesus would not side with me if I chose to give directly to someone in need of food, water, shelter vs. the State? You are sure about that??

I have faith that Jesus would support any means that helps the poor.....Regardless of the source
I think Jesus would have gone to Bob Jones University.

That's funny coming from a Jew who thinks the real Messiah hasn't gotten here yet.
yea, we need to embrace the ignorant grunts in America

And lets embrace the fact that you keep making my point, by referring to us as "ignorant grunts" you demonstrate your own intolerance of OUR beliefs, while accosting us for THOSE VERY SAME beliefs as "intolerant" or "discriminatory."

This is where you get off. You are not only intolerant, you are a hypocrite.

You will 'tolerate' a business firing, or not hiring, a person because that person is gay,

but you will not 'tolerate' that same gay person having a legal right not to be discriminated against in hiring.

All your ranting about 'tolerance' is merely your insistence that in order to be properly tolerant,

people must agree with you on what is tolerable or intolerable.

Often when a conservative is talking about 'liberty' or 'tolerance', is about treating someone else like a piece of shit.

Almost all of their demands for 'liberty' via states rights involve the 'liberty' to restrict rights currently protected by the Constitution.
You don't understand one bit what religion is all about. Your beliefs don't represent Jesus Christ, His life or His teachings.

The Bible also taught us not to cause our fellow believers to stumble in their walk with Christ. Don't presume to know all there is to know about our faith. We are one religion among many, yet the only one. Spare me your lectures.

Take a long look at the book of Romans. And who are you to tell me what kind of Christian I should be? Remove the beam from your own eye before attempting to remove the mote from mine.
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And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
yea, we need to embrace the ignorant grunts in America

And lets embrace the fact that you keep making my point, by referring to us as "ignorant grunts" you demonstrate your own intolerance of OUR beliefs, while accosting us for THOSE VERY SAME beliefs as "intolerant" or "discriminatory."

This is where you get off. You are not only intolerant, you are a hypocrite.

You're confused...I tolerate you ignorant grunts. But being tolerant doesn't mean I support your ignorance, will ever be silent or subservient to your ignorance by telling people to just "go somewhere else" for service they have the constitutional right to receive.
There is no constitutional right of service by private business.
you fail. And you're stupid.
There are Public Accomodation laws for fifty years now
That isnt a response, genius.
You don't understand one bit what religious devotion is all about, do you? It's something some of us Christians take seriously. And when you try to break our devotion to our faith and to God, you cross a line. Yes, yes, I can already hear you crying "discrimination crosses a line too!" and all that, but when you rob a man of his devotion, you rob him of his purpose. Some of us choose to devote our lives to Christ through our works, in this case, through entrepreneurship.

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

Colossians 3:23-24

So your charges of "discrimination" are nonsense.

You don't understand one bit what religion is all about. Your beliefs don't represent Jesus Christ, His life or His teachings.

I was raised a Christian. The beliefs your espouse were NEVER part of any sermon I heard. Jesus would never practice the discrimination you espouse. You are a phony.

Jesus extracted and elevated the commandments to love God and neighbor as the greatest commandments and said that everything else in the Bible (the Law and the Prophets) is subordinate to these. God is love. God does not hate fags, and neither should we. Whoever loves belongs to God.
Wow, look who died and made this asshole Pope.
You know nothing about religion. Or politics. Or economics. And you damn sure have no right to tell someone else what a Christian is.
OK if we can't say what a Christian is, can we still say what a liberal or American or lazy or communist is?
You don't understand one bit what religious devotion is all about, do you? It's something some of us Christians take seriously. And when you try to break our devotion to our faith and to God, you cross a line. Yes, yes, I can already hear you crying "discrimination crosses a line too!" and all that, but when you rob a man of his devotion, you rob him of his purpose. Some of us choose to devote our lives to Christ through our works, in this case, through entrepreneurship.

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

Colossians 3:23-24

So your charges of "discrimination" are nonsense.

You don't understand one bit what religion is all about. Your beliefs don't represent Jesus Christ, His life or His teachings.

I was raised a Christian. The beliefs your espouse were NEVER part of any sermon I heard. Jesus would never practice the discrimination you espouse. You are a phony.

Jesus extracted and elevated the commandments to love God and neighbor as the greatest commandments and said that everything else in the Bible (the Law and the Prophets) is subordinate to these. God is love. God does not hate fags, and neither should we. Whoever loves belongs to God.

Oh, WELL. Your pastor said THIS, so that is obviously the last word on Christian doctrine.

Speaking of "fail" . . .
You don't understand one bit what religious devotion is all about, do you? It's something some of us Christians take seriously. And when you try to break our devotion to our faith and to God, you cross a line. Yes, yes, I can already hear you crying "discrimination crosses a line too!" and all that, but when you rob a man of his devotion, you rob him of his purpose. Some of us choose to devote our lives to Christ through our works, in this case, through entrepreneurship.

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

Colossians 3:23-24

So your charges of "discrimination" are nonsense.

You don't understand one bit what religion is all about. Your beliefs don't represent Jesus Christ, His life or His teachings.

I was raised a Christian. The beliefs your espouse were NEVER part of any sermon I heard. Jesus would never practice the discrimination you espouse. You are a phony.

Jesus extracted and elevated the commandments to love God and neighbor as the greatest commandments and said that everything else in the Bible (the Law and the Prophets) is subordinate to these. God is love. God does not hate fags, and neither should we. Whoever loves belongs to God.
Wow, look who died and made this asshole Pope.
You know nothing about religion. Or politics. Or economics. And you damn sure have no right to tell someone else what a Christian is.

Even if someone DID die and make him Pope, that wouldn't mean anything to me. I'm not Catholic, and never have been. To me, the Pope is just some guy in an expensive dress and tall hat.
Political Correctness is an insidious societal poison. It seems benign and even righteous on the face of it. Cleansed language. Words scrubbed of any possible chance of offending anyone. Language is slowly becoming a pablum of newspeak when words lose meaning and gain new meanings that water them down to nonsense.

The 1st Amendment is the first for a reason. Free and unfettered speech is the cornerstone of liberty, without which no republic can stand. We must return Political Correctness to the Pandora's box of bad Liberal ideas from whence it came. We must free our tongues and with them free ourselves from this soft and ever hardening tyranny that the Left has installed in America.

It is time to turn the tide and the only way we can accomplish such a feat is to not be distracted by all the transgressions we see that need remedy. Keep our eyes on the prize of conservative values being the dominant values in America. They always have been after all. It's only in the last few decades that we have allowed ourselves to be fooled by the Left and their constant lies.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
Political Correctness is an insidious societal poison. It seems benign and even righteous on the face of it. Cleansed language. Words scrubbed of any possible chance of offending anyone. Language is slowly becoming a pablum of newspeak when words lose meaning and gain new meanings that water them down to nonsense.

The 1st Amendment is the first for a reason. Free and unfettered speech is the cornerstone of liberty, without which no republic can stand. We must return Political Correctness to the Pandora's box of bad Liberal ideas from whence it came. We must free our tongues and with them free ourselves from this soft and ever hardening tyranny that the Left has installed in America.

It is time to turn the tide and the only way we can accomplish such a feat is to not be distracted by all the transgressions we see that need remedy. Keep our eyes on the prize of conservative values being the dominant values in America. They always have been after all. It's only in the last few decades that we have allowed ourselves to be fooled by the Left and their constant lies.
“Political correctness' is a myth contrived by the partisan right in an effort to conceal the racism that manifests among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

Otherwise this post reflects the ignorance common to most on the right, where the First Amendment has nothing to do with private citizens debating the conflicts and controversies of the day in the context of private society.

The First Amendment concerns only the relationship between the government and those governed, not the relationship between and among private citizens, where no one is seeking to 'silence' anyone through force of law; appropriate and legitimate criticism of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry practiced by many conservatives in no way 'violates' free speech.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.

Ooooh, that will leave a very large mark. Well done.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.

That's not what he said.

A marriage law that is gender specific is no different than a marriage law that is race specific. Both discriminate.
A law that only allows one to marry someone of the opposite sex is just as discriminatory as a law that only allows one to marry someone of a specific race.

...and we know what happened to the latter.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.

Ooooh, that will leave a very large mark. Well done.
They can't win because what they believe is contradictory. It only remains to point the contradictions out.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.

That's not what he said.

A marriage law that is gender specific is no different than a marriage law that is race specific. Both discriminate.
A law that only allows one to marry someone of the opposite sex is just as discriminatory as a law that only allows one to marry someone of a specific race.

...and we know what happened to the latter.
There is no discrimination. Can women marry under the law? Yes. Can men marry under the law? Yes.
Quit trying to prove something that doesnt exist. It makes you look stupid.
And I'm a phony Christan for not accepting gay marriage? How dare you? You don't get to dictate my relationship with God.

This is the fourth time you have made my point. You are so intolerant of my beliefs that you are attempting to change them to suit yours. Butt out.
There is no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states that can accommodate either same- or opposite-sex couples.

Consequently, you oppose recognizing the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans by seeking to disadvantage them through force of law, and in doing so rendering them unequal to everyone else in violation of the 14th Amendment – an act of hate inconsistent with Christian dogma; whether you acknowledge this hatred or not is immaterial.

Indeed, advocating for the right of gay Americans to access marriage law in no way conflicts with Christian dogma, as millions of Christians who recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry demonstrate, correctly understanding that they remain at liberty to not allow same-sex couples to marry in accordance with their religious marriage rituals, separate and apart from the Constitutional case law compelling the states to accommodate same-sex couples as a matter of civil law.

Christians may support the right of gay Americans to marry as a matter of secular law while at the same time oppose their marriage in the context of religious doctrine and dogma.
You contradicted yourself in the first paragraph.
If there is one marriage law that applies equally then there is no discrimination.
Game. Set. Match.

That's not what he said.

A marriage law that is gender specific is no different than a marriage law that is race specific. Both discriminate.
A law that only allows one to marry someone of the opposite sex is just as discriminatory as a law that only allows one to marry someone of a specific race.

...and we know what happened to the latter.
There is no discrimination. Can women marry under the law? Yes. Can men marry under the law? Yes.
Quit trying to prove something that doesnt exist. It makes you look stupid.

They cannot marry who they choose to marry. A man can marry a woman. A woman cannot marry a woman. That is gender discrimination. That is limiting a right by gender without a compelling justification for doing so.

Gender is a protected class. You cannot constitutionally discriminate against someone based on his or her gender.

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