*Same Immunizaton That Causes Autism: Makes Kids Stupid:Reason Is*

No one wants to take a stab at trying to explain why trace amounts of mercury in seafood is considered bad, but trace amounts of mercury in vaccines is considered ok?

There is a vast difference in the potential for damage during embryogenesis versus a neonate. Retinoic acid is basically vitamin a. Fine outside of the womb. Abosolutely teratogenic inside the womb.

It would be nice if the autism link was as simple as thermosol. It would be an easy fix. Unfortuntely, it is not that easy.

I don't think it begins and ends with thimerosol at all. We waited to vaccinate our son and he ended up in the autism spectrum anyway. I have other theories on how it may have happened but that's a different discussion. I'm still wary of mercury going into my child's system, born or not. It's poison.

No more or less so than I am about sodium fluoride going into my child's system. That's poison as well.

I'd prefer not taking chances, if that makes me a kook I can live with that.
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Sorry bout that,

1. You will see someday that *CWN* was 100% correct!
2. For me there will be no consolation for that, I will remain be fuddled why it took so long, and so many more kids heads got screwed up.
3. This immunization program schedule and volume, has been on for nearly thirty years, and thats a whole generation of kids.
4. You will see, that big corporations will have to import more people from other countries in order to find normal thinking people.
5. This trend will not change till the liberal muckity mucks stop burning out kids heads.
6. And huge corporations will leave our shores in order to not have to import people to a land of fools.
7. Marty, you've been check mated, I see you have nothing to add put cartoon pics, everyone sees it. :lol:

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. There's a reason that they inject your children with too much drugs, they really are trying to destroy American Culture, one kid at a time, by the millions.
2. If Autism doesn't totally get your kid, then the inability for them to learn will.
3. This it true, and its time we stop this folks.:evil:


1. lol
2. rofl
3. roflmao

Sorry 'bout that ...

1. Here's a prime example of what happens to some one who gets too much of these shots.
2. This poster has a problem expressing himself, and thinks he's normal.
3. Certainly if he were normal, he could at least share us a few thoughts on this very serious matter.
4. But sadly and true, he is unable to do so, not unlike so many others here, who are under 30 years of age, and can only express themselves with *one liners* or *silly cartoons*, or *silly abbreviations*.
5. Its sad *America*, but don't worry *America*; *CWN* is on the case, and I promise I will scream from the roof tops till *I Fix This Thing*!!!!

Sorry bout that,

No one wants to take a stab at trying to explain why trace amounts of mercury in seafood is considered bad, but trace amounts of mercury in vaccines is considered ok?

There is a vast difference in the potential for damage during embryo genesis versus a neonate. Retinoic acid is basically vitamin a. Fine outside of the womb. Abosolutely teratogenic inside the womb.

It would be nice if the autism link was as simple as thermosol. It would be an easy fix. Unfortuntely, it is not that easy.

I don't think it begins and ends with thimerosol at all. We waited to vaccinate our son and he ended up in the autism spectrum anyway. I have other theories on how it may have happened but that's a different discussion. I'm still wary of mercury going into my child's system, born or not. It's poison.

No more or less so than I am about sodium fluoride going into my child's system. That's poison as well.

I'd prefer not taking chances, if that makes me a kook I can live with that.

1. You are defiantly under thirty years of age, and if your id picture is you, then its obvious you were exposed to too many shots as a kid, and may have a subtle defect from the shots, that you can't put your finger on, and yet, you know somethings wrong, its the shots my friend.
2. When your kid got exposed to the same shots, he had a double dip hit on his DNA, and immune system, and he was burned by it, and if your wife was exposed to the same shots, if she is under thirty, that made things worse, and when your kid grows up, his kids will be even worse than he is, it will be eight fold towards his kids.
3. From your pic, I can see you are mad a lot, and you are threatening a lot, your not sure about a lot of stuff, so you put out strong signals, which is normal for some one who got too much immunizations, like millions of others, *just like you*.
4. Its not normal, and its not your fault either, its the *liberal muckity mucks* fault.
5. I hope you understand I have no reason to attack you, and do not take this as an attack on you as a person, or your son, I am mad as hell for you, and am just trying to help you see.:eusa_pray:

Sorry bout that,

There is a vast difference in the potential for damage during embryo genesis versus a neonate. Retinoic acid is basically vitamin a. Fine outside of the womb. Abosolutely teratogenic inside the womb.

It would be nice if the autism link was as simple as thermosol. It would be an easy fix. Unfortuntely, it is not that easy.

I don't think it begins and ends with thimerosol at all. We waited to vaccinate our son and he ended up in the autism spectrum anyway. I have other theories on how it may have happened but that's a different discussion. I'm still wary of mercury going into my child's system, born or not. It's poison.

No more or less so than I am about sodium fluoride going into my child's system. That's poison as well.

I'd prefer not taking chances, if that makes me a kook I can live with that.

1. You are defiantly under thirty years of age, and if your id picture is you, then its obvious you were exposed to too many shots as a kid, and may have a subtle defect from the shots, that you can't put your finger on, and yet, you know somethings wrong, its the shots my friend.
2. When your kid got exposed to the same shots, he had a double dip hit on his DNA, and immune system, and he was burned by it, and if your wife was exposed to the same shots, if she is under thirty, that made things worse, and when your kid grows up, his kids will be even worse than he is, it will be eight fold towards his kids.
3. From your pic, I can see you are mad a lot, and you are threatening a lot, your not sure about a lot of stuff, so you put out strong signals, which is normal for some one who got too much immunizations, like millions of others, *just like you*.
4. Its not normal, and its not your fault either, its the *liberal muckity mucks* fault.
5. I hope you understand I have no reason to attack you, and do not take this as an attack on you as a person, or your son, I am mad as hell for you, and am just trying to help you see.:eusa_pray:


sorry bout that,

1. the picture is not me
2. apparently you didn't read my post properly because I said my son DIDN'T get the shots.
3. I don't need help from someone who is too stupid to realize when someone is actually SUPPORTING your position.
4. It must not be the shots causing the stupidity, because you're about as dumb as they come.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't think it begins and ends with thimerosol at all. We waited to vaccinate our son and he ended up in the autism spectrum anyway. I have other theories on how it may have happened but that's a different discussion. I'm still wary of mercury going into my child's system, born or not. It's poison.

No more or less so than I am about sodium fluoride going into my child's system. That's poison as well.

I'd prefer not taking chances, if that makes me a kook I can live with that.

1. You are defiantly under thirty years of age, and if your id picture is you, then its obvious you were exposed to too many shots as a kid, and may have a subtle defect from the shots, that you can't put your finger on, and yet, you know somethings wrong, its the shots my friend.
2. When your kid got exposed to the same shots, he had a double dip hit on his DNA, and immune system, and he was burned by it, and if your wife was exposed to the same shots, if she is under thirty, that made things worse, and when your kid grows up, his kids will be even worse than he is, it will be eight fold towards his kids.
3. From your pic, I can see you are mad a lot, and you are threatening a lot, your not sure about a lot of stuff, so you put out strong signals, which is normal for some one who got too much immunizations, like millions of others, *just like you*.
4. Its not normal, and its not your fault either, its the *liberal muckity mucks* fault.
5. I hope you understand I have no reason to attack you, and do not take this as an attack on you as a person, or your son, I am mad as hell for you, and am just trying to help you see.:eusa_pray:


sorry bout that,

1. the picture is not me
2. apparently you didn't read my post properly because I said my son DIDN'T get the shots.
3. I don't need help from someone who is too stupid to realize when someone is actually SUPPORTING your position.
4. It must not be the shots causing the stupidity, because you're about as dumb as they come.

1. If its not you, why use it?
2 Also I read you correctly, you said your kid got the shots, @ 4 years of age, and still got autism spectrum.
3. Your mad at me, humm, didn't I just say you're *mad a lot*?
4. I'm a *rocket scientist* compared to you.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. You are defiantly under thirty years of age, and if your id picture is you, then its obvious you were exposed to too many shots as a kid, and may have a subtle defect from the shots, that you can't put your finger on, and yet, you know somethings wrong, its the shots my friend.
2. When your kid got exposed to the same shots, he had a double dip hit on his DNA, and immune system, and he was burned by it, and if your wife was exposed to the same shots, if she is under thirty, that made things worse, and when your kid grows up, his kids will be even worse than he is, it will be eight fold towards his kids.
3. From your pic, I can see you are mad a lot, and you are threatening a lot, your not sure about a lot of stuff, so you put out strong signals, which is normal for some one who got too much immunizations, like millions of others, *just like you*.
4. Its not normal, and its not your fault either, its the *liberal muckity mucks* fault.
5. I hope you understand I have no reason to attack you, and do not take this as an attack on you as a person, or your son, I am mad as hell for you, and am just trying to help you see.:eusa_pray:


sorry bout that,

1. the picture is not me
2. apparently you didn't read my post properly because I said my son DIDN'T get the shots.
3. I don't need help from someone who is too stupid to realize when someone is actually SUPPORTING your position.
4. It must not be the shots causing the stupidity, because you're about as dumb as they come.

1. If its not you, why use it?
2 Also I read you correctly, you said your kid got the shots, @ 4 years of age, and still got autism spectrum.
3. Your mad at me, humm, didn't I just say you're *mad a lot*?
4. I'm a *rocket scientist* compared to you.


You're really asking why I would use an avatar of someone that isn't me? REALLY?

I never said he GOT the shots, only that we were waiting until he was 4. You ASSUMED he was already 4 and already got them, which made you look stupid. He's not 4 until next Monday.
I went back and read my post where I mentioned the 4 years old part, and I'll admit it was a bit vague. He's not 4 yet, and still hasn't had his immunizations other than the first 2 Hep shots he's supposed to have because his ped recommended at least those if we were going to wait on his vaccinations, and I trust his ped.
The rise of computers and computer games also coincides with the rise in autism.
Cellular device radiation?
Sorry bout that,

I went back and read my post where I mentioned the 4 years old part, and I'll admit it was a bit vague. He's not 4 yet, and still hasn't had his immunizations other than the first 2 Hep shots he's supposed to have because his ped recommended at least those if we were going to wait on his vaccinations, and I trust his ped.

1. So thats further proof that your kid is four fold the worse for *any* shots, can't you see it?
2. He's had a couple shots, and wham!
3. Please think carefully, before you give him anything more.
4. I'm guessing you're under thirty years of age, if thats not you in that picture.
5. Anyway, listen up!
6. In my opinion, your son would be better off to have *no shots* whatsoever.
7. But we see, thats too late.

Sorry bout that,

I went back and read my post where I mentioned the 4 years old part, and I'll admit it was a bit vague. He's not 4 yet, and still hasn't had his immunizations other than the first 2 Hep shots he's supposed to have because his ped recommended at least those if we were going to wait on his vaccinations, and I trust his ped.

1. So thats further proof that your kid is four fold the worse for *any* shots, can't you see it?
2. He's had a couple shots, and wham!
3. Please think carefully, before you give him anything more.
4. I'm guessing you're under thirty years of age, if thats not you in that picture.
5. Anyway, listen up!
6. In my opinion, your son would be better off to have *no shots* whatsoever.
7. But we see, thats too late.


Right, 2 measly hep shots out of the whole Hep regimen and that caused autism.

My man, I'm all about the vaccinations being a potential problem for society and there is definitely too much being pumped into them in their first few years of life, but to say that 2 fucking hep shots gave my child autism is far fetched.

When he was born and took his first breath, a tiny hole was punctured in his lung and he spent the first 2 days under an oxygen tent. I tend to think that exposure to high amounts of pure oxygen to the newborn brain could have had something to do with it, not to mention the lack of oxygen he suffered during birth.

Only vaccinations that were stored in multiple doses had the thimerosol in them. The 2 shots my son got were individual doses, which did not contain any thimerosol.

Your concern about vaccinations is definitely noted, but you're just being obtuse and extreme about it.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Alex Jones doesn't have what I have and I will not take anyones word for it, bring in the proof, which I know you can't.
2. This is totally from, *my mind*.
3. And its true one day they will decide to go back to the way that they used to shoot up the kids and find out yep, *CWN* was right!
4. At this rate, we will be burning out the brains of 100% of every kid in a few years,at least those who take *all the shots*.
5. Kids get a huge amount of shots, and if you try to go around them, and wait till just before your kid gets into school, to allow the kid to mature some, they will double up the load on you, or from a stronger batch, so as to over load your kid to the same extent that the kids who got their shot on time and in *their* order!
6. So you can't get around these bastards!
7. Only way to get around is control the shots as to what they get, get the ones you want them to have, then go to the attorney general, and state you need an exemption, for religious reasons for the rest of the shots.
8. Problem solved, I came up with this because I can think and am a genius, genius!
9. I'm not effected directly from the shots, I only got maybe 6 shots when I was a kid, my wife is fine too, but look here, when you have two people who are effected with all these shots, how will their children be effected when their DNA stack up?
10. These children who are dumbed up with too many shots, when they marry up, their kids will be effected four fold, especially if their kids are shot up the same way they were, thats why more and more kids are getting autism, and being dumbed down.



He is not trolling. He's serious.
Sorry bout that,

1. Alex Jones doesn't have what I have and I will not take anyones word for it, bring in the proof, which I know you can't.
2. This is totally from, *my mind*.
3. And its true one day they will decide to go back to the way that they used to shoot up the kids and find out yep, *CWN* was right!
4. At this rate, we will be burning out the brains of 100% of every kid in a few years,at least those who take *all the shots*.
5. Kids get a huge amount of shots, and if you try to go around them, and wait till just before your kid gets into school, to allow the kid to mature some, they will double up the load on you, or from a stronger batch, so as to over load your kid to the same extent that the kids who got their shot on time and in *their* order!
6. So you can't get around these bastards!
7. Only way to get around is control the shots as to what they get, get the ones you want them to have, then go to the attorney general, and state you need an exemption, for religious reasons for the rest of the shots.
8. Problem solved, I came up with this because I can think and am a genius, genius!
9. I'm not effected directly from the shots, I only got maybe 6 shots when I was a kid, my wife is fine too, but look here, when you have two people who are effected with all these shots, how will their children be effected when their DNA stack up?
10. These children who are dumbed up with too many shots, when they marry up, their kids will be effected four fold, especially if their kids are shot up the same way they were, thats why more and more kids are getting autism, and being dumbed down.



He is not trolling. He's serious.

So, very stupid it is.
why the flonz is this thread this long?

too many immunized posters, probably.
Sorry bout that,

why the flonz is this thread this long?

too many immunized posters, probably.

1. Whats your take?
2. So far you've shown up and said, *jackshit*.
3. What you got ol'man?:eusa_whistle:
4. So do we agree, or you a liberal muckity muck, show me your cards!

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. You are defiantly under thirty years of age, and if your id picture is you, then its obvious you were exposed to too many shots as a kid, and may have a subtle defect from the shots, that you can't put your finger on, and yet, you know somethings wrong, its the shots my friend.
2. When your kid got exposed to the same shots, he had a double dip hit on his DNA, and immune system, and he was burned by it, and if your wife was exposed to the same shots, if she is under thirty, that made things worse, and when your kid grows up, his kids will be even worse than he is, it will be eight fold towards his kids.
3. From your pic, I can see you are mad a lot, and you are threatening a lot, your not sure about a lot of stuff, so you put out strong signals, which is normal for some one who got too much immunizations, like millions of others, *just like you*.
4. Its not normal, and its not your fault either, its the *liberal muckity mucks* fault.
5. I hope you understand I have no reason to attack you, and do not take this as an attack on you as a person, or your son, I am mad as hell for you, and am just trying to help you see.:eusa_pray:


sorry bout that,

1. the picture is not me
2. apparently you didn't read my post properly because I said my son DIDN'T get the shots.
3. I don't need help from someone who is too stupid to realize when someone is actually SUPPORTING your position.
4. It must not be the shots causing the stupidity, because you're about as dumb as they come.

1. If its not you, why use it?
2 Also I read you correctly, you said your kid got the shots, @ 4 years of age, and still got autism spectrum.
3. Your mad at me, humm, didn't I just say you're *mad a lot*?
4. I'm a *rocket scientist* compared to you.

So, then your avatar is you?????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

BTW, you're an idiot. You lack total reading comprehension.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. the picture is not me
2. apparently you didn't read my post properly because I said my son DIDN'T get the shots.
3. I don't need help from someone who is too stupid to realize when someone is actually SUPPORTING your position.
4. It must not be the shots causing the stupidity, because you're about as dumb as they come.

1. If its not you, why use it?
2 Also I read you correctly, you said your kid got the shots, @ 4 years of age, and still got autism spectrum.
3. Your mad at me, humm, didn't I just say you're *mad a lot*?
4. I'm a *rocket scientist* compared to you.

So, then your avatar is you?????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

BTW, you're an idiot. You lack total reading comprehension.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

1. I was wondering if anyone would catch that.
2. But it could be I am *SASQUATCH*, makes you wonder doesn't it?
3. My comprehension isn't bad, why do you say that MOFO?:tongue:

Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with Americas Medical Industry, is they are protected by the government.
2. They've wrote laws to protect themselves.
3. And *OUR* politicians, signed off on these laws.
4. Ever wonder who is really running America?
5. I have.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If its not you, why use it?
2 Also I read you correctly, you said your kid got the shots, @ 4 years of age, and still got autism spectrum.
3. Your mad at me, humm, didn't I just say you're *mad a lot*?
4. I'm a *rocket scientist* compared to you.

So, then your avatar is you?????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

BTW, you're an idiot. You lack total reading comprehension.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

1. I was wondering if anyone would catch that.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
2. But it could be I am *SASQUATCH*, makes you wonder doesn't it?
3. My comprehension isn't bad, why do you say that MOFO?:tongue:

You're not Sasquatch but Rimjob could very well be. He can't type worth a shit.
Your comprehension is okay. There are times when I read a response from you and I go, "what the hell?":lol::lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. American kids are getting their heads fried with over dose of immunizations.
2. And you are worried about my comprehension, and coherent writing?:eek:

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