Sanders just submitted college for all bill.

That's what you're saying: we're not taking it from you, so why should you care?

Unless you're a member of the Walton family, in which case you are.

See, I care because I have a sense of right and wrong, rather than "What can I get for myself, and who can I take it from?" I'd make a lousy leftist. Too many brain cells, too many morals.
Its really weird how they seem to want more from the lowest rung of society while defending with pitch forks the uber rich

No, the main thing we want from "the lowest rung" is to stop whining about how we need to rob other people and give them the money because "it's not fair!" I don't accept that kind of bullshit from my kids, and I LIKE them.
Doesn't fit their narrative.

Or they just don't know.

that's right.. .keep ignoring the actual facts:

False Tax Claims

Almost half of the people in this country that earn an income don't pay income taxes. In fact, many get more back than was withheld when filing a return.

Who? Who is working and not paying taxes, those making min. wage with 4 kids?

Nice try. 46% of households do not pay federal income taxes.

Since it's the NY Times, though, note how when they went down to state taxes, they had to switch over to "larger percentage of their income", just so we don't get too clear a picture of how little of the total tax burden most people actually shoulder.

You apparently don't have a clear picture of how much state taxes vary from one state to the next.
ClosedCaption said unless you're a hedge fund manager, you won't be paying. It still involves the thought process of someone other than the kid's parents doing the paying.

I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

too bad for you fuckstick i live in a country that allows me to have a say in what we tax and what we pay for

Of course you have a say and so do I. If taxes are stealing then GTFO and move to that place that doesnt have taxes...also it doesnt exist but feel free to take a Ryder Truck there. Unlimited miles

Right after YOU move your ass out to somewhere that has all the things you keep demanding Daddy Government give you.
I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

too bad for you fuckstick i live in a country that allows me to have a say in what we tax and what we pay for

Of course you have a say and so do I. If taxes are stealing then GTFO and move to that place that doesnt have taxes...also it doesnt exist but feel free to take a Ryder Truck there. Unlimited miles

Right after YOU move your ass out to somewhere that has all the things you keep demanding Daddy Government give you.
It's "nanny state." Time to brush up on your talking points.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

It means keeping funds in overseas banks. The Caymans are the usual place, but there are others.

Overseas earnings kept overseas aren't a "$6 billion shortfall".

They are taxes that, if corporations actually were "people," would have to be paid.

Because Walmart isn't paying them, the middle-class is.

Welfare paid to employees isn't a "$6 billion shortfall" either.

SNAP benefits are paid for by your tax dollars.

You can dance around the terminology, but the fact is that if corporations find work-arounds, the individual taxpayer who doesn't have the luxury of hiding his assets, pays more. And closing those loopholes would be far less labor-intensive, and result in far more net revenue, than bullying the working poor.

Any thoughts about the chart at the last link?

It means keeping funds in overseas banks.

What funds? From where?

They are taxes that, if corporations actually were "people," would have to be paid.

Why do you feel the German subsidiary of a US company should pay US taxes on money earned in Germany?

Because Walmart isn't paying them, the middle-class is.

WalMart paid $6.2 billion in corporate income tax in 2014.

SNAP benefits are paid for by your tax dollars.

Yup. And if WalMart laid off their SNAP recipients, would welfare payments increase or decrease?
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

It means keeping funds in overseas banks. The Caymans are the usual place, but there are others.

Overseas earnings kept overseas aren't a "$6 billion shortfall".

They are taxes that, if corporations actually were "people," would have to be paid.

Because Walmart isn't paying them, the middle-class is.

Welfare paid to employees isn't a "$6 billion shortfall" either.

SNAP benefits are paid for by your tax dollars.

You can dance around the terminology, but the fact is that if corporations find work-arounds, the individual taxpayer who doesn't have the luxury of hiding his assets, pays more. And closing those loopholes would be far less labor-intensive, and result in far more net revenue, than bullying the working poor.

Any thoughts about the chart at the last link?

It means keeping funds in overseas banks.

What funds? From where?

They are taxes that, if corporations actually were "people," would have to be paid.

Why do you feel the German subsidiary of a US company should pay US taxes on money earned in Germany?

Because Walmart isn't paying them, the middle-class is.

WalMart paid $6.2 billion in corporate income tax in 2014.

SNAP benefits are paid for by your tax dollars.

Yup. And if WalMart laid off their SNAP recipients, would welfare payments increase or decrease?

Given Walmart's losses last week, they'll probably close some stores. In an ideal world, Costco would move in and pay those employees the same $15 an hour they pay their current employees.

Now, since you've avoided this: [CHART] U.S. Corporations That Pay No Taxes twice, I think I'll skip the rest of your post. Maybe you can join Conservative65 in squeezing a few dollars out of a few million working people.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

It means keeping funds in overseas banks. The Caymans are the usual place, but there are others.

Overseas earnings kept overseas aren't a "$6 billion shortfall".

They are taxes that, if corporations actually were "people," would have to be paid.

Because Walmart isn't paying them, the middle-class is.

Welfare paid to employees isn't a "$6 billion shortfall" either.

SNAP benefits are paid for by your tax dollars.

You can dance around the terminology, but the fact is that if corporations find work-arounds, the individual taxpayer who doesn't have the luxury of hiding his assets, pays more. And closing those loopholes would be far less labor-intensive, and result in far more net revenue, than bullying the working poor.

Any thoughts about the chart at the last link?

It means keeping funds in overseas banks.

What funds? From where?

They are taxes that, if corporations actually were "people," would have to be paid.

Why do you feel the German subsidiary of a US company should pay US taxes on money earned in Germany?

Because Walmart isn't paying them, the middle-class is.

WalMart paid $6.2 billion in corporate income tax in 2014.

SNAP benefits are paid for by your tax dollars.

Yup. And if WalMart laid off their SNAP recipients, would welfare payments increase or decrease?

Given Walmart's losses last week, they'll probably close some stores. In an ideal world, Costco would move in and pay those employees the same $15 an hour they pay their current employees.

Now, since you've avoided this: [CHART] U.S. Corporations That Pay No Taxes twice, I think I'll skip the rest of your post. Maybe you can join Conservative65 in squeezing a few dollars out of a few million working people.

Now, since you've avoided this:
[CHART] U.S. Corporations That Pay No Taxes twice,

I love those bullshit lists. Without a solid explanation why they paid zero in 2014, it's useless.
I just looked up Goodyear. Here's why they paid zero.

Tax Benefit Jacks Up Goodyear Tire Earnings -

Is there some reason this unfair?

I think I'll skip the rest of your post.

Of course you will.
ClosedCaption said unless you're a hedge fund manager, you won't be paying. It still involves the thought process of someone other than the kid's parents doing the paying.

I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

too bad for you fuckstick i live in a country that allows me to have a say in what we tax and what we pay for

Um, no you don't.

certainly do dipshit
I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

too bad for you fuckstick i live in a country that allows me to have a say in what we tax and what we pay for

Um, no you don't.

Then no one does according to how you think.
Well, he IS Santa Clause...along with most of the Motley Crew!


no they dont

they just want you to believe

that if elected they would be Santa
You get something from funding the streets. I get nothing from funding some kid's college because his parents don't do it.

No I dont, I dont use your street dumbass but I still fund it. Now as soon as you and your neighbors reject funds and manage the maintenance on your street then tell me all about it

I don't use your streets but I still fund it. That makes it a wash if you really want to get to a specific level. However, I meant streets in general.

I get nothing from funding social welfare programs.

you would get as much as I do by funding your street. Improving America

What guarantee can you provide that funding college on the behalf of the lazy pieces of shit that won't do it for their own kids would improve America. I need proof.

They just "know" that sending every dipshit who doesn't want to get a job right after high school to college is somehow going to produce a smarter, more useful populace, all evidence from actually speaking with college kids notwithstanding.

I've had more than one when I asked for a guarantee ask me if every investment I made was guaranteed. The answer was no. The thing is there is one big difference between the investments I made and this "investment". I was the one doing the picking on the investment not someone else forcing me to do so.
And today we still have almost half that pay 0%.

How many poor people would you have to tax at what rate (and by what means do you imagine they'd pay it?) to make up the $6 billion shortfall the Waltons incur every year?

Shortfall? How do you figure?

Offshoring mostly:

Walmart: Report On $76 Billion Hidden In Tax Havens 'Flawed'

Then there's the additional $6.2 billion they cost the taxpayer:

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

And they're not the only ones (just the most conspicuous). A sampling of S&P 500 companies:

[CHART] U.S. Corporations That Pay No Taxes

But Conservative65 wants to go knocking on doors in working-class neighborhoods confiscating the kids' piggy-banks instead.

What I want is for you to expect the almost half of the population that doesn't pay income taxes to start doing what you expect MORE of from big corporations.

What I want if for you to expect people to pay for their own kid's college and quit expecting the rest of us to be forced to fund for those kids what their own parents won't do.
And today we still have almost half that pay 0%.

How many poor people would you have to tax at what rate (and by what means do you imagine they'd pay it?) to make up the $6 billion shortfall the Waltons incur every year?

Shortfall? How do you figure?

Yet people like Arianrhod don't think about the amount that people who don't pay income taxes get in the earned income credit, an amount beyond what they may have had taken out in withholdings.
Its really weird how they seem to want more from the lowest rung of society while defending with pitch forks the uber rich

No, the main thing we want from "the lowest rung" is to stop whining about how we need to rob other people and give them the money because "it's not fair!" I don't accept that kind of bullshit from my kids, and I LIKE them.

Yeah, they shouldnt bother you with their whining while they live and get treated like shit. But its all about you and your precious precious ears hearing things. Thats your complaint, hearing people. GTFOH lol
Actually, if you don't live in my city, you don't fund my streets. If you DO live in my city, then you're using the streets.

Nice hairsplitting, though. The fact remains that streets are public property, and that kid's brain ain't.

Really? This is your argument? I say, this will benefit America and Americans and your response is "Derp, a kids brain isnt public property!" :anj_stfu:
Actually, if you don't live in my city, you don't fund my streets. If you DO live in my city, then you're using the streets.

Nice hairsplitting, though. The fact remains that streets are public property, and that kid's brain ain't.

Really? This is your argument? I say, this will benefit America and Americans and your response is "Derp, a kids brain isnt public property!" :anj_stfu:

You didn't show any verifiable support that it will benefit American and Americans. You just said that it will. Are we supposed to take your word for it? What guarantee can you provide that the "investment" you want us to accept being forced to make will produce the results you claim it will produce?
I'm just wondering how they are going to get all these gang members, criminals, etc to go take Advantage of the taxpayer funded FREE college? Are they going to send someone to their homes AND DRAG them to one. this is just more vote buying and more taking advantage of YOU THE TAXPAYERS. what's sad is to see so many of the citizens today cheering this no matter it's coming off the backs of their fellow countrymen and women's hard work and taking from their families
I'm just wondering how they are going to get all these gang members, criminals, etc to go take Advantage of the taxpayer funded FREE college? Are they going to send someone to their homes AND DRAG them to one. this is just more vote buying and more taking advantage of YOU THE TAXPAYERS. what's sad is to see so many of the citizens today cheering this no matter it's coming off the backs of their fellow countrymen and women's hard work and taking from their families

It's nothing more than another example of how the rest of us are supposed to provide something to the kids of people where the only time they gave attention to them was during the process of conception.

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