*Same Immunizaton That Causes Autism: Makes Kids Stupid:Reason Is*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. There's a reason that they inject your children with too much drugs, they really are trying to destroy American Culture, one kid at a time, by the millions.
2. If Autism doesn't totally get your kid, then the inability for them to learn will.
3. This it true, and its time we stop this folks.:evil:

What tripe, educate yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo97VouL0ls]‪Penn and Teller Bullshit S08E10 Vaccination Part(1/2)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. Sorry Modbert, but explain why children in public schools are getting dumber and dumber?
2. Its all the shots.
3. They can't focus long enough to remember anything.
4. Its a fact.
5. I have been around a long time, you must be a kid.

You offer absolutely no evidence and claim it's a fact. Again, watch the video I posted and educated yourself.

Not having kids get their shots is so dangerous that you don't even begin to understand the implications.
Sorry bout that,

1. Sorry Modbert, but explain why children in public schools are getting dumber and dumber?
2. Its all the shots.
3. They can't focus long enough to remember anything.
4. Its a fact.
5. I have been around a long time, you must be a kid.

If shots caused all this autism then why is it not in our generation. We also got the shots and you dont see all the autism. I think its more environmental then the shots
Sorry bout that,

If shots caused all this autism then why is it not in our generation. We also got the shots and you dont see all the autism. I think its more environmental then the shots

1. You've just made my case for me, thank you......
2. Its not in our generation because: We didn't get the volume of shots these kids do now for the last 25 years.
3. They pump them up with no less than 50 shots, when we were kids, we got maybe 6 total shots, now they get booster shots of same stuff, multiple shots, combo shots with several viruses in one shot.
4. They simple can't handle all the *poisons*.
5. It over loads their immune system, and their heads get fried.
6. This is the simplest way to describe whats happening to the children now days, 1 out of a 100 get fried, but in my study, 76 out of 100 get their iq sharply hammered, leaving about 23 kids out of a 100 some what normal.
7. Its stupid to say the least, and we get morons all the time who support whats going on, frying little kids brains.
8. Makes me sick, you dumb bastards!:evil:
9. In just about every facet of life, we have liberal muckity mucks fucking up *everything*, fuck them!!!

Sorry bout that,

If shots caused all this autism then why is it not in our generation. We also got the shots and you dont see all the autism. I think its more environmental then the shots

1. You've just made my case for me, thank you......
2. Its not in our generation because: We didn't get the volume of shots these kids do now for the last 25 years.
3. They pump them up with no less than 50 shots, when we were kids, we got maybe 6 total shots, now they get booster shots of same stuff, multiple shots, combo shots with several viruses in one shot.
4. They simple can't handle all the *poisons*.
5. It over loads their immune system, and their heads get fried.
6. This is the simplest way to describe whats happening to the children now days, 1 out of a 100 get fried, but in my study, 76 out of 100 get their iq sharply hammered, leaving about 23 kids out of a 100 some what normal.
7. Its stupid to say the least, and we get morons all the time who support whats going on, frying little kids brains.
8. Makes me sick, you dumb bastards!:evil:
9. In just about every facet of life, we have liberal muckity mucks fucking up *everything*, fuck them!!!


In YOUR study? :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's ignorant people pushing the same lie. Like saying "tax cuts make jobs" or "Rich people need more money" or "Saddam worked with Bin Laden". Scared people like to lie. It gives them a target.
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Sorry bout that,

If shots caused all this autism then why is it not in our generation. We also got the shots and you dont see all the autism. I think its more environmental then the shots

1. You've just made my case for me, thank you......
2. Its not in our generation because: We didn't get the volume of shots these kids do now for the last 25 years.
3. They pump them up with no less than 50 shots, when we were kids, we got maybe 6 total shots, now they get booster shots of same stuff, multiple shots, combo shots with several viruses in one shot.
4. They simple can't handle all the *poisons*.
5. It over loads their immune system, and their heads get fried.
6. This is the simplest way to describe whats happening to the children now days, 1 out of a 100 get fried, but in my study, 76 out of 100 get their iq sharply hammered, leaving about 23 kids out of a 100 some what normal.
7. Its stupid to say the least, and we get morons all the time who support whats going on, frying little kids brains.
8. Makes me sick, you dumb bastards!:evil:
9. In just about every facet of life, we have liberal muckity mucks fucking up *everything*, fuck them!!!

50 shots? prove that.

"YOUR" study??:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is a partial list of shots recomended for kids before two years old, mostly.

Hepatitis B
•Dose 1 = birth
•Dose 2 = 1 to 4 months
•Dose 3 = 6 to 18 months
•“catch up” dose = 24 months to 18 years
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP)
•Dose 1 = 2 months
•Dose 2 = 4 months
•Dose 3 = 6 months
•Dose 4 = 15 to 18 months
•Dose 5 = 4 to 6 years
Tetanus, Diphtheria (Td)
•11 to 12 years
•“catch up” dose = 13 to 18 years
Haemophilus Influenza Type b (Hib)
•Dose 1 = 2 months
•Dose 2 = 4 months
•Dose 3 = 6 months
•Dose 4 = 15 to 18 months
Hepatitis A
•Dose 1 = 24 months to 18 years
Inactivated Poliovirus
•Dose 1 = 2 months
•Dose 2 = 4 months
•Dose 3 = 6 to 18 months
•Dose 4 = 4 to 6 years
Varicella (Var)
•Dose 1 = 12 to 18 months
•“catch up” dose = 24 months to 18 years
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
•Dose 1 = 12 to 15 months
•Dose 2 = 4 to 6 years
•“catch up” dose = 11 to 18 years
Pneumoccocal Conjugate (PCV)
•Dose 1 = 2 months
•Dose 2 = 4 months
•Dose 3 = 6 months
•Dose 4 = 12 to 15 months
•Dose 5 = 24 months to 18 years
•Dose 1 = 6 months

2. This just gets them past 2 years of age.
3. Theres more.

Yeah, let's just go back to the dark ages and let all the people get those massive diseases!

Then Chesswar will show em! :clap2:
Sorry bout that,

Yeah, let's just go back to the dark ages and let all the people get those massive diseases!

Then Chesswar will show em! :clap2:

1. Okay lets have 76% of all kids either stupid as a rock, or a total burn out, with Autism, you will find non public schools use less shots, and have smarter kids too, the liberal elitists, are the ones controlling which kids gets whacked, controlling who has the brains to get into college, screwing over a whole generation.
2. What the government, and Nazi liberals are doing is dumbing down this Nation.
3. And the American Culture.
4. There is a correlation between the drugs and test results, most other countries in Europe and Asia don't get on the, *Shot Merry Go Round*.
5. This is a time when everyone else is wrong and *CWN* is right.
6. Nothing ever changes.:cool:
7. There is a moderate way to immunize the kids.
8. The Nazi Liberals are in the process of equalizing Americans too the rest of the world, by dumbing down this Nation.
9. This is nothing but *Social Engineering*.
10. You heard the truth here first!:eek:

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Sorry bout that,

Yeah, let's just go back to the dark ages and let all the people get those massive diseases!

Then Chesswar will show em! :clap2:

1. Okay lets have 76% of all kids either stupid as a rock, or a total burn out, with Autism, you will find non public schools use less shots, and have smarter kids too, the liberal elitists, are the ones controlling which kids gets whacked, controlling who has the brains to get into college, screwing over a whole generation.
2. What the government, and Nazi liberals are doing is dumbing down this Nation.
3. And the American Culture.
4. There is a correlation between the drugs and test results, most other countries in Europe and Asia don't get on the, *Shot Merry Go Round*.
5. This is a time when everyone else is wrong and *CWN* is right.
6. Nothing ever changes.:cool:
7. There is a moderate way to immunize the kids.
8. The Nazi Liberals are in the process of equalizing Americans too the rest of the world, by dumbing down this Nation.
9. This is nothing but *Social Engineering*.
10. You heard the truth here first!:eek:

No it's not. This is the same shit Alex Jones spews. You're both idiots.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. There's a reason that they inject your children with too much drugs, they really are trying to destroy American Culture, one kid at a time, by the millions.
2. If Autism doesn't totally get your kid, then the inability for them to learn will.
3. This it true, and its time we stop this folks.:evil:


Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Yeah, let's just go back to the dark ages and let all the people get those massive diseases!

Then Chesswar will show em! :clap2:

1. Okay lets have 76% of all kids either stupid as a rock, or a total burn out, with Autism, you will find non public schools use less shots, and have smarter kids too, the liberal elitists, are the ones controlling which kids gets whacked, controlling who has the brains to get into college, screwing over a whole generation.
2. What the government, and Nazi liberals are doing is dumbing down this Nation.
3. And the American Culture.
4. There is a correlation between the drugs and test results, most other countries in Europe and Asia don't get on the, *Shot Merry Go Round*.
5. This is a time when everyone else is wrong and *CWN* is right.
6. Nothing ever changes.:cool:
7. There is a moderate way to immunize the kids.
8. The Nazi Liberals are in the process of equalizing Americans too the rest of the world, by dumbing down this Nation.
9. This is nothing but *Social Engineering*.
10. You heard the truth here first!:eek:

No it's not. This is the same shit Alex Jones spews. You're both idiots.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

1. I hope you don't mind supplying proof, of Alex Jones making these claims, before mine?
2. I can't just take your word for it.
3. You're a liberal, or a liberal enabler.
4. I can't think of one thing that the liberal muckity mucks are not screwing up.
5. The *environment waste management* and *global warming* being two other things that are totally whack.
6. Also a third is putting corn products in gasoline, what idiots!
7. Allowing Islam to immigrate here in droves, and the list goes on....... .... .. .

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So according to Chesswarloonytunes only liberals don't want their kids to die from diseases. It's a left wing conspiracy to 'dumb down' the population while keeping the kids full of shots so they don't try to indoctrinate the other kids with their Marxist agenda. :thup:
Sorry bout that,

So according to Chesswarloonytunes only liberals don't want their kids to die from diseases. It's a left wing conspiracy to 'dumb down' the population while keeping the kids full of shots so they don't try to indoctrinate the other kids with their Marxist agenda. :thup:

1. The liberal elite think they know everything.
2. Whats best for me and my children.
3. In every way.
4. Also, they want to *carbon tax* me.
5. Ever heard the saying, "Too much of a good thing can be bad for you." too many shots fry your brains, I bet an adult taking equivalent to mass the same shots, in the same time frame would also get Autism, or be mentally destroyed.
6. We should go back to the 1960's shot quantities to prove my point.
7. Unless we change the way kids get shot, we as a Nation will self destruct.

Sorry bout that,

So according to Chesswarloonytunes only liberals don't want their kids to die from diseases. It's a left wing conspiracy to 'dumb down' the population while keeping the kids full of shots so they don't try to indoctrinate the other kids with their Marxist agenda. :thup:

1. The liberal elite think they know everything.
2. Whats best for me and my children.
3. In every way.
4. Also, they want to *carbon tax* me.
5. Ever heard the saying, "Too much of a good thing can be bad for you." too many shots fry your brains, I bet an adult taking equivalent to mass the same shots, in the same time frame would also get Autism, or be mentally destroyed.
6. We should go back to the 1960's shot quantities to prove my point.
7. Unless we change the way kids get shot, we as a Nation will self destruct.


Sorry bout that,

So according to Chesswarloonytunes only liberals don't want their kids to die from diseases. It's a left wing conspiracy to 'dumb down' the population while keeping the kids full of shots so they don't try to indoctrinate the other kids with their Marxist agenda. :thup:

1. The liberal elite think they know everything.
2. Whats best for me and my children.
3. In every way.
4. Also, they want to *carbon tax* me.
5. Ever heard the saying, "Too much of a good thing can be bad for you." too many shots fry your brains, I bet an adult taking equivalent to mass the same shots, in the same time frame would also get Autism, or be mentally destroyed.
6. We should go back to the 1960's shot quantities to prove my point.
7. Unless we change the way kids get shot, we as a Nation will self destruct.


Too bad there isn't an immunization against deliberately ignorant trolls!

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