Sanders Praised Communist Bread Lines

We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people

No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

Admitting your socialists now? Masks are off.

Stealing the labor of others will never make you righteous no matter how much you lie

Democracy doesn't steal.

You want anarchy. It's a pleasure to know you'll never get it.

We don't live in a democracy so your point is irrelevant. Not true also.

I have no desire for anarchy. I'm just against totalitarianism
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people

No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

Why is it necessary to rein in secure property rights and liberty to engage in trade?

The slave trade?

Slavery is a violation of property rights and not capitalist in the slightest.

Would you like to try again?
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people

No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

No they dont and theyre not righteous. Theyre elitists who look down on the populace. Self righteous is the term you are looking for.
Yeah, and also there's nothing righteous about taking the property of other and giving it away. If one wants to be righteous, he should give away his own property.

It's absolutely righteous. Greed is not a God given right.

So according to you, taking other people's property is righteous. Wow.
How very nice of you to make your ridiculous assumption. I have never received care at ANY VA, anywhere in the United States. Not one. I have paid for My and my families PRIVATE healthcare for the last 50 years.

But thanks for showing everyone what a dick head you are.

First, to improve your reading comprehension, I stated "probably receiving VA, etc"

Second, you flaunt your military service at virtually every post.

Third, you cannot deny that "other" veterans receive socialistic health care...

...and finally, much of what I wrote in the post you found "personally offensive" still holds true.....

My "reading comprehension" is just fine, dick head. First, you don't know me, but you suggest wild allegations with no proof whatsoever. For example: I KNOW you're a dick head. That is obvious. You claimed that I suck off the tit of the VA. Again, dick head, you're a liar.

I don't "flaunt" anything. I explain my military (which a coward like yourself knows nothing about) service to educate dick heads like yourself.

You are one of those dick heads that, if we had ever met on a street somewhere, I would have slapped the shit out of your pussy ass.
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We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

See, that's the problem. You don't feed the needy. You don't do a damn thing for them. You just pretend you do because some bureaucrat approved monetary hand outs.

How about you feed hungry people from your own pocket or with your own time?

Stop outsourcing your responsibility to help to some politician who doesn't give a crap about people

You're dumber than bripat. Prove that I don't pay taxes.
Oh, and while you're at it, name those countries that have this "excellent". Healthcare that you write about.

(....but we DID beat Slovenia....)

World Health Organization Ranking; The World’s Health Systems
1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom
19 Ireland
20 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Colombia
23 Sweden
24 Cyprus
25 Germany
26 Saudi Arabia
27 United Arab Emirates
28 Israel
29 Morocco
30 Canada
31 Finland
32 Australia
33 Chile
34 Denmark
35 Dominica
36 Costa Rica
37 USA
38 Slovenia
39 Cuba
40 Brunei
41 New Zealand
42 Bahrain
43 Croatia
44 Qatar
45 Kuwait
46 Barbados
47 Thailand
48 Czech Republic
49 Malaysia
50 Poland
51 Dominican Republic
52 Tunisia
53 Jamaica
54 Venezuela
55 Albania
56 Seychelles
57 Paraguay
58 South Korea
59 Senegal
60 Philippines
61 Mexico
62 Slovakia
63 Egypt
64 Kazakhstan

And dick head - the WHO means nothing to me. The United States educates about 90% of the Doctors from those countries listed. Medical breakthroughs come (and have came) from the USA en masse.
yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people

No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

No they dont and theyre not righteous. Theyre elitists who look down on the populace. Self righteous is the term you are looking for.
Yeah, and also there's nothing righteous about taking the property of other and giving it away. If one wants to be righteous, he should give away his own property.

It's absolutely righteous. Greed is not a God given right.

So according to you, taking other people's property is righteous. Wow.

Yes it is when it serves the greater good of the nation. Remember how we ended slavery?

Big government took away people's private property.

We'll put you down as pro-slavery.
I'll repeat my point CANNOT have a 2nd amendment and NOT have programs like SNAP.........You see, lots of starving people with lots of guns does not make for a peaceful environment.
My suggestion to all you conservatives out there is that you vote for your conservative candidate who is promising to END all these 'handouts' to the poor and low income Americans.

Which one would that be? Hmmmmm.....
I think we need to start with the handouts to anyone who comes here illegally.

Since Trump changed his position on abortion 5 times in 5 days,

maybe one of his 2nd 3rd 4th or 5th positions on immigration will eventually be that one.
No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

No they dont and theyre not righteous. Theyre elitists who look down on the populace. Self righteous is the term you are looking for.
Yeah, and also there's nothing righteous about taking the property of other and giving it away. If one wants to be righteous, he should give away his own property.

It's absolutely righteous. Greed is not a God given right.

So according to you, taking other people's property is righteous. Wow.

Yes it is when it serves the greater good of the nation. Remember how we ended slavery?

Big government took away people's private property.

We'll put you down as pro-slavery.

Nice try. Slavery is a violation of property rights and it was good that the state finally recognized this fact. If you want to put me down as pro-slavery, please quote me supporting slavery.

The most fundamental property right we all have is a property right in our own bodies. Slavery violates this most fundamental right.

Unlike yourself, I consistently support property rights and oppose those who would violate them, like statist plunderers.
I don't suppose you can prove that.

Well, the nitwit stated that he doesn't give a crap about the World Health, he ALSO feels free to pull any stat out of his behind...which, after all, is his right.LOL
I'll repeat my point CANNOT have a 2nd amendment and NOT have programs like SNAP.........You see, lots of starving people with lots of guns does not make for a peaceful environment.

What starving people?
What starving people?

Did you even read the original post??? Or are you here just to bitch?


I'm here to oppose the government taking the property of one person and giving it another. In my book, that's legalized theft, and I'm not going to condone it, any more than I would condone the institution of slavery, were it still legal.
What starving people?

Did you even read the original post??? Or are you here just to bitch?


I'm here to oppose the government taking the property of one person and giving it another. In my book, that's legalized theft, and I'm not going to condone it, any more than I would condone the institution of slavery, were it still legal.

So AFTER having read the O/P you still asked "what starving people"???

Look, before we go off on yet another tangent.........If you ride a highway, a railroad, or take a walk in a park, know that the land was taken by the state under eminent domain....from private ownership to the public use....The 5th amendment justifies this although it calls for just compensation to the private owner.

Ask Trump about the use of eminent domain.
What starving people?

Did you even read the original post??? Or are you here just to bitch?


I'm here to oppose the government taking the property of one person and giving it another. In my book, that's legalized theft, and I'm not going to condone it, any more than I would condone the institution of slavery, were it still legal.

So AFTER having read the O/P you still asked "what starving people"???

Look, before we go off on yet another tangent.........If you ride a highway, a railroad, or take a walk in a park, know that the land was taken by the state under eminent domain....from private ownership to the public use....The 5th amendment justifies this although it calls for just compensation to the private owner.

Ask Trump about the use of eminent domain.

Yes, governments uses force to take the things it wants. I am aware of this. I don't condone it, however, since I consider it wrong to take other people's property.
[ The United States educates about 90% of the Doctors from those countries listed.

I don't suppose you can prove that.
[ The United States educates about 90% of the Doctors from those countries listed.

I don't suppose you can prove that.
[ The United States educates about 90% of the Doctors from those countries listed.

I don't suppose you can prove that.

Yep -= go tho any teaching hospital in America and see for yourself.

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