Sanders Will WIN Iowa DNC Race


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Yes the polls have him 4 points behind in a poll with a 3.9 margin of error. But Sanders is going to win and win by more then four points. Why you may ask?

Sanders has it and Hillary has NO idea what it looks like. THIS cycle people are taking their votes VERY personal and on a personal level people LOVE Sanders and see Hillary for the liar and thief she is.

Now I myself see Sanders as a crack pot but that is NOT even where the issue between Hillary and Bernie splits. RAW honesty BASE honesty. I would loan Bernie my 4x4 and most likely get it back with more gas then when he borrowed it.
IF I loaned my 4x4 to Hillary it would wind up on one of those "title loan" lots.

That IS what Iowa sees I think and they see it clearly. Look at her crowd sizes. SAD, she has to PAY people to fill a 400 seat room. Bernie is STANDING ROOM ONLY. Guess what you can do with your polls at that point? That is right you can wipe your ass with their value DESPITE what the "local" poll takers and FLUNKIES here are telling you.

Now you democrats have a party split coming. Cold be post Iowa/New Hampshire or South Carolina, but make NO mistake it IS coming. A GROWING number of Democrat voters ARE picking HONESTY over politics. Sanders polls AND crowds back that up.

There is NOT one shred of decent human being in Hillary Clinton and the folks of Iowa see that. IF the race were about politics you WOULD see the "predicted" "Bush VS Clinton" crap. But THIS time its ABOUT PEOPLE.
And the people have ALREADY said "Dynasty's are DEAD.

So bring on the blunt and the honest. The "parties" ain't been doing sh8t.
Yes the polls have him 4 points behind in a poll with a 3.9 margin of error. But Sanders is going to win and win by more then four points. Why you may ask?

Sanders has it and Hillary has NO idea what it looks like. THIS cycle people are taking their votes VERY personal and on a personal level people LOVE Sanders and see Hillary for the liar and thief she is.

Now I myself see Sanders as a crack pot but that is NOT even where the issue between Hillary and Bernie splits. RAW honesty BASE honesty. I would loan Bernie my 4x4 and most likely get it back with more gas then when he borrowed it.
IF I loaned my 4x4 to Hillary it would wind up on one of those "title loan" lots.

That IS what Iowa sees I think and they see it clearly. Look at her crowd sizes. SAD, she has to PAY people to fill a 400 seat room. Bernie is STANDING ROOM ONLY. Guess what you can do with your polls at that point? That is right you can wipe your ass with their value DESPITE what the "local" poll takers and FLUNKIES here are telling you.

Now you democrats have a party split coming. Cold be post Iowa/New Hampshire or South Carolina, but make NO mistake it IS coming. A GROWING number of Democrat voters ARE picking HONESTY over politics. Sanders polls AND crowds back that up.

There is NOT one shred of decent human being in Hillary Clinton and the folks of Iowa see that. IF the race were about politics you WOULD see the "predicted" "Bush VS Clinton" crap. But THIS time its ABOUT PEOPLE.
And the people have ALREADY said "Dynasty's are DEAD.

So bring on the blunt and the honest. The "parties" ain't been doing sh8t.

Hillary INC. are going to completely freak, we could be talking total meltdown.
Yes the polls have him 4 points behind in a poll with a 3.9 margin of error. But Sanders is going to win and win by more then four points. Why you may ask?

Sanders has it and Hillary has NO idea what it looks like. THIS cycle people are taking their votes VERY personal and on a personal level people LOVE Sanders and see Hillary for the liar and thief she is.

Now I myself see Sanders as a crack pot but that is NOT even where the issue between Hillary and Bernie splits. RAW honesty BASE honesty. I would loan Bernie my 4x4 and most likely get it back with more gas then when he borrowed it.
IF I loaned my 4x4 to Hillary it would wind up on one of those "title loan" lots.

That IS what Iowa sees I think and they see it clearly. Look at her crowd sizes. SAD, she has to PAY people to fill a 400 seat room. Bernie is STANDING ROOM ONLY. Guess what you can do with your polls at that point? That is right you can wipe your ass with their value DESPITE what the "local" poll takers and FLUNKIES here are telling you.

Now you democrats have a party split coming. Cold be post Iowa/New Hampshire or South Carolina, but make NO mistake it IS coming. A GROWING number of Democrat voters ARE picking HONESTY over politics. Sanders polls AND crowds back that up.

There is NOT one shred of decent human being in Hillary Clinton and the folks of Iowa see that. IF the race were about politics you WOULD see the "predicted" "Bush VS Clinton" crap. But THIS time its ABOUT PEOPLE.
And the people have ALREADY said "Dynasty's are DEAD.

So bring on the blunt and the honest. The "parties" ain't been doing sh8t.

Hillary INC. are going to completely freak, we could be talking total meltdown.
Democrats are in a real bind on this one. If Hillary rips loose her health COULD fail in public. Or she could get really confused thus another way to lose. She can't match Bernie for energy she spent hers running against Obama.

i can just see Bernie debating Trump, and at some point, a camera catches Bernie replacing a full upper denture

Bernie debating goodness this would be as good as Tyson Fury v Wladimir Klitschko....although in reality it'd be more like Tyson Fury v Juan Francisco Estrada LOL.

For those who don't know about Boxing - Tyson Fury is WBA (Super) and WBO Heavyweight Champion and Juan Francisco Estrada is WBA (Super) and WBO Flyweight Champion.

So Trump = Fury ie. Heavyweight and Sanders = Estrada ie. Flyweight.
I heard of one poll where 43% of Iowa Democrat caucus goers considered themselves socialists whereas 38% thought of themselves as capitalists.

I think Bernie has a real chance.

The woman who must be kicking herself is Elizabeth Warren. She'd be crushing Clinton if she were in the race.
i can just see Bernie debating Trump, and at some point, a camera catches Bernie replacing a full upper denture

Bernie debating goodness this would be as good as Tyson Fury v Wladimir Klitschko....although in reality it'd be more like Tyson Fury v Juan Francisco Estrada LOL.

For those who don't know about Boxing - Tyson Fury is WBA (Super) and WBO Heavyweight Champion and Juan Francisco Estrada is WBA (Super) and WBO Flyweight Champion.

So Trump = Fury ie. Heavyweight and Sanders = Estrada ie. Flyweight.
Ahem, Trump is weak on foreign affairs and the Jew is rather well practiced at it...

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