Sanders Praised Communist Bread Lines

Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
It's a good thing that people had to wait in line for food.

His words.......

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Maybe someone should ask Bernie Sanders if he still thinks this, or if he now disavows those comments.

his comment was reasonable for time and place-------NOW his stance approach is
that of a dement

It has never been reasonable to praise communism. It has failed over and over and over and over with millions dead. Oh, but they meant well. Bernie is just another johnny come lately pol pot loonbat that heaps praise on a system that has killed millions. He should be hiding in shame.

I think he was referring to socialism-----not particularly totatlitarian communism----
in any case ---TODAY he is an idiot-------back then-----he was naive

All socialism I by definition totalitarian. You can't have it without government running your life

That would be true if all government were in totalitarian form. It's not.
We should give everyone a minimum income in place of the poverty programs.

Or better yet, people should actually work and earn their income.

Now there's an uncanny idea.

Unfortunately, we have, and are, raising a generation of young bloods who will never know what it's like to graduate High School, go to work at Ford, GE, or whatever, and have a stable, full-time with benefits (including retirement) that provides a lifetime career that a man or woman can raise a family on, own a home, a couple of cars and (who knows) maybe a boat or motorcycle. Be able to put THEIR kids through College and settle in to retirement, 30-40 years down the line.

That part of America, unfortunately, is all but dead.

Then quit trying to blame everything on liberals.

Funny, I don't recall blaming ANYONE in that post. Always looking for an argument, aren't you....
We should give everyone a minimum income in place of the poverty programs.

Or better yet, people should actually work and earn their income.

Now there's an uncanny idea.

Unfortunately, we have, and are, raising a generation of young bloods who will never know what it's like to graduate High School, go to work at Ford, GE, or whatever, and have a stable, full-time with benefits (including retirement) that provides a lifetime career that a man or woman can raise a family on, own a home, a couple of cars and (who knows) maybe a boat or motorcycle. Be able to put THEIR kids through College and settle in to retirement, 30-40 years down the line.

That part of America, unfortunately, is all but dead.

Then quit trying to blame everything on liberals.

Funny, I don't recall blaming ANYONE in that post. Always looking for an argument, aren't you....

So you've never blamed liberals for anything since you've been here? I'll take that bet.
My suggestion to all you conservatives out there is that you vote for your conservative candidate who is promising to END all these 'handouts' to the poor and low income Americans.

Which one would that be? Hmmmmm.....

Except nobody is advocating this. Grow up.

What about the multitude of RW'ers who claim federal poverty programs, SNAP, Medicaid, et al, are unconstitutional?

Are you saying they're lying, or are you saying they don't have a problem with supporting programs that are unconstitutional?
A social safety net is good if you use proper implementation. But the grabastic corrupt fuckers that will be running the thing will do no better than they did starting up Obamacare. An abortion if there ever was one.

I remember while working at the Embassy in Moscow, back in the 80s, where the rich, socialite Russian big shots, in their Armani custom tailored suits and their wives wearing the finest fashions from Paris, were laughing it up with Americans, Germans, French, etc at cocktail parties, while their "constituents" we're outside, 2 blocks away, waiting for, if they were lucky, a half a loaf of bread. Yeah, good times.

I remember in communist Hungary, when I was a teenager, standing in bread line. Half a kilo was all one person could get.
I stood in line for sugar, flour, cooking oil, salt, all in limited amounts.
I'm not sure Bernie was alluding to those kinds of lines. The Sandinistas had basically soup kitchen type handouts. The Somosas had foreign bank accounts. The US had no problem with the Sandinistas until they shipped arms to el Salvador in that civil war. We can say we were treating with the devil with the contras, but the Sandinistas did the same. Not that two evils cancel out, but sometimes things have unintended consequences. Reagan believed the Sandinistas would become like Castro .. but it didn't turn out that way.
My suggestion to all you conservatives out there is that you vote for your conservative candidate who is promising to END all these 'handouts' to the poor and low income Americans.

Which one would that be? Hmmmmm.....

Except nobody is advocating this. Grow up.

What about the multitude of RW'ers who claim federal poverty programs, SNAP, Medicaid, et al, are unconstitutional?

Are you saying they're lying, or are you saying they don't have a problem with supporting programs that are unconstitutional?
A social safety net is good if you use proper implementation. But the grabastic corrupt fuckers that will be running the thing will do no better than they did starting up Obamacare. An abortion if there ever was one.

I remember while working at the Embassy in Moscow, back in the 80s, where the rich, socialite Russian big shots, in their Armani custom tailored suits and their wives wearing the finest fashions from Paris, were laughing it up with Americans, Germans, French, etc at cocktail parties, while their "constituents" we're outside, 2 blocks away, waiting for, if they were lucky, a half a loaf of bread. Yeah, good times.

I remember in communist Hungary, when I was a teenager, standing in bread line. Half a kilo was all one person could get.
I stood in line for sugar, flour, cooking oil, salt, all in limited amounts.

Then, on May 1st we all had to march celebrating communism. On April 4th, (date the last Nazi was driven out), Liberation Day, celebrating the Glorious Red Army.

Bernie makes one an anti Semite.

Believe me, I KNOW what you folks went through. I was there, and I saw things that made Viet Nam look like a picnic.

That's why it always amazes me that idiots in this country could ever embrace that way of living. Just goes to show you how inept the American public school system is.....
We should give everyone a minimum income in place of the poverty programs.

Or better yet, people should actually work and earn their income.

Now there's an uncanny idea.

Unfortunately, we have, and are, raising a generation of young bloods who will never know what it's like to graduate High School, go to work at Ford, GE, or whatever, and have a stable, full-time with benefits (including retirement) that provides a lifetime career that a man or woman can raise a family on, own a home, a couple of cars and (who knows) maybe a boat or motorcycle. Be able to put THEIR kids through College and settle in to retirement, 30-40 years down the line.

That part of America, unfortunately, is all but dead.

Then quit trying to blame everything on liberals.

Funny, I don't recall blaming ANYONE in that post. Always looking for an argument, aren't you....

So you've never blamed liberals for anything since you've been here? I'll take that bet.

Jesus Christ Sonny, is this all you have to do? I'll say this one more time for you - try to follow along - NOWHERE IN THAT POST DID I BLAME ANYONE.

Now, since it is in caps, can you comprehend that, can you, Sonny?
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
Sanders knows exactly what he's doing. he is doing no differently that Donald Trump. Sanders has found a message that resonates with a certain sector of the population. Sanders is taking it one step further by pandering to that faction.
Sanders MUST realize his proposals do not stand a snowball's chance in a forest fire of being implemented. Unfortunately, there are people in this country that are silly enough to believe that Sanders ideas are practicable. Unreal.
Americans lining up for soup kitchen:

Except nobody is advocating this. Grow up.

What about the multitude of RW'ers who claim federal poverty programs, SNAP, Medicaid, et al, are unconstitutional?

Are you saying they're lying, or are you saying they don't have a problem with supporting programs that are unconstitutional?
A social safety net is good if you use proper implementation. But the grabastic corrupt fuckers that will be running the thing will do no better than they did starting up Obamacare. An abortion if there ever was one.

I remember while working at the Embassy in Moscow, back in the 80s, where the rich, socialite Russian big shots, in their Armani custom tailored suits and their wives wearing the finest fashions from Paris, were laughing it up with Americans, Germans, French, etc at cocktail parties, while their "constituents" we're outside, 2 blocks away, waiting for, if they were lucky, a half a loaf of bread. Yeah, good times.

I remember in communist Hungary, when I was a teenager, standing in bread line. Half a kilo was all one person could get.
I stood in line for sugar, flour, cooking oil, salt, all in limited amounts.
I'm not sure Bernie was alluding to those kinds of lines. The Sandinistas had basically soup kitchen type handouts. The Somosas had foreign bank accounts. The US had no problem with the Sandinistas until they shipped arms to el Salvador in that civil war. We can say we were treating with the devil with the contras, but the Sandinistas did the same. Not that two evils cancel out, but sometimes things have unintended consequences. Reagan believed the Sandinistas would become like Castro .. but it didn't turn out that way.

Here's sort of, the bottom line on all this "bread line" crap. Anytime, ANYTIME, there is a "need" for bread lines, while politicians are eating steak and lobster 5 days a week - there has been a failure on the part of someone. Hell, read "The Grapes of Wrath".

Sanders, while expressing his support of bread lines, tells me that (at least in his mind) he is willing to accept the "little guy" (that's you and me) suffering. That's not the ear mark of a leader. That's the earmark of a tyrant.
Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same.
Very creative.
Its amazing. Every time one of these lib/progressives makes a gaffe, you people immediately play the "out of context" card.
He said what he said...That's that. Own it.
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
Sanders knows exactly what he's doing. he is doing no differently that Donald Trump. Sanders has found a message that resonates with a certain sector of the population. Sanders is taking it one step further by pandering to that faction.
Sanders MUST realize his proposals do not stand a snowball's chance in a forest fire of being implemented. Unfortunately, there are people in this country that are silly enough to believe that Sanders ideas are practicable. Unreal.

Indeed. His proposals are ridiculous and unworkable. But remember who the majority of supporters are. A generation of kids that have been raised to "expect" something, ANYTHING, for free.

Sanders (when he's coherent) plays on those 'expectations", knowing damn well it ain't never gonna happen. However, like ALL politicians, whatever it takes to get elected....
Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same.
Very creative.
Its amazing. Every time one of these lib/progressives makes a gaffe, you people immediately play the "out of context" card.
He said what he said...That's that. Own it.

Trump said his first abortion position was taken out of context.
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
Sanders knows exactly what he's doing. he is doing no differently that Donald Trump. Sanders has found a message that resonates with a certain sector of the population. Sanders is taking it one step further by pandering to that faction.
Sanders MUST realize his proposals do not stand a snowball's chance in a forest fire of being implemented. Unfortunately, there are people in this country that are silly enough to believe that Sanders ideas are practicable. Unreal.

Indeed. His proposals are ridiculous and unworkable. But remember who the majority of supporters are. A generation of kids that have been raised to "expect" something, ANYTHING, for free.

Sanders (when he's coherent) plays on those 'expectations", knowing damn well it ain't never gonna happen. However, like ALL politicians, whatever it takes to get elected....

Sanders wants universal healthcare, which is workable, as many nations around the world have proven. He is against free trade deals, which is workable, all you have to do is not sign them. He wants free college, which would make us like Germany, among others, where it is workable.
What about the multitude of RW'ers who claim federal poverty programs, SNAP, Medicaid, et al, are unconstitutional?

Are you saying they're lying, or are you saying they don't have a problem with supporting programs that are unconstitutional?
A social safety net is good if you use proper implementation. But the grabastic corrupt fuckers that will be running the thing will do no better than they did starting up Obamacare. An abortion if there ever was one.

I remember while working at the Embassy in Moscow, back in the 80s, where the rich, socialite Russian big shots, in their Armani custom tailored suits and their wives wearing the finest fashions from Paris, were laughing it up with Americans, Germans, French, etc at cocktail parties, while their "constituents" we're outside, 2 blocks away, waiting for, if they were lucky, a half a loaf of bread. Yeah, good times.

I remember in communist Hungary, when I was a teenager, standing in bread line. Half a kilo was all one person could get.
I stood in line for sugar, flour, cooking oil, salt, all in limited amounts.
I'm not sure Bernie was alluding to those kinds of lines. The Sandinistas had basically soup kitchen type handouts. The Somosas had foreign bank accounts. The US had no problem with the Sandinistas until they shipped arms to el Salvador in that civil war. We can say we were treating with the devil with the contras, but the Sandinistas did the same. Not that two evils cancel out, but sometimes things have unintended consequences. Reagan believed the Sandinistas would become like Castro .. but it didn't turn out that way.

Here's sort of, the bottom line on all this "bread line" crap. Anytime, ANYTIME, there is a "need" for bread lines, while politicians are eating steak and lobster 5 days a week - there has been a failure on the part of someone. Hell, read "The Grapes of Wrath".

Sanders, while expressing his support of bread lines, tells me that (at least in his mind) he is willing to accept the "little guy" (that's you and me) suffering. That's not the ear mark of a leader. That's the earmark of a tyrant.

Randall, I worked at a soup kitchen for 20 years, and I only quit when a mentally ill person threatened me, after a man I knew was murdered there. And being a husband and parent, I try to calculate my risk. And I still contribute financially. There are breadlines everywhere.
So what Bernie said was, lining up for food was better than there being no food at all,

and this is what you people are ranting about thread after thread, post after post?

lol, classic.
Perhaps you folks should learn a bit about nuances and how some statements sound awful when taken out of context (like the thread's title.)

Sanders was making the point that in our country, we give out food stamps to avoid the "food/bread lines" but the inequality of a few rich versus the many, many poor is the same here as it may be in socialist countries. In other words, we manage the visual much better, but the inequality is virtually the same.
Very creative.
Its amazing. Every time one of these lib/progressives makes a gaffe, you people immediately play the "out of context" card.
He said what he said...That's that. Own it.

Is there an actual video of what Sanders said that is longer than 12 seconds? Because that's the one I'm getting.
Radical pothead whose brain is fried. Its amazing to watch someone praise cuba, nicaragua, food lines. Just another communist loving loonbat.
Sanders knows exactly what he's doing. he is doing no differently that Donald Trump. Sanders has found a message that resonates with a certain sector of the population. Sanders is taking it one step further by pandering to that faction.
Sanders MUST realize his proposals do not stand a snowball's chance in a forest fire of being implemented. Unfortunately, there are people in this country that are silly enough to believe that Sanders ideas are practicable. Unreal.

Indeed. His proposals are ridiculous and unworkable. But remember who the majority of supporters are. A generation of kids that have been raised to "expect" something, ANYTHING, for free.

Sanders (when he's coherent) plays on those 'expectations", knowing damn well it ain't never gonna happen. However, like ALL politicians, whatever it takes to get elected....

Sanders wants universal healthcare, which is workable, as many nations around the world have proven. He is against free trade deals, which is workable, all you have to do is not sign them. He wants free college, which would make us like Germany, among others, where it is workable.

How many of those nations that have "workable" healthcare have over 300 million people? And why in gods name would ANYONE in their right mind want to attend Medical School to make $75 grand a year? And why in the name of all that is holy, would big pharma continue to bring new drugs to the marketplace?

How do you propose to pay these fat-assed College professors their $100,000 year salaries? Just keep printing more phony money? I mean, surely you have to admit that these assholes figure that their snooty bullshit jobs mean M O N E Y....

And why, pray tell, do you believe that ANYONE needs "free college" when Americans have been paying for theirs since the first university opened what? In 1733?

Again, it all seems like a good idea - till you run out of other people's money. ;)

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