San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana in response to "religious freedom" law

Awwww, poor Indiana is going to whine about their lost revenue...that they brought on themselves.


that must be that compassion you all claim you have for others. NEVER heard of any of those listed.... so the jokes on you I think

Really Steph? You've never heard of Apple, The NCAA or Yelp? Indiana has. :lol:

really sea, you think the NCAA is going to boycott a state because Keith Olbermann suggested they should? as for Apple who cares. I doubt they were planning on moving there anyway.... and nope never heard of Yelp. but that's what a lot of you are doing.

A week from now this will all be old news and the loons and queers will be after their next victim

And Indiana will still be losing revenue by passing this bill in the dark of night. Such cowards.

Business people don't make business decision based on political interests that have nothing to do with promoting business. It's all dollars and sense to them. Indiana won't lose a single business just because of this law.
San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO
3/27/15 4:50 PM EDT
San Francisco prides itself as a tolerant place, but it is closed off to one thing: Indiana.
Like any cult, it is only tolerant of its own excesses.

Try to be a praciticing Christian in that town. I dare you to speak out about traditional families or moral restraint. Be sure to buy life insurance before you do. Even Randy Shilts, gay journalist/biographer of Harvey Milk was spat upon as he walked down a street in the bluest blue disctrict there. Why? Because the AIDS epidemic was so alarming and spreading so quickly there that he advocated shutting down the bath houses where most of it was spreading. The cult was not very tolerant of one of its own's dissent.

Randy Shilts later got HIV and died of AIDS..

These guys wouldn't be allowed to speak there either: 2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John s Synthetic Babies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Why hasn't the mayor called for a ban of these products being imported into ground-zero of the Rainbow Ashram?

Stop trying to pass your trash on us. These people are your supporters, deal with it.

These people? Nah: It's more like a theater troupe with rainbow-leanings... Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's not just San Francisco that is coming out against the "right to be an anti gay bigot" bill...


You people/homosexuals are so dramatic and such LIARS on top of it. that law has nothing to do with the: right to be a bigot ANIT-homosexuals. and even if it did. THAT is a persons RIGHT. Keep it up you aren't FORCING people to accept you more by this crap, in fact you are making people HATE you all more. I doubt all the people who live in Indiana could care less what frikken companies are going to boycott them. You want to HURT the people living there because of their GOVERNMENT. that's how nasty you all are
You truly are an ignorant, ridiculous idiot.

No one is 'forcing' anyone to do anything.

And it's only you and others on the right who garner the contempt of the American people as a consequence of your unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans.

Homosexuals didn't try and force cake baking, floral arrangements? What happened when they were turned down? That's forcing
Tell us, do you think baking a cake, for profit, is serving God?
She probably thinks eating a cake is serving god.
So it would seem. Maybe God bakes all the cakes and just makes it look like people do to fool us? You know, like hiding the dinosaur bones so we think they're old.
Ah the stupidity of liberals. Its not "racist" or "bigoted" to attack a business owner who refuses service to someone based on ANY reason but its racist to or bigoted to refuse service to someone for any reason....such stupidity and they don't even see the irony of it. Domestic terrorist scum. There would not be the need for these laws if faggots would leave these business owners alone find a fag friendly or at least neutral business and get their cake or flowers done there...very simple...but since they insist on attacking businesses of course the state governments aren't going to sit by as the people they get revenue from are attacked and put out of business.

As soon as you used the term "faggots", your opinion became irrelevant. It just placed you in with all the other gay bashers who believe Jesus hates fags.
Don't care. Not a jesus freak either shit head...not even a damn christian.

No shit. No white supremacists are Christian. None of them.
Noe you're defining who is and isn't a Christian? Who else doesn't make the cut? Gay? Feminists? Protestants?
Ah the stupidity of liberals. Its not "racist" or "bigoted" to attack a business owner who refuses service to someone based on ANY reason but its racist to or bigoted to refuse service to someone for any reason....such stupidity and they don't even see the irony of it. Domestic terrorist scum. There would not be the need for these laws if faggots would leave these business owners alone find a fag friendly or at least neutral business and get their cake or flowers done there...very simple...but since they insist on attacking businesses of course the state governments aren't going to sit by as the people they get revenue from are attacked and put out of business.

As soon as you used the term "faggots", your opinion became irrelevant. It just placed you in with all the other gay bashers who believe Jesus hates fags.
Don't care. Not a jesus freak either shit head...not even a damn christian.

No shit. No white supremacists are Christian. None of them.
Noe you're defining who is and isn't a Christian? Who else doesn't make the cut? Gay? Feminists? Protestants?

God is not the author or racism. Satan is, and his most loyal followers are Leftists.
It's not just San Francisco that is coming out against the "right to be an anti gay bigot" bill...


You people/homosexuals are so dramatic and such LIARS on top of it. that law has nothing to do with the: right to be a bigot ANIT-homosexuals. and even if it did. THAT is a persons RIGHT. Keep it up you aren't FORCING people to accept you more by this crap, in fact you are making people HATE you all more. I doubt all the people who live in Indiana could care less what frikken companies are going to boycott them. You want to HURT the people living there because of their GOVERNMENT. that's how nasty you all are
Well, my illiterate friend, Sales Force has a huge convention in Indiana annually. They're now threatening to take their convention elsewhere. That's a lot of lost revenue for local businesses. Even the Indiana Chamber of Commerce is against the law. But I guess you're smarter than them.
Ah the stupidity of liberals. Its not "racist" or "bigoted" to attack a business owner who refuses service to someone based on ANY reason but its racist to or bigoted to refuse service to someone for any reason....such stupidity and they don't even see the irony of it. Domestic terrorist scum. There would not be the need for these laws if faggots would leave these business owners alone find a fag friendly or at least neutral business and get their cake or flowers done there...very simple...but since they insist on attacking businesses of course the state governments aren't going to sit by as the people they get revenue from are attacked and put out of business.

As soon as you used the term "faggots", your opinion became irrelevant. It just placed you in with all the other gay bashers who believe Jesus hates fags.
Don't care. Not a jesus freak either shit head...not even a damn christian.

No shit. No white supremacists are Christian. None of them.
Noe you're defining who is and isn't a Christian? Who else doesn't make the cut? Gay? Feminists? Protestants?

God is not the author or racism. Satan is, and his most loyal followers are Leftists.
Answer the questions. Who is or isn't a Christian? We are all very interested.
As a person that lives in Indiana, and a conservative, I will say this:
One, virtually everyone on the left are wrong about the law. You have, once again, been duped by activist into believing the law is so business owners can openly discriminate against minority groups. And that is just not true. That is a very one-sided, closed-minded view of the law.
It is the 20th state to pass religious reforms like this, along with nine others who have attempted to pass, but failed. This law is not new, or unique.
It is not a law allowing discrimination. It is a law that allows the legal system to recognize religious beliefs as a legal defence, or claim, to be made by someone who believes they are "substantially burdened by the government".
Every clear thinking person knows that if a restaurant etc. refused service to a gay person(s) and tried to use this law as a reason for it - WOULD LOSE. It DOES NOT protect or allow businesses to discriminate.

So once again, and with broad support from the media, the "hands up don't shoot" mentality and false narrative is what sways opinions over fact.
Every clear thinking person knows that if a restaurant etc. refused service to a gay person(s) and tried to use this law as a reason for it - WOULD LOSE. It DOES NOT protect or allow businesses to discriminate.
So, tell us the point of the law then, if not to protect the ability of the religious to discriminate, which faiths, by law, can already do?
If they didn't lie about what the law is about, they couldn't MISLEAD the people in the country... which is their sick tactics they use to beat people down with. I hope more people has caught onto it
As a person that lives in Indiana, and a conservative, I will say this:
One, virtually everyone on the left are wrong about the law. You have, once again, been duped by activist into believing the law is so business owners can openly discriminate against minority groups. And that is just not true. That is a very one-sided, closed-minded view of the law.
It is the 20th state to pass religious reforms like this, along with nine others who have attempted to pass, but failed. This law is not new, or unique.
It is not a law allowing discrimination. It is a law that allows the legal system to recognize religious beliefs as a legal defence, or claim, to be made by someone who believes they are "substantially burdened by the government".
Every clear thinking person knows that if a restaurant etc. refused service to a gay person(s) and tried to use this law as a reason for it - WOULD LOSE. It DOES NOT protect or allow businesses to discriminate.

So once again, and with broad support from the media, the "hands up don't shoot" mentality and false narrative is what sways opinions over fact.

Great comment but you're wasting your time, their media masters have delivered the talking points and they are foaming at the mouth, eager to destroy.

It must be hell being a left loon, incapable if independent thought
If they didn't lie about what the law is about, they couldn't MISLEAD the people in the country... which is their sick tactics they use to beat down with. I hope more people has caught onto it
Do tell then, what is the purpose of this law, is it just for fun? It doesn't protect religions or churches, who can already, by law, discriminate, so, what's this law all about?
Look for a slew of sudden "gay bashing" threads all over the internet now. .. put on by gays themselves to drum up sympathy.

This is going to increase right up to the US Supreme Court Hearing and until it renders its decision this June. If there is a federal-mandate on the brand new social experiment of using kids as lab rats in fatherless son, motherless daughter "marriage" in June, look for the "rabid gay bashing threads" to suddenly drop off the face of the nothing ever happened...indicating the origins of their authorship...
Oh dear, the CEO of Yelp, Stoppleman is openly gay. No bias here, nothing to see, move on.

Openly homosexual is shoving it in everyone's face what sex they like to hump.

sick and twisted and I'm actually SICK of them

It's their sexual orientation that the rightwing bigots shove in their faces.

How, by having children?
We have children too.

No you don't. One of you has a child, but the two of you together don't have them. That's one of the fundamental laws of nature, honey.
Oh dear, the CEO of Yelp, Stoppleman is openly gay. No bias here, nothing to see, move on.

Openly homosexual is shoving it in everyone's face what sex they like to hump.

sick and twisted and I'm actually SICK of them

It's their sexual orientation that the rightwing bigots shove in their faces.

How, by having children?
We have children too.

No you don't. One of you has a child, but the two of you together don't have them. That's one of the fundamental laws of nature, honey.

Darwin's dead end :biggrin:

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