Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

and there again is part of the problem....why can't you find any real evidence about what happened that day? Because the internet is so full of bullshit from the conspiracy assholes.... Look up sandy hook and there are pages and pages of conspiracy bs and it starts right after the few news stories about remembrance services.....
Like a video of a woman who searches for a name but not in newtown.
Or the second site that claimed there was no rifle found in the building.

What can i say when you have nothing but dis-information to present as evidence.

nah, dis-information is what your beloved big brother engages in. It's what he's all about. No one does it more than him.
from now on paulie will be called rerun..

Yeah, cause your Gubmint would never engage in dis-information. God, you Goose Steppers are such dipshits.
you can talk shit all you want, it proves nothing other than the fact you have proved nothing.

and what have you hopeless goose steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the idiot box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.
an open mind is not the same as the gaping hole in your skull.

Still waiting for all your 'proof.' Your 'But But, the Gubmint and Idiot Box told me so' chit ain't gonna cut it. Just present your proof already.
nah, dis-information is what your beloved big brother engages in. It's what he's all about. No one does it more than him.
from now on paulie will be called rerun..

Yeah, cause your Gubmint would never engage in dis-information. God, you Goose Steppers are such dipshits.
thanks rerun! funny thing about that is if the government was doing dis information they would go after the easiest demographic first and that would be tin nut sacks like you. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS HAVE A LONG AND STORIED HISTORY OF BELIEVING ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT NO QUESTIONS ASKED !
from now on paulie will be called rerun..

Yeah, cause your Gubmint would never engage in dis-information. God, you Goose Steppers are such dipshits.
thanks rerun! funny thing about that is if the government was doing dis information they would go after the easiest demographic first and that would be tin nut sacks like you. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS HAVE A LONG AND STORIED HISTORY OF BELIEVING ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT NO QUESTIONS ASKED !

Wow, is that all the material your handlers got for you today? Man, more Taxpayer Cash flushed down the toilet. You Government Internet Trolls are pretty lame. :)

Since we, the people, hold sway over the 'reaction' factor in the formula (Problem, Reaction, Solution), we should try to influence public reaction from within ways that shed new light on the perceived 'problem' at hand, so that the 'solution' becomes entirely counterproductive to whatever agenda the psyop in question was likely intended to serve.

When, as a general rule, wide-scale public reaction to these national tragedies prioritizes careful independent analysis of all of the information and evidence relevant to the official storylines ...over knee-jerk support for whatever measures our 'leaders' tell us should be taken immediately, we'll know the fruit of our efforts have fully ripened.

The public backlash over the prospect of open warfare in Syria following those horrific chemical weapons attacks (yes, plural) ...was certainly an encouraging sign.
and what have you hopeless goose steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the idiot box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.
an open mind is not the same as the gaping hole in your skull.

Still waiting for all your 'proof.' Your 'But But, the Gubmint and Idiot Box told me so' chit ain't gonna cut it. Just present your proof already.
ah.. rerun, you and your butt buddies are the plaintiffs, it's on you to prove "the official story wrong... you've already admitted to having no proof and been caught lying.
your credibility is nonexistent..
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Yeah, cause your Gubmint would never engage in dis-information. God, you Goose Steppers are such dipshits.
thanks rerun! funny thing about that is if the government was doing dis information they would go after the easiest demographic first and that would be tin nut sacks like you. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS HAVE A LONG AND STORIED HISTORY OF BELIEVING ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT NO QUESTIONS ASKED !

Wow, is that all the material your handlers got for you today? Man, more Taxpayer Cash flushed down the toilet. You Government Internet Trolls are pretty lame. :)
fine impression of handjob now do Fred Flintstone..... yaba daba douche bag!
an open mind is not the same as the gaping hole in your skull.

Still waiting for all your 'proof.' Your 'But But, the Gubmint and Idiot Box told me so' chit ain't gonna cut it. Just present your proof already.
ah.. rerun, you and your butt buddies are the plaintiffs, it's on you to prove "the official story wrong... you've already admitted to having no proof and been caught lying.
you credibility is nonexistent..

I don't have 'proof' or the answers. I freely admit that. It's you Goose Steppers who claim to have all the 'proof' and answers. But so far, all you've presented is Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box shite. So i'll just assume you have no proof. Case Closed.
thanks rerun! funny thing about that is if the government was doing dis information they would go after the easiest demographic first and that would be tin nut sacks like you. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS HAVE A LONG AND STORIED HISTORY OF BELIEVING ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT NO QUESTIONS ASKED !

Wow, is that all the material your handlers got for you today? Man, more Taxpayer Cash flushed down the toilet. You Government Internet Trolls are pretty lame. :)
fine impression of handjob now do Fred Flintstone..... yaba daba douche bag!

Well you do stalk and lurk in this Forum quite a bit. You always show up on cue. And that does seem a little suspicious. But I actually do hope you are a paid Government Internet Troll. Because the alternative may be even more disturbing. Coming here every single day to shill for Government while not getting paid for it, seems pretty insane. But hey, whatever floats your boat i guess.
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Still waiting for all your 'proof.' Your 'But But, the Gubmint and Idiot Box told me so' chit ain't gonna cut it. Just present your proof already.
ah.. rerun, you and your butt buddies are the plaintiffs, it's on you to prove "the official story wrong... you've already admitted to having no proof and been caught lying.
you credibility is nonexistent..

I don't have 'proof' or the answers. I freely admit that. It's you Goose Steppers who claim to have all the 'proof' and answers. But so far, all you've presented is Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box shite. So i'll just assume you have no proof. Case Closed.
the proof has been presented and you refuse to acknowledge it. so your assumption is false.
ah.. rerun, you and your butt buddies are the plaintiffs, it's on you to prove "the official story wrong... you've already admitted to having no proof and been caught lying.
you credibility is nonexistent..

I don't have 'proof' or the answers. I freely admit that. It's you Goose Steppers who claim to have all the 'proof' and answers. But so far, all you've presented is Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box shite. So i'll just assume you have no proof. Case Closed.
the proof has been presented and you refuse to acknowledge it. so your assumption is false.

You especially, have not presented a shred of 'proof.' All you do is regurgitate Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box blather. So where's all your proof? I'll wait.
Wow, is that all the material your handlers got for you today? Man, more Taxpayer Cash flushed down the toilet. You Government Internet Trolls are pretty lame. :)
fine impression of handjob now do Fred Flintstone..... yaba daba douche bag!

Well you do stalk and lurk in this Forum quite a bit. You always show up on cue. And that does seem a little suspicious. But I actually do hope you are a paid Government Internet Troll. Because the alternative may be even more disturbing. Coming here every single day to shill for Government while not getting paid for it, seems pretty insane. But hey, whatever floats your boat i guess.
another rerun from rerun...
I don't have 'proof' or the answers. I freely admit that. It's you Goose Steppers who claim to have all the 'proof' and answers. But so far, all you've presented is Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box shite. So i'll just assume you have no proof. Case Closed.
the proof has been presented and you refuse to acknowledge it. so your assumption is false.

You especially, have not presented a shred of 'proof.' All you do is regurgitate Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box blather. So where's all your proof? I'll wait.
asked and answered.
the proof has been presented and you refuse to acknowledge it. so your assumption is false.

You especially, have not presented a shred of 'proof.' All you do is regurgitate Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box blather. So where's all your proof? I'll wait.
asked and answered.

You and nobody else on this Board has any real proof or answers. Some of you just believe everything your Government and Idiot Box tells you. But that's not proof of anything. That's just blind trust and faith. Some of us choose to question some of the Government's narratives on events. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, everyone should be doing it.
You especially, have not presented a shred of 'proof.' All you do is regurgitate Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box blather. So where's all your proof? I'll wait.
asked and answered.

You and nobody else on this Board has any real proof or answers. Some of you just believe everything your Government and Idiot Box tells you. But that's not proof of anything. That's just blind trust and faith. Some of us choose to question some of the Government's narratives on events. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, everyone should be doing it.
blaha...blah ...blah ....

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