Sanders just submitted college for all bill.

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

too bad for you fuckstick i live in a country that allows me to have a say in what we tax and what we pay for

Of course you have a say and so do I. If taxes are stealing then GTFO and move to that place that doesnt have taxes...also it doesnt exist but feel free to take a Ryder Truck there. Unlimited miles

Right after YOU move your ass out to somewhere that has all the things you keep demanding Daddy Government give you.
It's "nanny state." Time to brush up on your talking points.

Oh, look, you're still talking like you matter and are taken seriously. How adorable. The grownups are talking, Junior. Why don't you run along and stick a fork in a light socket or chase a ball into the street or something?
I'm just wondering how they are going to get all these gang members, criminals, etc to go take Advantage of the taxpayer funded FREE college? Are they going to send someone to their homes AND DRAG them to one. this is just more vote buying and more taking advantage of YOU THE TAXPAYERS. what's sad is to see so many of the citizens today cheering this no matter it's coming off the backs of their fellow countrymen and women's hard work and taking from their families

Oh, now, Stephanie, you KNOW the only reason that those nice folks are joining gangs and committing crimes is because The Man has prevented them from fulfilling their true heart's desire, which is to go to college and be frat boys and academics.
Oh, look, you're still talking like you matter and are taken seriously. How adorable. The grownups are talking, Junior. Why don't you run along and stick a fork in a light socket or chase a ball into the street or something?

Excellent content. Pertinent to the topic and everything. You're the best!
Its really weird how they seem to want more from the lowest rung of society while defending with pitch forks the uber rich

No, the main thing we want from "the lowest rung" is to stop whining about how we need to rob other people and give them the money because "it's not fair!" I don't accept that kind of bullshit from my kids, and I LIKE them.

Yeah, they shouldnt bother you with their whining while they live and get treated like shit. But its all about you and your precious precious ears hearing things. Thats your complaint, hearing people. GTFOH lol

Yes, that would be the very whining I was talking about. Thank you for the demonstration . . . and piss off with your demands, and utterly unfounded and undeserved outrage.
Its really weird how they seem to want more from the lowest rung of society while defending with pitch forks the uber rich

No, the main thing we want from "the lowest rung" is to stop whining about how we need to rob other people and give them the money because "it's not fair!" I don't accept that kind of bullshit from my kids, and I LIKE them.

Yeah, they shouldnt bother you with their whining while they live and get treated like shit. But its all about you and your precious precious ears hearing things. Thats your complaint, hearing people. GTFOH lol

Yes, that would be the very whining I was talking about. Thank you for the demonstration . . . and piss off with your demands, and utterly unfounded and undeserved outrage.

My heart bleeds for you. Are you ok? Do you need a bandaid? Words cut deep yanno
Its really weird how they seem to want more from the lowest rung of society while defending with pitch forks the uber rich

No, the main thing we want from "the lowest rung" is to stop whining about how we need to rob other people and give them the money because "it's not fair!" I don't accept that kind of bullshit from my kids, and I LIKE them.

Yeah, they shouldnt bother you with their whining while they live and get treated like shit. But its all about you and your precious precious ears hearing things. Thats your complaint, hearing people. GTFOH lol

Yes, that would be the very whining I was talking about. Thank you for the demonstration . . . and piss off with your demands, and utterly unfounded and undeserved outrage.

My heart bleeds for you. Are you ok? Do you need a bandaid? Words cut deep yanno

Yeah, you just keep flattering yourself that you're anything but a joke. And then perhaps we can get back to your butt chapping because no one wants to listen to how "unfair" it is that poor people can't soak their neighbors for even more money.
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...

academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college

I predict the increase in "academically qualified kids from poor and working class families" would be tiny.
Most of the increase will be people who have no chance of successfully completing college with a useful degree.
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...

academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college

I predict the increase in "academically qualified kids from poor and working class families" would be tiny.
Most of the increase will be people who have no chance of successfully completing college with a useful degree.

You mean the way it was when state universities were tuition free? History says you're probably mistaken.

I think the influx of kids who never had a chance before would also impact curriculum. They're not going to sit still for courses in basket-weaving. They'll be far more motivated than trust-fund babies and Ivy legacy kids to learn to earn.

Probably moot now, anyway, unless Hillary starts touting a similar plan. You guys and Benghazi really put her over the top yesterday. :D
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...

academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college

I predict the increase in "academically qualified kids from poor and working class families" would be tiny.
Most of the increase will be people who have no chance of successfully completing college with a useful degree.

You mean the way it was when state universities were tuition free? History says you're probably mistaken.

I think the influx of kids who never had a chance before would also impact curriculum. They're not going to sit still for courses in basket-weaving. They'll be far more motivated than trust-fund babies and Ivy legacy kids to learn to earn.

Probably moot now, anyway, unless Hillary starts touting a similar plan. You guys and Benghazi really put her over the top yesterday. :D

You mean the way it was when state universities were tuition free?

What percentage of students went to college back then?

I think the influx of kids who never had a chance before would also impact curriculum.

You bet. Imagine the jump in remedial math and English classes.

They're not going to sit still for courses in basket-weaving.

Bullshit. Any academically qualified and motivated poor kid can already get into college.
You'll be adding mostly unqualified mostly unmotivated kids who want to move out of the house and party on the taxpayer's dime.

You guys and Benghazi really put her over the top yesterday.

Yeah, highlighting her lies to the families of the dead is gonna win her lots of votes.
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...

And your observation carries less weight than a puff of warm hydrogen.
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...

And your observation carries less weight than a puff of warm hydrogen.
Wow, another contentless post! How do you get away with it?

Intelligent people understand the source of the revenue to return state universities to the free tuition status they began with and realize there's no impact on their lives.

The ignorant should concern themselves with how much Trump's Great Big Wall will cost them in direct taxation.

Or they can just keep bumping threads with contentless posts for which they somehow don't get warned.
this is what is looks like when you feel the bern!

this move might cost Sanders the nomination. The general folk is too cash strapped right now for this
proposal to fly


Trick question: Does anyone here even know what a hedge fund is?

No. It is a tax on all stock trades. Higher costs for my mutual funds takes money away from my retirement.
If your broker is an idiot. If he's smart, he'll eat those costs himself, then write them off as a loss. Kind of like when a retailer hides the sales tax in the cost of the widget you're buying.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break? Sales taxes are not hidden in the cost of widgets. That is against the law.
In my observation, the majority of those who are outraged by the idea of academically qualified kids from poor and working class families going to college feel threatened by the competition...

And your observation carries less weight than a puff of warm hydrogen.
Wow, another contentless post! How do you get away with it?

Intelligent people understand the source of the revenue to return state universities to the free tuition status they began with and realize there's no impact on their lives.

The ignorant should concern themselves with how much Trump's Great Big Wall will cost them in direct taxation.

Or they can just keep bumping threads with contentless posts for which they somehow don't get warned.

If that great big wall will help keep out illegal freeloaders that receive handouts despite lying Liberals saying they don't, that's worth the investment.
this move might cost Sanders the nomination. The general folk is too cash strapped right now for this
proposal to fly


Trick question: Does anyone here even know what a hedge fund is?

No. It is a tax on all stock trades. Higher costs for my mutual funds takes money away from my retirement.
If your broker is an idiot. If he's smart, he'll eat those costs himself, then write them off as a loss. Kind of like when a retailer hides the sales tax in the cost of the widget you're buying.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break? Sales taxes are not hidden in the cost of widgets. That is against the law.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break?

I want to know which brokers are going to take tens of billions in losses every year.
So I can short their stock.
this move might cost Sanders the nomination. The general folk is too cash strapped right now for this
proposal to fly


Trick question: Does anyone here even know what a hedge fund is?

No. It is a tax on all stock trades. Higher costs for my mutual funds takes money away from my retirement.
If your broker is an idiot. If he's smart, he'll eat those costs himself, then write them off as a loss. Kind of like when a retailer hides the sales tax in the cost of the widget you're buying.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break? Sales taxes are not hidden in the cost of widgets. That is against the law.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break?

I want to know which brokers are going to take tens of billions in losses every year.
So I can short their stock.

Which brokers make "tens of billions" a year, much less make trillions so that a fraction of a percentage per transaction would result in "tens of billions" a year in losses?

Y'all are ridiculous.

Trick question: Does anyone here even know what a hedge fund is?

No. It is a tax on all stock trades. Higher costs for my mutual funds takes money away from my retirement.
If your broker is an idiot. If he's smart, he'll eat those costs himself, then write them off as a loss. Kind of like when a retailer hides the sales tax in the cost of the widget you're buying.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break? Sales taxes are not hidden in the cost of widgets. That is against the law.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break?

I want to know which brokers are going to take tens of billions in losses every year.
So I can short their stock.

Which brokers make "tens of billions" a year, much less make trillions so that a fraction of a percentage per transaction would result in "tens of billions" a year in losses?

Y'all are ridiculous.

I suggest the poster meant tens of billions a year in losses. The money has to come from the market and this is what you posted in post #3.

"This legislation is offset by imposing a Wall Street speculation fee on investment houses, hedge fund
s, and other speculators of 0.5% on stock trades (50 cents for every $100 worth of stock), a 0.1% fee
on bonds, and a 0.005% fee on derivatives. It has been estimated that this provision could
raise hundreds of billions a year,

Trick question: Does anyone here even know what a hedge fund is?

No. It is a tax on all stock trades. Higher costs for my mutual funds takes money away from my retirement.
If your broker is an idiot. If he's smart, he'll eat those costs himself, then write them off as a loss. Kind of like when a retailer hides the sales tax in the cost of the widget you're buying.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break? Sales taxes are not hidden in the cost of widgets. That is against the law.

When the broker writes the tax off as a loss doesn't that give him a tax break?

I want to know which brokers are going to take tens of billions in losses every year.
So I can short their stock.

Which brokers make "tens of billions" a year, much less make trillions so that a fraction of a percentage per transaction would result in "tens of billions" a year in losses?

Y'all are ridiculous.

Which brokers make "tens of billions" a year,

Well, Goldman made about $8 billion last year.
I'm sure they'd be glad to "write them off as a loss", to pay this idiotic tax.

much less make trillions so that a fraction of a percentage per transaction would result in "tens of billions" a year in losses?

Why are you confusing profits, "make trillions", with a tax on the trades of clients?
It's almost as if you have no clue about how this would work.
Are you Bernie Sanders?

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