Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Oh gawd, hop off your high horse. The shaming people into silence routine is so old at this point. I feel a Goose Stepper preach-fest coming on..."YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!!" YOU HATE AMERICA!!!"

Jeez, anything to defend your beloved Big Brother, huh? But guess what, people are still gonna question. People aren't falling for the old tricks anymore. Deal with it.

You never fail to entertain.

Someone else is on their high horse and shaming people into silence....after you say they are nothing but a beaten down dog who listens to everything their Master (and you made it a capitalized word) tells them?


Your hypocrisy and silliness know no bounds. :lol:

The old shaming people into silence routine is done. Questioning the Government's story does not = "YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!" "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" That shite is so stupid and tired. And yes, Ollie is a beaten-down ole obedient dog. The Military broke him a long time ago. He does live to please his Master. It is what it is.

More! More! :rofl:

'It is what it is' when you say it, but anyone else is trying to 'shame you into silence'. You are either a very subtle satirist or beautifully ignorant of your own ridiculousness. ;)

I would also like to point out that I've probably heard a lot more 'you hate America' from conspiracy theorists directed towards people who believe the government or media explanation. To be fair, that's generally when discussing 9/11, but since so many of the same people immediately latch onto whatever conspiracy theory gets floated around youtube, it's hard to differentiate sometimes. Does 'missing backpacks' ring any bells? :eusa_whistle:

You're doing a fabulous job pauli! :clap2:
You don't really think too deeply, eh? ...

Well, again in my own defense, it's enormously challenging to plumb the depths of a plastic kiddie pool.

Pauline aka pete or repeat a lot - - - - -

throws mud first.

He calls people who are a bit more (sane) in their approach Nazi lovers, goose-steppers, etc.

At that point, it's ad hominem to disguise his insecurity and weakness of position.

And it deserves equal to or greater ridicule. [...]

...but whose insecurities and weaknesses are masked by your ad hominem? :dunno:
not at all pretentious are we?
You never fail to entertain.

Someone else is on their high horse and shaming people into silence....after you say they are nothing but a beaten down dog who listens to everything their Master (and you made it a capitalized word) tells them?


Your hypocrisy and silliness know no bounds. :lol:

The old shaming people into silence routine is done. Questioning the Government's story does not = "YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!" "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" That shite is so stupid and tired. And yes, Ollie is a beaten-down ole obedient dog. The Military broke him a long time ago. He does live to please his Master. It is what it is.

More! More! :rofl:

'It is what it is' when you say it, but anyone else is trying to 'shame you into silence'. You are either a very subtle satirist or beautifully ignorant of your own ridiculousness. ;)

I would also like to point out that I've probably heard a lot more 'you hate America' from conspiracy theorists directed towards people who believe the government or media explanation. To be fair, that's generally when discussing 9/11, but since so many of the same people immediately latch onto whatever conspiracy theory gets floated around youtube, it's hard to differentiate sometimes. Does 'missing backpacks' ring any bells? :eusa_whistle:

You're doing a fabulous job pauli! :clap2:

I often think CTs like Paulie - those with an IQ greater than their age - are here to make the CT Movement look silly but in any event they are good for a laugh. :lol:
even if you do say so yourself!

Isn't that what my "kiddie pool" comment implied?

It's not my fault that others may have interpreted it as a dig at the apparent shallowness of someone else's thought processes.

Come to think of it, I guess it could have been meant both ways. :eusa_think: :D

Tell you what, why don't you go on believing whatever the hell you want to believe about me, and I'll continue to not give a flying fuck about it. :)
'Self-deprecating' would be much closer to the truth.
even if you do say so yourself!

Isn't that what my "kiddie pool" comment implied?

It's not my fault that others may have interpreted it as a dig at the apparent shallowness of someone else's thought processes.

Come to think of it, I guess it could have been meant both ways. :eusa_think: :D

Tell you what, why don't you go on believing whatever the hell you want to believe about me, and I'll continue to not give a flying fuck about it. :)[/QUOTE]actually you do give a flying fuck about it...if you didn't then why answer?
actually you do give a flying fuck about it...if you didn't then why answer?

If I really gave a fuck about the "irony" alluded to by SAYIT, I wouldn't be using methods to mitigate my *woefully deficient vision on a public message board.

*Did I mean that literally or figuratively?

Either way, go fuck yourself.
What is really so screwed up in Pauline mind is that we cannot prove anything to her.

Reason is the Official investigations is the only proof there is and she refuses to accept anything official as fact....

So Pauline will wait for another internet idiot to make another worthless opinion based video and attempt to call it the truth...Without proof of course.....

And still somewhere locked away are hundreds of Photos of dead children, and statements of at least 2 adult survivors and probably statements from some child survivors. You know, kids that were not killed in the classrooms. You do know that there was at least one kid in the one room that wasn't hit and several in the other room.... Or hasn't the conspiracy controllers revealed that yet?

:lol: Yeah, like you Goose Stepping wingnuts would believe anything other than Government and Idiot Box Bullshite. You have no more proof than anyone else has. Now off ya go, i hear your Master calling. Fetch little doggie.
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You never fail to entertain.

Someone else is on their high horse and shaming people into silence....after you say they are nothing but a beaten down dog who listens to everything their Master (and you made it a capitalized word) tells them?


Your hypocrisy and silliness know no bounds. :lol:

The old shaming people into silence routine is done. Questioning the Government's story does not = "YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!" "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" That shite is so stupid and tired. And yes, Ollie is a beaten-down ole obedient dog. The Military broke him a long time ago. He does live to please his Master. It is what it is.

More! More! :rofl:

'It is what it is' when you say it, but anyone else is trying to 'shame you into silence'. You are either a very subtle satirist or beautifully ignorant of your own ridiculousness. ;)

I would also like to point out that I've probably heard a lot more 'you hate America' from conspiracy theorists directed towards people who believe the government or media explanation. To be fair, that's generally when discussing 9/11, but since so many of the same people immediately latch onto whatever conspiracy theory gets floated around youtube, it's hard to differentiate sometimes. Does 'missing backpacks' ring any bells? :eusa_whistle:

You're doing a fabulous job pauli! :clap2:

Oh whatever dipshit. You guys are very well known for your stupid "YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!", YOU HATE CHILDREN!!", "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" nonsense. Good thing less & less people are buying that shite these days. The skepticism and questions will continue. You Bootlickers are just gonna have to deal with it.
The old shaming people into silence routine is done. Questioning the Government's story does not = "YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!" "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" That shite is so stupid and tired. And yes, Ollie is a beaten-down ole obedient dog. The Military broke him a long time ago. He does live to please his Master. It is what it is.

More! More! :rofl:

'It is what it is' when you say it, but anyone else is trying to 'shame you into silence'. You are either a very subtle satirist or beautifully ignorant of your own ridiculousness. ;)

I would also like to point out that I've probably heard a lot more 'you hate America' from conspiracy theorists directed towards people who believe the government or media explanation. To be fair, that's generally when discussing 9/11, but since so many of the same people immediately latch onto whatever conspiracy theory gets floated around youtube, it's hard to differentiate sometimes. Does 'missing backpacks' ring any bells? :eusa_whistle:

You're doing a fabulous job pauli! :clap2:

Oh whatever dipshit. You guys are very well known for your stupid "YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!", YOU HATE CHILDREN!!", "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" nonsense. Good thing less & less people are buying that shite these days. The skepticism and questions will continue. You Bootlickers are just gonna have to deal with it.

'You guys', 'you Bootlickers' (why the capitalization?)....are these examples of your open mindedness, of you not accepting what you are told, etc.? :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to find an example of me saying 'YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!', 'YOU HATE CHILDREN!!', or 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' that isn't clearly a joke.

Questions and skepticism require not latching onto a belief, which is what 'you guys' tend to do. But of course, you don't see it in conspiracy theorists, only people who believe official explanations. And of course you never consider the possibility that those who believe do so after considering the evidence.

Why don't you post another pic of guys in backpacks and then lie about them not having those same backpacks after the explosion, then tell us how that is an outgrowth of your questioning, speculative nature rather than your blind allegiance to any theory which blames the government or the media or some super-secret organization for all the world's ills?

More! More! :rofl:

'It is what it is' when you say it, but anyone else is trying to 'shame you into silence'. You are either a very subtle satirist or beautifully ignorant of your own ridiculousness. ;)

I would also like to point out that I've probably heard a lot more 'you hate America' from conspiracy theorists directed towards people who believe the government or media explanation. To be fair, that's generally when discussing 9/11, but since so many of the same people immediately latch onto whatever conspiracy theory gets floated around youtube, it's hard to differentiate sometimes. Does 'missing backpacks' ring any bells? :eusa_whistle:

You're doing a fabulous job pauli! :clap2:

Oh whatever dipshit. You guys are very well known for your stupid "YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!", YOU HATE CHILDREN!!", "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" nonsense. Good thing less & less people are buying that shite these days. The skepticism and questions will continue. You Bootlickers are just gonna have to deal with it.

'You guys', 'you Bootlickers' (why the capitalization?)....are these examples of your open mindedness, of you not accepting what you are told, etc.? :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to find an example of me saying 'YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!', 'YOU HATE CHILDREN!!', or 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' that isn't clearly a joke.

Questions and skepticism require not latching onto a belief, which is what 'you guys' tend to do. But of course, you don't see it in conspiracy theorists, only people who believe official explanations. And of course you never consider the possibility that those who believe do so after considering the evidence.

Why don't you post another pic of guys in backpacks and then lie about them not having those same backpacks after the explosion, then tell us how that is an outgrowth of your questioning, speculative nature rather than your blind allegiance to any theory which blames the government or the media or some super-secret organization for all the world's ills?


Yes we know, you dipshits have no questions at all about suspicious unknown men wearing large backpacks at an event where bombs in backpacks were used to kill several Americans. Or the fact the FBI clearly knew the suspects and had contact with them. We know, nothing to see here folks, just move along. Gee, go figure? But it doesn't matter anyway. Because Like i said earlier, it's highly unlikely you Goose Stepping wingnuts would believe anything other than what Government and the Idiot Box told you. You rant about proof, yet you produce none yourself. All you'll ever have is "But But, i saw it on the Idiot Box. It just has to be true."

And the forum is called 'Conspiracy Theories.' It's where people come to question the Government's narratives on events, and discuss various theories. It's all theory. No one can say definitively what really happened with events like this. So there's nothing wrong with discussing all possibilities. If you can't handle such discussions, don't come to a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Just accept everything Government and the Idiot Box tells you, and go about your life content and oblivious. It's not necessary to come to the Forum just to insult anyone who questions the Government's stories on things. Why waste so much time doing that? Just happily Goose Step along and leave the rest of us alone.
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Pauline aka pete or repeat a lot - - - - -

throws mud first.

He calls people who are a bit more (sane) in their approach Nazi lovers, goose-steppers, etc.

At that point, it's ad hominem to disguise his insecurity and weakness of position.
:lol: Yeah, like you Goose Stepping wingnuts
Boy you sure had to reach to call that one didn't you GT? :)

These people can't discuss anything that possibly conflicts with the Government's narratives. They lose it and immediately start in with predictable robotic insult responses. A little of the "You have a Tinfoil hat!" "You must live in your Mom's basement." And of course the usual "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" It's all pretty stale. Then when you defend yourself, they claim it's you who started the hating & insulting. It's an old tired tactic. dawgshit and Ollie have been doing it for years here. They're just haters. You can't let em bother you.
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Oh whatever dipshit. You guys are very well known for your stupid "YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!", YOU HATE CHILDREN!!", "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" nonsense. Good thing less & less people are buying that shite these days. The skepticism and questions will continue. You Bootlickers are just gonna have to deal with it.

'You guys', 'you Bootlickers' (why the capitalization?)....are these examples of your open mindedness, of you not accepting what you are told, etc.? :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to find an example of me saying 'YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!', 'YOU HATE CHILDREN!!', or 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' that isn't clearly a joke.

Questions and skepticism require not latching onto a belief, which is what 'you guys' tend to do. But of course, you don't see it in conspiracy theorists, only people who believe official explanations. And of course you never consider the possibility that those who believe do so after considering the evidence.

Why don't you post another pic of guys in backpacks and then lie about them not having those same backpacks after the explosion, then tell us how that is an outgrowth of your questioning, speculative nature rather than your blind allegiance to any theory which blames the government or the media or some super-secret organization for all the world's ills?


Yes we know, you dipshits have no questions at all about suspicious unknown men wearing large backpacks at an event where bombs in backpacks were used to kill several Americans. Or the fact the FBI clearly knew the suspects and had contact with them. We know, nothing to see here folks, just move along. Gee, go figure? But it doesn't matter anyway. Because Like i said earlier, it's highly unlikely you Goose Stepping wingnuts would believe anything other than what Government and the Idiot Box told you. You rant about proof, yet you produce none yourself. All you'll ever have is "But But, i saw it on the Idiot Box. It just has to be true."

And the forum is called 'Conspiracy Theories.' It's where people come to question the Government's narratives on events, and discuss various theories. It's all theory. No one can say definitively what really happened with events like this. So there's nothing wrong with discussing all possibilities. If you can't handle such discussions, don't come to a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Just accept everything Government and the Idiot Box tells you, and go about your life content and oblivious. It's not necessary to come to the Forum just to insult anyone who questions the Government's stories on things. Why waste so much time doing that? Just happily Goose Step along and leave the rest of us alone.

If I listened to you, pauli, I'd have questions about things that never happened, because you are a liar. It's hilarious that you would continue to harp about the men in backpacks after having your lie about the men in backpacks exposed.

I'm not sure why I should distrust everything I see on television but then listen to a word YOU have to say. :lol:
Oh whatever dipshit. You guys are very well known for your stupid "YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!", YOU HATE CHILDREN!!", "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" nonsense. Good thing less & less people are buying that shite these days. The skepticism and questions will continue. You Bootlickers are just gonna have to deal with it.

'You guys', 'you Bootlickers' (why the capitalization?)....are these examples of your open mindedness, of you not accepting what you are told, etc.? :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to find an example of me saying 'YOU HATE THE FAMILIES!!', 'YOU HATE CHILDREN!!', or 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' that isn't clearly a joke.

Questions and skepticism require not latching onto a belief, which is what 'you guys' tend to do. But of course, you don't see it in conspiracy theorists, only people who believe official explanations. And of course you never consider the possibility that those who believe do so after considering the evidence.

Why don't you post another pic of guys in backpacks and then lie about them not having those same backpacks after the explosion, then tell us how that is an outgrowth of your questioning, speculative nature rather than your blind allegiance to any theory which blames the government or the media or some super-secret organization for all the world's ills?


Yes we know, you dipshits have no questions at all about suspicious unknown men wearing large backpacks at an event where bombs in backpacks were used to kill several Americans. Or the fact the FBI clearly knew the suspects and had contact with them. We know, nothing to see here folks, just move along. Gee, go figure? But it doesn't matter anyway. Because Like i said earlier, it's highly unlikely you Goose Stepping wingnuts would believe anything other than what Government and the Idiot Box told you. You rant about proof, yet you produce none yourself. All you'll ever have is "But But, i saw it on the Idiot Box. It just has to be true."

And the forum is called 'Conspiracy Theories.' It's where people come to question the Government's narratives on events, and discuss various theories. It's all theory. No one can say definitively what really happened with events like this. So there's nothing wrong with discussing all possibilities. If you can't handle such discussions, don't come to a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Just accept everything Government and the Idiot Box tells you, and go about your life content and oblivious. It's not necessary to come to the Forum just to insult anyone who questions the Government's stories on things. Why waste so much time doing that? Just happily Goose Step along and leave the rest of us alone.
blah..blah..blah...whimper ...blah.....blah..... idiot box ......goose stepper.....blah...whine....blah.
If I listened to you, pauli, I'd have questions about things that never happened, because you are a liar. It's hilarious that you would continue to harp about the men in backpacks after having your lie about the men in backpacks exposed.
Great point, I can't believe he can sit there with a straight face lecturing about trusting sources when he was caught exposed to everyone in this forum with a big fat lie.

It seems he's somehow trying to tune that out, and doesn't realize how sad it makes his speeches about who to trust look.

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