Sanders has the political ammunition to put Hillary away

Time and momentum are on Sanders side plus he has none of the drama or baggage Hillary has in tow. No FBI investigation, no fountain of blatant lies, no perv husband. And unlike the Clintons he didn't build a bunch of prisons, pass harsh drug laws, and throw millions of blacks and minorities in jail like Bill did.
I don't believe time is a friend to him. His opportunities to secure the delegates for a victory are rapidly passing him by. Short of an indictment he is near out of time.
If Bernie Sander's supporters haven't heard the NY Daily interview, they should. You would think this guy would be terrifically prepared since he has been running on the same theme for the last two years.

Not so.

It was as if Sarah Palin came back as a senior's senior. Every answer was "I don't know" or "I'm not sure". At one point, he said, "Someone help me out here". Yee gads, It was like Tina Fey's "let me call a lifeline". Another time, he said he needed paper with numbers.


Since Bernie didn't know what "too big to fail" means, I'll help out. Too big to fail is about how much debt a company has accrued. It's obvious why.

And the whole "free college" thing? One third would come from Wall Street. The other two thirds would come from the states..................he hopes.

Clearly, it's not Mrs. Clinton who isn't qualified. Trump or Cruz may be more qualified than Bernie.

TRANSCRIPT: Bernie Sanders meets with News Editorial Board

Bernie Santa just handed Hillary a shitload of ammunition. Can't wait for the next debate.
Yeah. There is a LOT to be said about honesty and sincerity in politics, and it's attractive regardless of positions taken..
Not really given the fact that honesty and sincerity no longer exists in politics, what can you say about non-existence except "it doesn't exist." ?
Well, I'm just looking for a silver lining, so that has to include being reduced to thinking comparatively.

So, in this case, I think that Sanders is pretty honest & sincere, comparatively.

Time and momentum are on Sanders side plus he has none of the drama or baggage Hillary has in tow. No FBI investigation, no fountain of blatant lies, no perv husband. And unlike the Clintons he didn't build a bunch of prisons, pass harsh drug laws, and throw millions of blacks and minorities in jail like Bill did.
I don't believe time is a friend to him. His opportunities to secure the delegates for a victory are rapidly passing him by. Short of an indictment he is near out of time.
If Bernie Sander's supporters haven't heard the NY Daily interview, they should. You would think this guy would be terrifically prepared since he has been running on the same theme for the last two years.

Not so.

It was as if Sarah Palin came back as a senior's senior. Every answer was "I don't know" or "I'm not sure". At one point, he said, "Someone help me out here". Yee gads, It was like Tina Fey's "let me call a lifeline". Another time, he said he needed paper with numbers.


Since Bernie didn't know what "too big to fail" means, I'll help out. Too big to fail is about how much debt a company has accrued. It's obvious why.

And the whole "free college" thing? One third would come from Wall Street. The other two thirds would come from the states..................he hopes.

Clearly, it's not Mrs. Clinton who isn't qualified. Trump or Cruz may be more qualified than Bernie.

TRANSCRIPT: Bernie Sanders meets with News Editorial Board

Bernie Santa just handed Hillary a shitload of ammunition. Can't wait for the next debate.

So? Context is everything so in a field where the only other choice is a lying corrupt slime politician...well there you have it.
Time and momentum are on Sanders side plus he has none of the drama or baggage Hillary has in tow. No FBI investigation, no fountain of blatant lies, no perv husband. And unlike the Clintons he didn't build a bunch of prisons, pass harsh drug laws, and throw millions of blacks and minorities in jail like Bill did.
I don't believe time is a friend to him. His opportunities to secure the delegates for a victory are rapidly passing him by. Short of an indictment he is near out of time.
If Bernie Sander's supporters haven't heard the NY Daily interview, they should. You would think this guy would be terrifically prepared since he has been running on the same theme for the last two years.

Not so.

"Two years"? You live in a cave?
See that video I linked in post 2? It's 24 years old. Nobody's been on a more consistent policy path than Bernie Sanders.

Since Bernie didn't know what "too big to fail" means, I'll help out. Too big to fail is about how much debt a company has accrued. It's obvious why.

And the whole "free college" thing? One third would come from Wall Street. The other two thirds would come from the states..................he hopes.

Clearly, it's not Mrs. Clinton who isn't qualified. Trump or Cruz may be more qualified than Bernie.

TRANSCRIPT: Bernie Sanders meets with News Editorial Board

Bernie Santa just handed Hillary a shitload of ammunition. Can't wait for the next debate.

"Didn't know what 'too big to fail' means"? Sanders? Are you on drugs? No one's been on that issue more.
Who do you think put his name on this? The Congress Fairy?

Coming from the group who has won a popular vote once in the last 6 times, the assessment is funny.

You asswipes have been claiming you've had "the goods" on the Clintons for 25 fucking years. In 25 years...

She (not counting Bill)
has won election to the Senate twice
has won a grammy
has been appointed SoS
has admirably represented this nation as FLOUTUS
has come in 2nd in a Presidential election nominating contest (Ask the GOP "deep bench" how easy that is to do
Will become the next President of the US.

All you fuck wads have done was manage to get 25 years older.

Shove it up your ass.
He just doesn't possess the political fortitude to do what needs to be done to secure victory.

Tell me again why a lightweight like this would be good for our nation...

That's absolutely untrue. Clinton has an insurmountable delegate lead, and nothing Sanders does is going to change that. It's facts and math.
He just doesn't possess the political fortitude to do what needs to be done to secure victory.

Tell me again why a lightweight like this would be good for our nation...

That's absolutely untrue. Clinton has an insurmountable delegate lead, and nothing Sanders does is going to change that. It's facts and math.
And the FBI

You have a better chance of being arrested than Ms. Clinton.
He just doesn't possess the political fortitude to do what needs to be done to secure victory.

Tell me again why a lightweight like this would be good for our nation...

That's absolutely untrue. Clinton has an insurmountable delegate lead, and nothing Sanders does is going to change that. It's facts and math.
And the FBI

You have a better chance of being arrested than Ms. Clinton.
This forum is not to be used for pointing out the obvious. Having said that, if caught on everything I bet 10 to 1 her rap sheet would lead to a much longer sentence than mine.
He just doesn't possess the political fortitude to do what needs to be done to secure victory.

Tell me again why a lightweight like this would be good for our nation...

What's he gonna do, make her wait in a bread line?
My bad bruh. I mistook this thread for a place to share a non partisan HONEST look at reality.

Yeah. And you calling him a lightweight sure promotes an atmosphere of bipartisanship.

Just sayin' bruh!
Time and momentum are on Sanders side plus he has none of the drama or baggage Hillary has in tow. No FBI investigation, no fountain of blatant lies, no perv husband. And unlike the Clintons he didn't build a bunch of prisons, pass harsh drug laws, and throw millions of blacks and minorities in jail like Bill did.
The obvious problem for Sanders is that, just as the GOP "establishment" is with Trump, his party doesn't want him to get the nomination.

I don't know if this applies to this year only but I wonder why Sanders would run for the nomination
if he knew how much the deck seems to be stacked against him.

He has won a good number of primary's and caucuses recently and it seems that Hillary gets the
same number of delegates....
Couple this with the Super Delegates that Hilly already has locked up and I'm wondering why we are even bothering
following the Democrat nominating process....

And I say this as someone who doesn't agree with anything Bernie has to say.
I just can't stand Hillary more.
Time and momentum are on Sanders side plus he has none of the drama or baggage Hillary has in tow. No FBI investigation, no fountain of blatant lies, no perv husband. And unlike the Clintons he didn't build a bunch of prisons, pass harsh drug laws, and throw millions of blacks and minorities in jail like Bill did.
The obvious problem for Sanders is that, just as the GOP "establishment" is with Trump, his party doesn't want him to get the nomination.

I don't know if this applies to this year only but I wonder why Sanders would run for the nomination
if he knew how much the deck seems to be stacked against him.

He has won a good number of primary's and caucuses recently and it seems that Hillary gets the
same number of delegates....
Couple this with the Super Delegates that Hilly already has locked up and I'm wondering why we are even bothering
following the Democrat nominating process....

And I say this as someone who doesn't agree with anything Bernie has to say.
I just can't stand Hillary more.
Y'know, I think politicians are just a different breed. Their egos convince them that, no matter what, they are the people we need in power and no earthly force can stop them from being elected.

And that's only mild hyperbole on my part.

Time and momentum are on Sanders side plus he has none of the drama or baggage Hillary has in tow. No FBI investigation, no fountain of blatant lies, no perv husband. And unlike the Clintons he didn't build a bunch of prisons, pass harsh drug laws, and throw millions of blacks and minorities in jail like Bill did.
The obvious problem for Sanders is that, just as the GOP "establishment" is with Trump, his party doesn't want him to get the nomination.

I don't know if this applies to this year only but I wonder why Sanders would run for the nomination
if he knew how much the deck seems to be stacked against him.

He has won a good number of primary's and caucuses recently and it seems that Hillary gets the
same number of delegates....
Couple this with the Super Delegates that Hilly already has locked up and I'm wondering why we are even bothering
following the Democrat nominating process....

And I say this as someone who doesn't agree with anything Bernie has to say.
I just can't stand Hillary more.

It's conceivable he didn't even expect to get this far given the system. But that really was never the point.
The point is to raise the issues and have the national megaphone that spread those issues. The point is, and always was, that the issues need attention --- not who's raising them.

We've still got a couple of posters right here insisting they've "never heard of him". But they can't deny by now that everybody's heard the message.
He just doesn't possess the political fortitude to do what needs to be done to secure victory.

Tell me again why a lightweight like this would be good for our nation...

Agree--Sanders has been a 25 year yay, nay and present voter in the Senate. He's had 25 years to make a name for himself, and he didn't. No one ever heard of him until he changed his party status to democrat to get on this ticket..

Sanders is the epitome of a politician that has no real accomplishment or record to run on. He comes out of the gate making all kinds of promises, that he knows don't have a snowball's chance of making it through the Senate and the house. Not even the most liberal Democrat in Washington D.C. would ever vote for free college tuition, much less any Republican. On breaking up the big banks, it's clear he had no clue how to do that, but he can sure talk about it--LOL. Sanders has done a great job of exploiting the political ignorance of his supporters.

At any rate, Sanders is done, you can stick a fork in him. He's had a good run on the small caucus states that typically represent less than 1% of either party that bothers to show up. Typically underdog supporters will go through the pain of a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. In some of the open primaries, independents can vote, and there has been a lot of Operation Bernie going on by Republicans.

It's mathematically impossible for Sanders to close this gap. We're now headed into large CLOSED primary states where he gets clobbered. He would have to win every state coming up, and not only win them but win them big by 74% or capture every 3 out of 4 delegates. And if by some miracle he could do that he would still have to convince 700 Democrat Super Delegates, to dump the party faithful, Hillary Clinton and support him. They're not going to do that for someone who just changed his party status to get on this ticket, and one who never worked at or supported other Democrats for office. Right now he's just clinging on for more campaign donations. A Sanders rally is nothing more than a side show at this point in time.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
Bernie Sanders Is Even Less Competitive Than He Appears

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Only if George Soros comes down with sudden-onset Alzheimer's will you see Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky anywhere but under The Democrat Party Bus.

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