Sanders Praised Communist Bread Lines

So you're living off of your government check now, got it.

You're right, the conservative dream on full display. Do as I say, not as I do.

Well, I guess you could say military retirement IS from the government. But hey - at least I don't have to beg at the side of the road, like you! See, there's a rainbow around every corner!!

Sucking off that government nipple. Such a self made man you are!

But please tell me more about "all those moochers".

Well, hey! You, too, can get some of those "benefits" - hell, it's easy!! Simply join one of the services, spend the best part of your life in war zones around the world, get wounded once or twice and then you can sit back and "reap the rewards" of your service!!!! Oh, that's guts. I forgot.

Are you more of an American than those that don't serve in the military?

Actually, in my book, yes I am. My country called and I went. Not out of any "gung ho" bullshit - that nonsense gets pissed down your leg the first time a bullet narrowly misses your noggin. Nope, I went because I, like every other American, owes their country.

Now, naturally, there are those who believe they owe this "fucking" country nothing. I know, I've been told that a thousand times, by my black "brothers" and white hippies. However, those are the folks with no backbone, no sense of responsibility, except to themselves and no guts. Hell, I wouldn't have wanted them there anyway.

So, was your little, petty life more important than giving a little back to those who went before you? Those who gave you the best country a human being has ever lived in? Or did you get off your ass and answer the call?

Does that include the disabled, children and the elderly? Are you more of an American than them because they can't serve in the military?
Clinton will not win over trump---IF HE IS NOMINATED

Check out Trump's NEGATIVES........Donald will be handing over the oval office to Hillary in a silver platter.
That is total horseshit.

Hillary will have to deal with all of the Bernie Sanders voters jumping over to the GOP to vote for Trump. They feel she's cheating Bernie and they'll never show up to vote for her.
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

I think he was referring to socialism-----not particularly totatlitarian communism----
in any case ---TODAY he is an idiot-------back then-----he was naive

All socialism is by definition totalitarian. You can't have it without government running your life
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Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

I think he was referring to socialism-----not particularly totatlitarian communism----
in any case ---TODAY he is an idiot-------back then-----he was naive

All socialism I by definition totalitarian. You can't have it without government running your life

in my town all of the residents were able to walk on the sidewalks------funded by the taxes of land owners----THAT IS SOCIALISM
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

See, that's the problem. You don't feed the needy. You don't do a damn thing for them. You just pretend you do because some bureaucrat approved monetary hand outs.

How about you feed hungry people from your own pocket or with your own time?

Stop outsourcing your responsibility to help to some politician who doesn't give a crap about people
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

I think he was referring to socialism-----not particularly totatlitarian communism----
in any case ---TODAY he is an idiot-------back then-----he was naive

All socialism I by definition totalitarian. You can't have it without government running your life

in my town all of the residents were able to walk on the sidewalks------funded by the taxes of land owners----THAT IS SOCIALISM

No it isn't
his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

I think he was referring to socialism-----not particularly totatlitarian communism----
in any case ---TODAY he is an idiot-------back then-----he was naive

All socialism I by definition totalitarian. You can't have it without government running your life

in my town all of the residents were able to walk on the sidewalks------funded by the taxes of land owners----THAT IS SOCIALISM

No it isn't

yes it is, Public school kindergarten is SOCIALISM----in my childhood town PAID FOR BY LANDOWNERS
Settle down little boy... things will get better.

Seems you cannot think so, forget it. There is no time to make you edumicated,

Nothing else to say but ad hominem so let me play the game with you. Stupid fool, you have no reply other than that, so run with that fool boy.

Seems he does know a bit more than you and you just made it more evident with the correlation. That is why the neo con teabaggers appeal to your thinking.
Bread lines = no money for workers.
You never hear of soup/bread lines for the rich...their wealth is from taking money from the workers.
Stay naive.

Yeah, run with that, loser.
Fool boy?

When's you learn English?

In Russia?
Well, I guess you could say military retirement IS from the government. But hey - at least I don't have to beg at the side of the road, like you! See, there's a rainbow around every corner!!

Sucking off that government nipple. Such a self made man you are!

But please tell me more about "all those moochers".

Well, hey! You, too, can get some of those "benefits" - hell, it's easy!! Simply join one of the services, spend the best part of your life in war zones around the world, get wounded once or twice and then you can sit back and "reap the rewards" of your service!!!! Oh, that's guts. I forgot.

Are you more of an American than those that don't serve in the military?

Actually, in my book, yes I am. My country called and I went. Not out of any "gung ho" bullshit - that nonsense gets pissed down your leg the first time a bullet narrowly misses your noggin. Nope, I went because I, like every other American, owes their country.

Now, naturally, there are those who believe they owe this "fucking" country nothing. I know, I've been told that a thousand times, by my black "brothers" and white hippies. However, those are the folks with no backbone, no sense of responsibility, except to themselves and no guts. Hell, I wouldn't have wanted them there anyway.

So, was your little, petty life more important than giving a little back to those who went before you? Those who gave you the best country a human being has ever lived in? Or did you get off your ass and answer the call?

Does that include the disabled, children and the elderly? Are you more of an American than them because they can't serve in the military?

Well since I see that you have no intention of answering the question, I'll play along, to soothe your bruised ego.

Of course it doesn't include children (be they disabled or otherwise) and it doesn't include the elderly - although "most" elderly men (like myself) will proudly tell you that they DID serve.

Most elderly men that I know would gladly serve again, if need be. Myself included.
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

See, that's the problem. You don't feed the needy. You don't do a damn thing for them. You just pretend you do because some bureaucrat approved monetary hand outs.

How about you feed hungry people from your own pocket or with your own time?

Stop outsourcing your responsibility to help to some politician who doesn't give a crap about people

Indeed. In America, since LBJ declared that we would "wipe out" poverty with the "Great Society" in the 60s, we have spent hundreds of billions (probably trillions) on social welfare programs and we have as many "poor" now, as we had then.

Generation after generation grows up on "hand outs"'and nothing changes.
Well, I guess you could say military retirement IS from the government. But hey - at least I don't have to beg at the side of the road, like you! See, there's a rainbow around every corner!!

Sucking off that government nipple. Such a self made man you are!

But please tell me more about "all those moochers".

Well, hey! You, too, can get some of those "benefits" - hell, it's easy!! Simply join one of the services, spend the best part of your life in war zones around the world, get wounded once or twice and then you can sit back and "reap the rewards" of your service!!!! Oh, that's guts. I forgot.

Are you more of an American than those that don't serve in the military?

Actually, in my book, yes I am. My country called and I went. Not out of any "gung ho" bullshit - that nonsense gets pissed down your leg the first time a bullet narrowly misses your noggin. Nope, I went because I, like every other American, owes their country.

Now, naturally, there are those who believe they owe this "fucking" country nothing. I know, I've been told that a thousand times, by my black "brothers" and white hippies. However, those are the folks with no backbone, no sense of responsibility, except to themselves and no guts. Hell, I wouldn't have wanted them there anyway.

So, was your little, petty life more important than giving a little back to those who went before you? Those who gave you the best country a human being has ever lived in? Or did you get off your ass and answer the call?
Owe something to this country?

According to them, they are owed.

Indeed. I have told this story before, but I'll gladly tell it again, because I believe it bears repeating.

I, and a couple of old farts like myself from the VFW, we're having coffee one morning at a local diner. There was a couple with a teenage Son in the booth ahead of us. There were TVs above us on the wall - and they were running a story about troops in Afghanistan.

I didn't hear the conversation in its entirety, but I overhead the Father ask the Son (apparently he was refusing to go to school) if he'd consider the military as an alternative. The boy looked his Father dead in the eye and said "fuck the army and fuck this country".

You could have heard a pin drop in the place. His Mom and Dad simply said "well, if that's how you feel".

Welcome to the next generation of "Americans".
My suggestion to all you conservatives out there is that you vote for your conservative candidate who is promising to END all these 'handouts' to the poor and low income Americans.

Which one would that be? Hmmmmm.....

Except nobody is advocating this. Grow up.

What about the multitude of RW'ers who claim federal poverty programs, SNAP, Medicaid, et al, are unconstitutional?

Are you saying they're lying, or are you saying they don't have a problem with supporting programs that are unconstitutional?
A social safety net is good if you use proper implementation. But the grabastic corrupt fuckers that will be running the thing will do no better than they did starting up Obamacare. An abortion if there ever was one.

I remember while working at the Embassy in Moscow, back in the 80s, where the rich, socialite Russian big shots, in their Armani custom tailored suits and their wives wearing the finest fashions from Paris, were laughing it up with Americans, Germans, French, etc at cocktail parties, while their "constituents" we're outside, 2 blocks away, waiting for, if they were lucky, a half a loaf of bread. Yeah, good times.
We should give everyone a minimum income in place of the poverty programs.

Or better yet, people should actually work and earn their income.

Now there's an uncanny idea.

Unfortunately, we have, and are, raising a generation of young bloods who will never know what it's like to graduate High School, go to work at Ford, GE, or whatever, and have a stable, full-time with benefits (including retirement) that provides a lifetime career that a man or woman can raise a family on, own a home, a couple of cars and (who knows) maybe a boat or motorcycle. Be able to put THEIR kids through College and settle in to retirement, 30-40 years down the line.

That part of America, unfortunately, is all but dead.
Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same.

There is no reason in America for anyone to be poor. There are jobs if one if willing to travel and find them.

There is no bread lines in America, because bread lines are only at places where there is shortage of bread. Or any food. Or all food.

Those who never were hungry and never stood in real bread lines have no right preach about bread lines. Especially useless career politicians like Communist Bernie, who never produced a single thing in his life. Not even a bill that became law. This punk is using the relatively honest label, Democrat - which he high jacked - to run on behalf of the party he never had the honesty to be part of.
We feed the needy in this country with socialist programs such as SNAP and the school lunch program.

See, that's the problem. You don't feed the needy. You don't do a damn thing for them. You just pretend you do because some bureaucrat approved monetary hand outs.

How about you feed hungry people from your own pocket or with your own time?

Stop outsourcing your responsibility to help to some politician who doesn't give a crap about people

Indeed. In America, since LBJ declared that we would "wipe out" poverty with the "Great Society" in the 60s, we have spent hundreds of billions (probably trillions) on social welfare programs and we have as many "poor" now, as we had then.

Generation after generation grows up on "hand outs"'and nothing changes.

Not true.

America's Real Poverty Rate Is Around And About Zero
My suggestion to all you conservatives out there is that you vote for your conservative candidate who is promising to END all these 'handouts' to the poor and low income Americans.

Which one would that be? Hmmmmm.....

Except nobody is advocating this. Grow up.

What about the multitude of RW'ers who claim federal poverty programs, SNAP, Medicaid, et al, are unconstitutional?

Are you saying they're lying, or are you saying they don't have a problem with supporting programs that are unconstitutional?
A social safety net is good if you use proper implementation. But the grabastic corrupt fuckers that will be running the thing will do no better than they did starting up Obamacare. An abortion if there ever was one.

I remember while working at the Embassy in Moscow, back in the 80s, where the rich, socialite Russian big shots, in their Armani custom tailored suits and their wives wearing the finest fashions from Paris, were laughing it up with Americans, Germans, French, etc at cocktail parties, while their "constituents" we're outside, 2 blocks away, waiting for, if they were lucky, a half a loaf of bread. Yeah, good times.

I remember in communist Hungary, when I was a teenager, standing in bread line. Half a kilo was all one person could get.
I stood in line for sugar, flour, cooking oil, salt, all in limited amounts.

Then, on May 1st we all had to march celebrating communism. On April 4th, (date the last Nazi was driven out), Liberation Day, celebrating the Glorious Red Army.

Bernie makes one an anti Semite.
We should give everyone a minimum income in place of the poverty programs.

Or better yet, people should actually work and earn their income.

Now there's an uncanny idea.

Unfortunately, we have, and are, raising a generation of young bloods who will never know what it's like to graduate High School, go to work at Ford, GE, or whatever, and have a stable, full-time with benefits (including retirement) that provides a lifetime career that a man or woman can raise a family on, own a home, a couple of cars and (who knows) maybe a boat or motorcycle. Be able to put THEIR kids through College and settle in to retirement, 30-40 years down the line.

That part of America, unfortunately, is all but dead.

Then quit trying to blame everything on liberals.

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