Sanders Praised Communist Bread Lines

To give Bernie a slight break, he may have been comparing the Sandinistas to the Somoza dynasty. The Sandinistas were democratically elected in 1984, and Nicaragua. They lost an election, and power passed peaceably. And last I heard Ortega had made a comeback and won back the presidency.

Daniel Ortega - I remember that scum well.
Well, as it turned out, Danny Ortega is more a free market adherent than the Somozas.
Oh hell, that's right....I'm not entitled to an opinion. Got it. Wasn't that what the Nazis did when they came into power? Immediately stop free speech? or was it disarming the populace? Hell, I forget....I'm sure that you know, though.

Oh, you're entitled to your opinion....inane as it may be....and, of course, I'm entitled to call it stupid.
To call BOTH Sanders and Obama "avowed communists" simply shows that you walk around with baseless hatred.

Meh, liberals will be destroyed that's all that really matters. Liberals lie, they scheme, they back stab, filth like that eventually get theirs.
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

yes we do ------NY-----because we are a RIGHTEOUS people. Capitalism does ok
in the hands of righteous people

No. Socialists rein in capitalism because WE are the righteous people.

If by righteous you mean imbeciles then yeah, you have a point.

Namecalling now?
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

The most successful economies are mixed economies of capitalism and socialism

Unfortunately conservatives don't want the most successful economy for the US.
Nothing else to say but ad hominem so let me play the game with you. Stupid fool, you have no reply other than that, so run with that fool boy.

Seems he does know a bit more than you and you just made it more evident with the correlation. That is why the neo con teabaggers appeal to your thinking.
Bread lines = no money for workers.
You never hear of soup/bread lines for the rich...their wealth is from taking money from the workers.
Stay naive.

No, he is spot on with his comments about the rich and how they have laws in their favor to horde money.
Now in the past few days with the "Panama Papers' leak" it is very evident the man knows what he is talking about and you calling him an idiot makes you the real idiot.
"Sunday’s jaw-dropping “Panama Papers” leak, which shows a global network of offshore companies helping the wealthy hide their assets, is already being called “the Wikileaks of the mega-rich."

The hashtag #panamapapers topped Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Among those reacting through tweets: Edward Snowden, the 2013 CIA leaker, who said the “Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption.”
And if you think that the mega rich in this country do not know about or use this to hide their money than the tag of idiot is exponentially increased on your behalf.

Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same.

Except that is not what he said.... he rambled on about the rich getting all the food.

Sanders is an idiot.

The man doesn't know is asshole from a buttonhole. And frankly, not sure what the "Panama Papers" have to do with espousing the virtues of breadlines.

Yeah, run with that, loser.
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
Yep.....but will he destroy the way they keep claiming Trump will?


His type of destruction is more politically -correct. Trump will make life miserable for anyone who has been screwing America, whereas Bernie wants only Americans to suffer equally.
Nothing else to say but ad hominem so let me play the game with you. Stupid fool, you have no reply other than that, so run with that fool boy.

Seems he does know a bit more than you and you just made it more evident with the correlation. That is why the neo con teabaggers appeal to your thinking.
Bread lines = no money for workers.
You never hear of soup/bread lines for the rich...their wealth is from taking money from the workers.
Stay naive.

No, he is spot on with his comments about the rich and how they have laws in their favor to horde money.
Now in the past few days with the "Panama Papers' leak" it is very evident the man knows what he is talking about and you calling him an idiot makes you the real idiot.
"Sunday’s jaw-dropping “Panama Papers” leak, which shows a global network of offshore companies helping the wealthy hide their assets, is already being called “the Wikileaks of the mega-rich."

The hashtag #panamapapers topped Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Among those reacting through tweets: Edward Snowden, the 2013 CIA leaker, who said the “Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption.”
And if you think that the mega rich in this country do not know about or use this to hide their money than the tag of idiot is exponentially increased on your behalf.

Except that is not what he said.... he rambled on about the rich getting all the food.

Sanders is an idiot.

The man doesn't know is asshole from a buttonhole. And frankly, not sure what the "Panama Papers" have to do with espousing the virtues of breadlines.

Yeah, run with that, loser.
Fool boy?

When's you learn English?

In Russia?
Seems you cannot think so, forget it. There is no time to make you edumicated,

Nothing else to say but ad hominem so let me play the game with you. Stupid fool, you have no reply other than that, so run with that fool boy.

Seems he does know a bit more than you and you just made it more evident with the correlation. That is why the neo con teabaggers appeal to your thinking.
Bread lines = no money for workers.
You never hear of soup/bread lines for the rich...their wealth is from taking money from the workers.
Stay naive.

No, he is spot on with his comments about the rich and how they have laws in their favor to horde money.
Now in the past few days with the "Panama Papers' leak" it is very evident the man knows what he is talking about and you calling him an idiot makes you the real idiot.
"Sunday’s jaw-dropping “Panama Papers” leak, which shows a global network of offshore companies helping the wealthy hide their assets, is already being called “the Wikileaks of the mega-rich."

The hashtag #panamapapers topped Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Among those reacting through tweets: Edward Snowden, the 2013 CIA leaker, who said the “Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption.”
And if you think that the mega rich in this country do not know about or use this to hide their money than the tag of idiot is exponentially increased on your behalf.

The man doesn't know is asshole from a buttonhole. And frankly, not sure what the "Panama Papers" have to do with espousing the virtues of breadlines.

Yeah, run with that, loser.
Fool boy?

When's you learn English?

In Russia?
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

The most successful economies are mixed economies of capitalism and socialism

Unfortunately conservatives don't want the most successful economy for the US.

I never have been against helping the people who are in need. If that takes a small portion to do it, thats fine. Unfortunately, our govt has grown to a massive behemoth in the form of govt programs, expanded depts, agencies etc. This has only exacerbated our demise and both parties are complicit in their destruction of the country.
Which of your conservative dreams has come true in the last 20 years?

Hell - ALL of mine have! I retired from the Military. I retired from a civilian occupation. I live well. I have everything I need. You? Well, I guess that for someone who stands on the side of the road, holding a sign, I guess things haven't gone so well for you, huh?

Well, as I have said all my life - "Any work is honest work". I guess begging at the side of the road CAN be rewarding for someone with "high ideals" such as yourself.

So you're living off of your government check now, got it.

You're right, the conservative dream on full display. Do as I say, not as I do.

Well, I guess you could say military retirement IS from the government. But hey - at least I don't have to beg at the side of the road, like you! See, there's a rainbow around every corner!!

Sucking off that government nipple. Such a self made man you are!

But please tell me more about "all those moochers".

Well, hey! You, too, can get some of those "benefits" - hell, it's easy!! Simply join one of the services, spend the best part of your life in war zones around the world, get wounded once or twice and then you can sit back and "reap the rewards" of your service!!!! Oh, that's guts. I forgot.

Are you more of an American than those that don't serve in the military?
The most successful economies are mixed economies of capitalism and socialism

Unfortunately conservatives don't want the most successful economy for the US.[/QUOTE]
Seems you cannot think so, forget it. There is no time to make you edumicated,

Nothing else to say but ad hominem so let me play the game with you. Stupid fool, you have no reply other than that, so run with that fool boy.

Seems he does know a bit more than you and you just made it more evident with the correlation. That is why the neo con teabaggers appeal to your thinking.
Bread lines = no money for workers.
You never hear of soup/bread lines for the rich...their wealth is from taking money from the workers.
Stay naive.

The man doesn't know is asshole from a buttonhole. And frankly, not sure what the "Panama Papers" have to do with espousing the virtues of breadlines.

Yeah, run with that, loser.
Fool boy?

When's you learn English?

In Russia?
Last edited:
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

The most successful economies are mixed economies of capitalism and socialism

Unfortunately conservatives don't want the most successful economy for the US.

I never have been against helping the people who are in need. If that takes a small portion to do it, thats fine. Unfortunately, our govt has grown to a massive behemoth in the form of govt programs, expanded depts, agencies etc. This has only exacerbated our demise and both parties are complicit in their destruction of the country.

Ending aid to the poor, or even reducing it on a mass scale, is not going to 'save' America.
My suggestion to all you conservatives out there is that you vote for your conservative candidate who is promising to END all these 'handouts' to the poor and low income Americans.

Which one would that be? Hmmmmm.....

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