Sanders Praised Communist Bread Lines

We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people
Yes.......bernie the communist.....he loves the bread lines in Cuba as he eats well in the United doesn't look like bernie the communist has missed a meal in a long time...

Blog: How much of a communist is Bernie Sanders? (part 1)

Bernie Sanders is genuine left wing radical, and unless he has changed since the time he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, believes that the shared misery of impoverished-by-communism Cuba is preferable to the unequally-distributed abundance of the United States. David Horowitz and others have made the point that unless a former communist explicitly rejects his former beliefs, hyou can assume that he or she still adheres to them.

In that conext, take a clook at rthe excerpts from Sanders television interviews of yore dug up by Michael Moynihan of the Daily Best and John Stossel, and aired on Stossel’s Fox Business Network show, showing Sanders praising bread lines as a good thing:

And more.....

Blog: How much of a communist is Bernie Sanders? (part 2)

he Daily News, generally a leftist paper, did a good job, pushing Sanders for specifics on how corporations are “destroying America.” He was nable to answer without going full Marxist. Consider this excerpt:

NYDN: …in your speech you mention the financial industry and you focused on corporate America, the greed of Wall Street and corporate America. So I wanted to get a sense of corporate America, as the agent of American destruction.

Sanders: General Electric, good example. General Electric was created in this country by American workers and American consumers.

Huh? Thomas Edison had nothing to do with it? J.P. Morgan had nothing to do with it? This is Marxist magical thinking, that enterprises organize themselves, and that only workers, with no management necessary, create innovation, make efficient decisions on resource allocation, guide complex organizing efforts, designing, manufacturing, and marketing products.

Only a Marxist believes anything like this. And adherence to this view creates poverty, bread lines, and mass misery. As communism has every time it is tried.

Bernie Sanders: Deep down he is shallow. And Marxist.
Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same. are dumb....the inequality is not the same........our poor are vastly more wealthy than the poor around the world.......what is it with facts, the truth and reality that you twits don't understand.

I had a friend with relatives from Lithuania back in the 90s. They came to visit and she picked them up at the airport....she had to stop at the local Jewel to get some things for their they walked in she realized she was by herself...she looked back and saw that they were still in the entrance to the store....just looking around. She went back and asked...what's up? They asked her....where did all of this food come from.....they had nothing like it in Lithuania....

You fools who embrace socialism have done so from the wealthiest, most prosperous country in the world.....and like ungrateful children, you do not appreciate what we have had here...and you are willing to throw it away on fantasies of how much better, and pure, it is to stand all day in a bread line than to live in this great country....

You are out of your f*****g minds.....

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Norway is tiny....and they are starting to feel the bern too......their young are getting used to living on welfare and not working....socialism only works while a country is rich enough to pay for the delusions of the socialists...once their policies cripple a country.....then it is too late....
Seems he does know a bit more than you and you just made it more evident with the correlation. That is why the neo con teabaggers appeal to your thinking.
Bread lines = no money for workers.
You never hear of soup/bread lines for the rich...their wealth is from taking money from the workers.
Stay naive.

No, he is spot on with his comments about the rich and how they have laws in their favor to horde money.
Now in the past few days with the "Panama Papers' leak" it is very evident the man knows what he is talking about and you calling him an idiot makes you the real idiot.
"Sunday’s jaw-dropping “Panama Papers” leak, which shows a global network of offshore companies helping the wealthy hide their assets, is already being called “the Wikileaks of the mega-rich."

The hashtag #panamapapers topped Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Among those reacting through tweets: Edward Snowden, the 2013 CIA leaker, who said the “Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption.”
And if you think that the mega rich in this country do not know about or use this to hide their money than the tag of idiot is exponentially increased on your behalf.

Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same.

Except that is not what he said.... he rambled on about the rich getting all the food.

Sanders is an idiot.

The man doesn't know is asshole from a buttonhole. And frankly, not sure what the "Panama Papers" have to do with espousing the virtues of breadlines.

Yeah, run with that, loser.

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Norway is tiny....and they are starting to feel the bern too......their young are getting used to living on welfare and not working....socialism only works while a country is rich enough to pay for the delusions of the socialists...once their policies cripple a country.....then it is too late....

Not true.

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

And Norway has been able to get by on socialism delusions because of their North Sea oil.........again, when you are rich you can pretend to be socialists....

Capitalists if left to their own devices would never share the wealth of that oil. That is why democratic socialism is the best form of government.

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

And Norway has been able to get by on socialism delusions because of their North Sea oil.........again, when you are rich you can pretend to be socialists....

Capitalists if left to their own devices would never share the wealth of that oil. That is why democratic socialism is the best form of government. are silly. Norway is rich because of North Sea oil....and they don't pay for their own military.....and once they run out of money from oil.......then what....then they see what socialism breeds....generations of welfare dependents who demand more welfare but refuse to actually work....yeah...that is always sustainable......

and then you have bread lines....which are apparently better than grocery stores full of food and choices.........

And the secret to those bread can wait all day...and the morons in the government will run out of bread just as you get to the front of the line....

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

And Norway has been able to get by on socialism delusions because of their North Sea oil.........again, when you are rich you can pretend to be socialists....

Capitalists if left to their own devices would never share the wealth of that oil. That is why democratic socialism is the best form of government.

righteous capitalism is the same as democratic socialism---------
To give Bernie a slight break, he may have been comparing the Sandinistas to the Somoza dynasty. The Sandinistas were democratically elected in 1984, and Nicaragua. They lost an election, and power passed peaceably. And last I heard Ortega had made a comeback and won back the presidency.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I was working in Moscow at the time. I saw (on at least 2 occasions) a couple of Babushkas fall out while in line and had to be taken to hospital. Another time, I saw a fight break out when one old lady thought another had gotten more than she did.

I've said from day one that Sanders is no "socialist" - he's an avowed communist. Just like his buddy Barry.
To give Bernie a slight break, he may have been comparing the Sandinistas to the Somoza dynasty. The Sandinistas were democratically elected in 1984, and Nicaragua. They lost an election, and power passed peaceably. And last I heard Ortega had made a comeback and won back the presidency.

Daniel Ortega - I remember that scum well.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I was working in Moscow at the time. I saw (on at least 2 occasions) a couple of Babushkas fall out while in line and had to be taken to hospital. Another time, I saw a fight break out when one old lady thought another had gotten more than she did.

I've said from day one that Sanders is no "socialist" - he's an avowed communist. Just like his buddy Barry.

It's a good thing no one gives a shit about your opinion. But please tell us more. We can't wait!
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people

No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

No they dont and theyre not righteous. Theyre elitists who look down on the populace. Self righteous is the term you are looking for.

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

And Norway has been able to get by on socialism delusions because of their North Sea oil.........again, when you are rich you can pretend to be socialists....

Capitalists if left to their own devices would never share the wealth of that oil. That is why democratic socialism is the best form of government.

Then you should move to Norway. We don't want that stupid shit here.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I was working in Moscow at the time. I saw (on at least 2 occasions) a couple of Babushkas fall out while in line and had to be taken to hospital. Another time, I saw a fight break out when one old lady thought another had gotten more than she did.

I've said from day one that Sanders is no "socialist" - he's an avowed communist. Just like his buddy Barry.

It's a good thing no one gives a shit about your opinion. But please tell us more. We can't wait!

Yeah - the truth always kicks you "Bernie" supporters in the ass, doesn't it. Watching your dreams go straight to hell.....

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

Are there breadlines in Norway? Got any dopey pictures of them?

And Norway has been able to get by on socialism delusions because of their North Sea oil.........again, when you are rich you can pretend to be socialists....

Capitalists if left to their own devices would never share the wealth of that oil. That is why democratic socialism is the best form of government.

righteous capitalism is the same as democratic socialism---------

Okay, so you're saying that for capitalism to be righteous, it has to be infused with socialism.

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