Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

You can talk shit all you want, it proves nothing other than the fact you have proved nothing.

You are exactly right asshole!!!:up: Gee......what a genius.

Never said I did prove anything.......and that's the whole problem with all of this stuff on Sandy Hook. A media that is up everybody's ass always asked no questions.......they accepted the official story, took their bat and ball and went home. No questions.

Some people simply cannot accept the fact that False Flag attacks do occur. There have been many.

For example......... Phantoms in the Gulf of Tonkin | Joe Crubaugh

Ollie will never accept that. He's just too far gone. The Military beat all the curiosity and critical thinking out of him. Now he lives to please his Government Master. Just a beaten-down ole obedient dog at this point. But he's certainly not alone. Most Americans think that way. If the Government and Idiot Box say it, that's good enough for them. And that's that.
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You can talk shit all you want, it proves nothing other than the fact you have proved nothing.

And what have you hopeless Goose Steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the Idiot Box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.


Oh, sometimes the hypocrisy is too much. :lol:
You can talk shit all you want, it proves nothing other than the fact you have proved nothing.

And what have you hopeless Goose Steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the Idiot Box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.


Oh, sometimes the hypocrisy is too much. :lol:

Well, i'll continue to await all that 'proof' you hopeless Goose Steppers have. I'm waiting for anything besides what Government told you and what you saw on the Idiot Box. I'm a patient person.
As badly as it pains me to say this, in terms of arriving at a respectable consensus on the Sandy Hook tragedy (even among those predisposed to be skeptical of the official narrative), I have very little faith in the avenues available to the general public.

In my opinion, the best we could do, as a movement, would be to identify as many potential motives as possible, and raise our voices in direct opposition to all apparent efforts to serve those motives. We should do our damnedest within the law to see to it that this possible 'psyop' doesn't have its intended effects. Only then would its planners think twice before pulling off another one in the future.

Outstanding post my friend......and you are 100% correct.

It is a matter of exposing people to the truth one at a time. Most, like the zombies on this thread, are just beyond gone, thus, you don't waste your time. Interestingly, it appears as if it is the younger generation that is becoming more and more skeptical of the "official" media accounts, and Sandy Hook was definitely part of that.

[ame=]The Next Terrorist Attack - What The Mainstream Media Isn't Telling You - YouTube[/ame]
As badly as it pains me to say this, in terms of arriving at a respectable consensus on the Sandy Hook tragedy (even among those predisposed to be skeptical of the official narrative), I have very little faith in the avenues available to the general public.

In my opinion, the best we could do, as a movement, would be to identify as many potential motives as possible, and raise our voices in direct opposition to all apparent efforts to serve those motives. We should do our damnedest within the law to see to it that this possible 'psyop' doesn't have its intended effects. Only then would its planners think twice before pulling off another one in the future.

Outstanding post my friend......and you are 100% correct.

It is a matter of exposing people to the truth one at a time. Most, like the zombies on this thread, are just beyond gone, thus, you don't waste your time. Interestingly, it appears as if it is the younger generation that is becoming more and more skeptical of the "official" media accounts, and Sandy Hook was definitely part of that.

[ame=]The Next Terrorist Attack - What The Mainstream Media Isn't Telling You - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, i'll never understand how even the people who acknowledge their Government lies to them on a daily basis, still believe everything that same Government tells them. I think it may be a 'Stockholm Syndrome' situation. They sympathize with their abusive captors. It's bizarre. I'll never get it.
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And what have you hopeless Goose Steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the Idiot Box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.


Oh, sometimes the hypocrisy is too much. :lol:

Well, i'll continue to await all that 'proof' you hopeless Goose Steppers have. I'm waiting for anything besides what Government told you and what you saw on the Idiot Box. I'm a patient person.

You're so patient you believe every conspiracy youtube video that's presented to you.

But everyone else is a goose-stepper with no critical thinking skills who believes everything they see.

Yeah, i'll never understand how even the people who acknowledge their Government lies to them on a daily basis, still believe everything that same Government tells them. I think it may be a 'Stockholm Syndrome' situation. They sympathize with their abusive captors. It's bizarre. I'll never get it.

Yeah, I'll never understand how even the people who acknowledge pauli lies to them continue to believe him.


Oh, sometimes the hypocrisy is too much. :lol:

Well, i'll continue to await all that 'proof' you hopeless Goose Steppers have. I'm waiting for anything besides what Government told you and what you saw on the Idiot Box. I'm a patient person.

You're so patient you believe every conspiracy youtube video that's presented to you.

But everyone else is a goose-stepper with no critical thinking skills who believes everything they see.


I never said that. I fully admit i don't have 'proof' or answers. However, i did say i'll continue to await all that 'proof' you hopeless Goose Steppers claim to have. So far, you've only offered Government Talking-Points and Idiot Box shite. But i'm a patient person. I can wait a bit longer.
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Yeah, i'll never understand how even the people who acknowledge their Government lies to them on a daily basis, still believe everything that same Government tells them. I think it may be a 'Stockholm Syndrome' situation. They sympathize with their abusive captors. It's bizarre. I'll never get it.

Yeah, I'll never understand how even the people who acknowledge pauli lies to them continue to believe him.


Aw, another poor Stockholm Syndrome victim. 'The Gubmint goood, they would never lie to me.' :)
You can talk shit all you want, it proves nothing other than the fact you have proved nothing.

You are exactly right asshole!!!:up: Gee......what a genius.

Never said I did prove anything.......and that's the whole problem with all of this stuff on Sandy Hook. A media that is up everybody's ass always asked no questions.......they accepted the official story, took their bat and ball and went home. No questions.

Some people simply cannot accept the fact that False Flag attacks do occur. There have been many.

For example......... Phantoms in the Gulf of Tonkin | Joe Crubaugh

Ollie will never accept that. He's just too far gone. The Military beat all the curiosity and critical thinking out of him. Now he lives to please his Government Master. Just a beaten-down ole obedient dog at this point. But he's certainly not alone. Most Americans think that way. If the Government and Idiot Box say it, that's good enough for them. And that's that.

Actually dumb ass i know what happened in the gulf of Tonkin, probably much better than you do.... Some truth some half truth some flat out lies and some mistakes....But that's a different story....
And what have you hopeless Goose Steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the Idiot Box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.


Oh, sometimes the hypocrisy is too much. :lol:

Well, i'll continue to await all that 'proof' you hopeless Goose Steppers have. I'm waiting for anything besides what Government told you and what you saw on the Idiot Box. I'm a patient person.

Does that mean you'll stop posting lies while you wait?

Oh, sometimes the hypocrisy is too much. :lol:

Well, i'll continue to await all that 'proof' you hopeless Goose Steppers have. I'm waiting for anything besides what Government told you and what you saw on the Idiot Box. I'm a patient person.

Does that mean you'll stop posting lies while you wait?

Hey, you Goose Steppers claim to have so much 'proof.' So when are you dunces planning on presenting it? I hope you have a little more than "But But, the Gubmint and Idiot Box told me so" shite. I'm a fair person. I can wait.
You are exactly right asshole!!!:up: Gee......what a genius.

Never said I did prove anything.......and that's the whole problem with all of this stuff on Sandy Hook. A media that is up everybody's ass always asked no questions.......they accepted the official story, took their bat and ball and went home. No questions.

Some people simply cannot accept the fact that False Flag attacks do occur. There have been many.

For example......... Phantoms in the Gulf of Tonkin | Joe Crubaugh

Ollie will never accept that. He's just too far gone. The Military beat all the curiosity and critical thinking out of him. Now he lives to please his Government Master. Just a beaten-down ole obedient dog at this point. But he's certainly not alone. Most Americans think that way. If the Government and Idiot Box say it, that's good enough for them. And that's that.

Actually dumb ass i know what happened in the gulf of Tonkin, probably much better than you do.... Some truth some half truth some flat out lies and some mistakes....But that's a different story....

Oh stop it. Just stop. You're a beaten-down ole obedient dog. Nothing more, nothing less. The Military beat the independent spirit out of you a long time ago. You've tried so hard your whole life to please your Master, you don't know what's right or wrong anymore. You only know pleasing Master. So hurry off and fetch, little doggie. Master is calling. See ya.
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But this isn't about Tonkin.... Is it.... That is a whole other subject. And even that isn;'t exactly a false flag, but a royal screw up...

Your video makes me sick, I've watched parts of it before but just the first part where Lanza was too weak to carry an Ar15 and 2 pistols is enough to make one laugh..And how much of a shot do you have to be to fire into a group of kids huddled in a corner? It takes about a second to hit a button and eject a magazine and slap in a new one, faster if you've got them taped. I don't know if they were or not.

At any rate your video is again nothing more than uninformed opinion.

Here is the real aftermath of Sandyhook, or at least a small part of it.

Ravens Angel: Josephine Gay - YouTube

Just wondered why no one wanted to comment about this little girl and her family.

Maybe someone would like to go explain to the Ravens that they are backing a hoax?
But this isn't about Tonkin.... Is it.... That is a whole other subject. And even that isn;'t exactly a false flag, but a royal screw up...

Your video makes me sick, I've watched parts of it before but just the first part where Lanza was too weak to carry an Ar15 and 2 pistols is enough to make one laugh..And how much of a shot do you have to be to fire into a group of kids huddled in a corner? It takes about a second to hit a button and eject a magazine and slap in a new one, faster if you've got them taped. I don't know if they were or not.

At any rate your video is again nothing more than uninformed opinion.

Here is the real aftermath of Sandyhook, or at least a small part of it.

Ravens Angel: Josephine Gay - YouTube

Just wondered why no one wanted to comment about this little girl and her family.

Maybe someone would like to go explain to the Ravens that they are backing a hoax?

Oh gawd, hop off your high horse. The shaming people into silence routine is so old at this point. I feel a Goose Stepper preach-fest coming on..."YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!!" YOU HATE AMERICA!!!"

Jeez, anything to defend your beloved Big Brother, huh? But guess what, people are still gonna question. People aren't falling for the old tricks anymore. Deal with it.
But this isn't about Tonkin.... Is it.... That is a whole other subject. And even that isn;'t exactly a false flag, but a royal screw up...

Your video makes me sick, I've watched parts of it before but just the first part where Lanza was too weak to carry an Ar15 and 2 pistols is enough to make one laugh..And how much of a shot do you have to be to fire into a group of kids huddled in a corner? It takes about a second to hit a button and eject a magazine and slap in a new one, faster if you've got them taped. I don't know if they were or not.

At any rate your video is again nothing more than uninformed opinion.

Here is the real aftermath of Sandyhook, or at least a small part of it.

Ravens Angel: Josephine Gay - YouTube

Just wondered why no one wanted to comment about this little girl and her family.

Maybe someone would like to go explain to the Ravens that they are backing a hoax?

Oh gawd, hop off your high horse. The shaming people into silence routine is so old at this point. I feel a Goose Stepper preach-fest coming on..."YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!!" YOU HATE AMERICA!!!"

Jeez, anything to defend your beloved Big Brother, huh? But guess what, people are still gonna question. People aren't falling for the old tricks anymore. Deal with it.

You never fail to entertain.

Someone else is on their high horse and shaming people into silence....after you say they are nothing but a beaten down dog who listens to everything their Master (and you made it a capitalized word) tells them?


Your hypocrisy and silliness know no bounds. :lol:
like i said.....the hopelessly duped fall all over themselves trying to discredit people still seeking answers to many, many questions!!

And i guess there are a lot of k00ks in this country because one video alone has gotten over 8.5 million hits. That's just one video >>>

sandy hook conspiracy video viewed 8.5 million times on youtube | national post

what is exceedingly clear is that the handful of board members jumping out of their socks to perpetuate the established narrative believe everything that the government tells them. Everything. No elaboration necessary. These people watch nbc news at 7, take their bat and ball and go home every time. People don't want to wade into this........they are terrified at what they might find. I get it.

So for those who want to see what the epic levels of bizarre are associated with this event, check this out >>>

police officer exposes the unanswered questions of the sandy hook tragedy

these are also excellent vids/articles >>>

adam lanza...did he really exist - youtube

co-creating our new earth : Sandy hook shooting: Did it happen the way they are telling us ??

sandy hook gunman had hundreds of bullets left - story - world - 3 news

and there again is part of the problem....why can't you find any real evidence about what happened that day? Because the internet is so full of bullshit from the conspiracy assholes.... Look up sandy hook and there are pages and pages of conspiracy bs and it starts right after the few news stories about remembrance services.....
Like a video of a woman who searches for a name but not in newtown.
Or the second site that claimed there was no rifle found in the building.

What can i say when you have nothing but dis-information to present as evidence.

nah, dis-information is what your beloved big brother engages in. It's what he's all about. No one does it more than him.
from now on paulie will be called rerun..
Just wondered why no one wanted to comment about this little girl and her family.

Maybe someone would like to go explain to the Ravens that they are backing a hoax?

Oh gawd, hop off your high horse. The shaming people into silence routine is so old at this point. I feel a Goose Stepper preach-fest coming on..."YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!!" YOU HATE AMERICA!!!"

Jeez, anything to defend your beloved Big Brother, huh? But guess what, people are still gonna question. People aren't falling for the old tricks anymore. Deal with it.

You never fail to entertain.

Someone else is on their high horse and shaming people into silence....after you say they are nothing but a beaten down dog who listens to everything their Master (and you made it a capitalized word) tells them?


Your hypocrisy and silliness know no bounds. :lol:

The old shaming people into silence routine is done. Questioning the Government's story does not = "YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!" "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" That shite is so stupid and tired. And yes, Ollie is a beaten-down ole obedient dog. The Military broke him a long time ago. He does live to please his Master. It is what it is.
you can talk shit all you want, it proves nothing other than the fact you have proved nothing.

and what have you hopeless goose steppers proven? All you have is what you've seen on the idiot box. You haven't presented any proof either way. I'll wait for some though. Because unlike you, i have patience and an open mind.
an open mind is not the same as the gaping hole in your skull.

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